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Alter Weapon Proficiency System compatability


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First off, I'd like to say thanks for this great mod.


To my question: Does anyone know if Item Revisions is compatible with the BG2 Tweak Pack component: Alter Weapon Proficiency System. Specifically the "use BG1 style proficiencies" option?

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Ok, I just went ahead and tested it, there are some proficiencies missing (missile weapons) and there are some duplicates, example: large sword, katana and scimitar, when large sword should incorporate all three of these.

Good to hear your working on an update, many thanks.

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BG1 style proficiencies prevent correct item type identification. Most of it can be worked around, but there's no way to tell a short bow from a long one without checking it's proficiency. STR requirement is unreliable here.


In any case, the simple solution is to install (this component of) BG2Tweaks after IR's global patches.

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