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Won't work @ Samsung GNexus ICS


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Hi there. In the past week I've been trying to make GemRB work with first BG, now I tried with PST. Still none of it works. I've tried out loads of different stuff, and this is the most I've been able to make GemRB run. Before it couldn't even open the chitin.key and such, but now it stops at GUIscripts? What's missing?


I'm using a Samsung Google Nexus with Android Ice Cream Sandwich.


I/printf: (12006): [1m [37;40m
I/printf: (12006): GemRB Core Version v0.7.0-git Loading...
I/GemRB   (12006): Initializing the Event Manager...
I/GemRB   (12006): Initializing Lists Dictionary...
I/GemRB   (12006): Initializing Variables Dictionary...
I/GemRB   (12006): [OK]
I/GemRB   (12006): Trying to open
I/printf: (12006): [1m [37;40m
I/printf: (12006): GemRB.cfg
I/GemRB   (12006): [NOT FOUND]
I/GemRB   (12006): Trying to open
I/printf: (12006): [1m [37;40m
I/printf: (12006): /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/.GemRB/GemRB.cfg
I/GemRB   (12006): [OK]
I/GemRB   (12006): Starting Plugin Manager...
I/GemRB   (12006): Loading Plugins from plugins/
I/GemRB   (12006): Plugin Loading Complete...
I/GemRB   (12006): [OK]
I/GemRB   (12006): GemRB Core Initialization...
I/GemRB   (12006): [OK]
I/GemRB   (12006): Initializing Video Driver...
I/GemRB   (12006): [OK]
I/GemRB   (12006): Initializing Search Path...
I/GemRB   (12006): Invalid path given: override/pst (GemRB Override)
I/GemRB   (12006): Invalid path given: override/shared (shared GemRB Override)
I/GemRB   (12006): Invalid path given: /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/Torment/sounds (Sounds)
I/GemRB   (12006): Invalid path given: /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/Torment/scripts (Scripts)
I/GemRB   (12006): Invalid path given: /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/Torment/portraits (Portraits)
I/GemRB   (12006): Invalid path given: /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/Torment/data (Data)
I/GemRB   (12006): Invalid path given: /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/Torment/CD1/data (CD1/data)
I/GemRB   (12006): Invalid path given: /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/Torment/CD2/data (CD2/data)
I/GemRB   (12006): Invalid path given: /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/Torment/CD3/data (CD3/data)
I/GemRB   (12006): Invalid path given: /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/Torment/CD4/data (CD4/data)
I/GemRB   (12006): Invalid path given: /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/Torment/CD5/data (CD5/data)
I/GemRB   (12006): Invalid path given: /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/Torment/CD6/data (CD6/data)
I/GemRB   (12006): [OK]
I/GemRB   (12006): Initializing KEY Importer...
I/GemRB   (12006): Opening /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/Torment/chitin.key...
I/GemRB   (12006): [OK]
I/GemRB   (12006): Checking file type...
I/GemRB   (12006): [OK]
I/GemRB   (12006): Reading Resources...
I/GemRB   (12006): 
I/printf: (12006): BIF Files Count: 372 (Starting at 24 Bytes)
I/GemRB   (12006): RES Count: 12135 (Starting at 8759 Bytes)
D/dalvikvm(11952): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1485K, 29% free 18636K/26247K, paused 3ms+3ms
D/webviewglue(11952): nativeDestroy view: 0x398e18
D/webviewglue(11952): nativeDestroy view: 0x3990d8
I/GemRB   (12006): Resources Loaded...
I/GemRB   (12006): [OK]
I/GemRB   (12006): [OK]
I/GemRB   (12006): Initializing GUI Script Engine...
I/GemRB   (12006): Check if GUIScripts/GUIDefines.py exists!
I/GemRB   (12006): [ERROR]
I/printf: (12006): Press enter to continue...
I/printf: (12006): [0m
I/ActivityManager(  194): Process net.sourceforge.gemrb (pid 12006) has died.
I/WindowManager(  194): WIN DEATH: Window{41aa3620 net.sourceforge.gemrb/net.sourceforge.gemrb.MainActivity paused=false}
W/WindowManager(  194): Force-removing child win Window{41b5c3e8 SurfaceView paused=false} from container Window{41aa3620 net.sourceforge.gemrb/net.sourceforge.gemrb.MainActivity paused=false}
W/ActivityManager(  194): Force removing ActivityRecord{420cd9e8 net.sourceforge.gemrb/.MainActivity}: app died, no saved state

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What is in your config file?


For PST (with separate cdpaths) the following invalid paths are acceptable:


[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /dosd/PST/sounds (Sounds)

[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /dosd/PST/scripts (Scripts)

[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /dosd/PST/portraits (Portraits)

[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /dosd/PST/CD1/ (CD1/data)

[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /dosd/PST/CD5/ (CD5/data)

[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /dosd/PST/CD6/ (CD6/data)


I've never seen any game with invalid gemrb paths:

I/GemRB (12006): Invalid path given: override/pst (GemRB Override)

I/GemRB (12006): Invalid path given: override/shared (shared GemRB Override)


Those (and the invalid scripting path) cause your problem.

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Here's the log file, don't know what's it gonna help though.


#												   #
#  This is the GemRB Configuration file.			#
#  Here are defined some default parameters for	 #
#  basic configuration and paths definition.		#
#												   #
#  Parameters are defined as a Name=Value pair	  #
#  The Value can be of three types:				 #
#	  - String									 #
#	  - Integer									#
#	  - Boolean									#
#												   #
#  The String value is represented as follows	   #
#  i.e. H:\GemRB\plugins							#
#  Integers are defined as follows				  #
#  i.e. 12723									   #
#  Booleans are represented as 1 or 0 in this file  #
#												   #
#  Lines starting with # are ignored				#
#												   #
#												   #
#  Game Type [string] Use one of the following	  #
#  values:										  #
#												   #
#  auto	  Attempt to autodetect game type		#
#  bg1	   Baldur's Gate						  #
#  bg2	   Baldur's Gate 2 : SoA or ToB		   #
#  tob	   Baldur's Gate 2 : ToB (obsolete)	   #
#  iwd	   IceWind Dale (no How or ToTL installed)#
#  how	   IceWind Dale : HoW or ToTL			 #
#  iwd2	  IceWind Dale 2						 #
#  pst	   Planescape Torment					 #
#  (More will come)								 #
#												   #
#  Game Name [string] Title for GemRB window, use   #
#  anything you wish, e.g. Baldur's Gate 3: RotFL   #
GameName=Planescape Torment
#  Video Parameters								 #
#Screen width
#Screen height
#Bits per pixel [integer:16,32]
#Fullscreen [boolean]
# Delay before tooltips appear [milliseconds]
#  Audio Parameters								 #
#												   #
# All volume options are in percents, with 100	  #
# being the normal and default volume			   #
#												   #
# Choices: openal (default), sdlaudio (faster, but limited featureset), none
#AudioDriver = openal
# Volume of ambient sounds
#VolumeAmbients = 100
# Volume during movie playback
#VolumeMovie = 100
# Volume of background music
#VolumeMusic = 100
# Volume of sound effects
#VolumeSFX = 100
# Volume of PC or NPC voices
#VolumeVoices = 100
#  Case Sensitive Filesystem [boolean]			  #
#												   #
#  If your installed game files are residing on a   #
#  case sensitive filesystem (ext2 on Linux) then   #
#  you need to set this value to 1, it has no	   #
#  effect on Windows								#
#  GUI Parameters								   #
#												   #
# GemRB may enhance the GUI of the Infinity Engine  #
# games (so far only in bg2) creating functionally  #
# new buttons or scrollbars where they weren't	  #
# present in original games. It may improve its	 #
# usability, but is not quite compatible with	   #
# mods changing graphics and alignment in the *.chu #
# files (e.g. the buttons will appear in old		#
# coordinates and may stop being clickable).		#
# Enable all gui enhancements ? [boolean]
GUIEnhancements = 1
TouchScrollAreas = 1
#  Debug											#
# Do not play intro videos [boolean], useful for development
# Draw Frames per Second info [boolean]
# Hide unexplored parts of a map
# Enable debug and cheat keystrokes, see docs/en/CheatKeys.txt
#   full listing
#  Paths											#
#  Game Paths [string]							  #
#												   #
#  These are the paths where the Game you want to   #
#  play is installed.							   #
#  Enter the full path to the directory.			 #

#  GemRB Cache Path [string]						#
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB will store the	  #
#  cached files, enter the full path to the GemRB   #
#  Cache directory.								 #
#  GemRB Save Path [string]						 #
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB looks for saved	 #
#  games.										   #
#  Enter the full path to the directory containing  #
#  e.g. the 'save' subdirectory.					#
#												   #
#  You do not have to specify this if you use save  #
#  subdir in the GamePath directory.				#
###### HERE BE DRAGONS #############################
###### HERE BE DRAGONS #############################
###### HERE BE DRAGONS #############################
# You shouldn't need to change anything below this point.
#  GemRB Path [string]							  #
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB is stored, just	 #
#  enter the full path to the GemRB executable	  #
#  GemRB GUI Scripts Path [string]				  #
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB GUI scripts are	 #
#  stored, usually these are in the GemRB directory #
#  Enter the full path to the directory containing  #
#  the 'GUIScript' subdirectory.					#
#  GemRB Plugins Path [string]					  #
#												   #
#  This is the path containing GemRB plugins		#
#  - shared libraries (.so) on Unixes, or		   #
#  DLLs (.dll) on windows.						  #
#  Enter the full path to the directory.			#
#												   #
#  You may need to specify this path if running	 #
#  GemRB from source directory on Linux.			#
#  Game Data Path [string]						  #
#												   #
#  This is the subdirectory under GamePath where	#
#  game data files are stored.					  #
#												   #
#  You probably do NOT want to specify this!		#
#  Game Data Override Path [string]				 #
#												   #
#  This is the subdirectory under GamePath where	#
#  game data override files are stored.			 #
#												   #
#  You probably do NOT want to specify this!		#
#  GemRB Data Override Path [string]				#
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB looks for the GemRB #
#  data override directory.						 #
#												   #
#  You probably do NOT want to specify this!		#
#  END											  #


Seems like a lot of files are missing from the app-data folder now. I keep reinstalling it, still I don't see the override folder and such... They don't show when I browse through my PC, and when I use astro on the phone, it only shows a handful of files.

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GUIScripts and override folders can be downloaded from SDL menu. Or can be extracted from APK file (ZIP) and put into game folder manually. Also SF versions additionally have data files in separate archives.


Try this:

- Uninstall gemrb, rename or delete /sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb

- Install gemrb, on first run choose "more options", set "Data installation location" to "SD card storage", in "Downloads" menu uncheck "BG 2 Demo" and check "override" and "scripts". It would crash on continue - it's normal, you haven't got data files yet.

- Copy you all files from PST folder on windows box to /sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb


Also, I don't think you'll enjoy PST in its current incomplete state. BG1/2 and IWD1 are more playable.

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