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RPG Dungeon Update

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RPG Dungeon


I have been receiving several messages about RPG Dungeon lately and its status. As some of you may have noticed, the site has been offline for several months. I'd like to provide an update about what has been going on.


Back around August or September, the server that was hosting RPG Dungeon got hacked and was basically turned into a zombie machine for spamming purposes. It was taken offline at that point. However, I was able to retrieve all the data from the forums and CMS following the hack. I have ceased paying for the server so the old device is no longer online.


I purchased a new server to use for the RPG Dungeon site as well as my various other internet projects, but I have been too busy with work lately to get the data uploaded to the site and get it set up. I still own the domain name and I plan to get the site back up when I get the chance.


In the meantime, Graoumf has been gracious enough to set up a mirror for our mods at SHS. You can download all RPG Dungeon mods here until I get the site back up.


Link: http://www.shsforums.net/forum/234-miscellaneous-released-mods/



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