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SHS: Nephele NPC v2.4 with EET compatibility and bugfixes!

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Spellhold Studios

Nephele NPC

Adding a touch of humour and hopefully a hint of originality and interest, Nephele is a new NPC for BGII: SoA and ToB--a halfling cleric of Yondalla, mother of seven and a compulsive adventurer.

A woman of many stories, she has lived a long and sometimes dangerous life, been married, had children (and grandchildren), and dealt with her demons. Nephele has no earth-shaking quest, no troubling issues and requires no therapy. That's not to say that she won't pipe up with her opinion at every juncture, and do her best to make you into the best young man or woman you can be!

Version 2.4 comes with additional native EET compatibility and bugfixes.

- EET compatibility added
- Epilogues should show correctly
- Banter triggers changed to GLOBAL.
- tp2: SUPPORT tag added with link to forum at SHS
- HANDLE_CHARSETS added and inconv.exe
- corrected trigger for interjections: See("Nephele") added, interjection into Solar should not happen if Nephele cannot talk.
- Optimized triggers for dialogues (added CombatCounter(0) and !See([ENEMY]) to activation blocks etc.)
- added InParty() trigger for NPC who starts the banter (probably not necessary but better save than sorry)
- (all fixes from BWPFixpack integrated)
- wrong sound references removed from lk#neph.cre
- Fixed EE kit issues
- nephele.ini with mod info metadata added
- Update to WeiDU v246


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