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How to Move the UI from one game to another


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If I wanted to port the BG:EE User Interface (the blue stone one) over to BG2:EE as is - does anyone know how this might be done?

(Note: I know about Lefreut's UI mod - what I am proposing is moving the UI over as is while changing as little as possible.) :)

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The first thing would be to extract all the resources used by the BGEE UI and to put them in BG2EE. You will have to create some resources as for example the BG2 chapter screens does not exist with the BGEE skin (well I already make them for my UI mods).

Then you will need to update the BG2EE UI.menu to adjust the size or position of elements that differ between BGEE and BG2EE. Or maybe starts with the BGEE UI.menu and fix the specific BG2EE stuff (strrefs, start menu, HLA menu, ...). I don't know which one is the easiest.

It's not that hard to have something kind of working but it will be a lot of work to ensure that nothing is missing and that everything is working as expected.

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