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Beurin Legacy mod for bg2 ee. Can someone give me input how to install? (For Mac)

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Hi I have a Mac with steam bg2 ee. I need coaching on how to install this mod which folder to place where.

(These are the folders I see for bg 2 ee steam) I see the folder-data, lang, manuals, movies, music and scripts. Do I have to manually put each folder for each mod in one of those folders? And if so which of the folders go where? 

audio, backup, creatures, dialogue, English, epilogue, iconv, items, portraits, Russian, scripts, style. Those are the folders in beurin legacy mod. 

Thanks for any help you can give. 

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No, you don't just put the mod folders in with the game. The mod has an install script that modifies various game files and puts the modified files in the "override" folder, along with any new files.


Step 1: Put the whole mod folder in your game folder. Alongside all those folders you named, not in any of them.

Step 2. Mods that explicitly support Mac OS should have a file named "setup-xxxx.command". Pull this one out of that folder and run it. Follow any instructions, make any needed choices.



Also, the mod probably has a readme somewhere, which should mention installation...


I use an alternate step 2 myself, running the Mac Weidu Launcher tool. Unfortunately, I don't know where to find that at the moment, since the Beamdog forums are currently unavailable.

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I tried installing a bunch of mods and uninstalling so I don't have too much. But no luck. I used the weidu installer you told me about. Lets face it. None of these mods will install on a Mac. Macs are my favorite computer but you will never get any of these mods cause you need a pc to do that. Its a shame too....

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That's it. I was pretty sure it was still accessible somewhere; I just didn't know where to look.

With that, you put the launcher in your game folder and run it when you want to install a mod. Select from the list of mods you have available, and from there the process is the same as with any other method.

The launcher detects mods by their setup-xxxx.tp2 files. That should be in the mod's folder, of course.

For example, here's a pic of my current BG2EE folder. My primary, unmodded at the moment, installation. What is "test"? That's a temporary designation for the individual components of the mod I'm making. When I'm ready to test a component, I put its code in that .tp2, then run the MWL to install it.

Folder shot.jpg

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