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[BUG v34.3] BG:EE - Carsa malformed floater

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Posted (edited)

In Firewine:

1. Speak to Carsa, end the dialogue such that she's random walking around the gully without invoking Kazah's name

2. Force attack Carsa, kill her, get an invalid sttref floater: "carsa_say_strref_8"


Guessing the error is in /tactical_bg1/carsa.tpa, but I don't know weidu syntax well enough to know precisely where

	COPY_EXISTING "%tutu_var%carsa.dlg" override
		GET_OFFSET_ARRAY say_arr 0xc 4 0x8 4 0 0 0x10
		PHP_EACH say_arr AS say_ind=>say_off BEGIN
			READ_LONG say_off strref
			SET $carsa_say_strref("%say_ind%")=strref
			GET_STRREF strref string
			SPRINT $carsa_say("%say_ind%") "%string%"
		GET_OFFSET_ARRAY resp_arr 0x14 4 0x10 4 0 0 0x20
		PHP_EACH resp_arr AS resp_ind=>resp_off BEGIN
			READ_LONG (0x4+resp_off) strref
			SET $carsa_response_strref("%resp_ind%")=strref
			GET_STRREF strref string
			SPRINT $carsa_response("%resp_ind%") "%string%"


win10 x64

stratagems 34.3

weidu 249.0


Edited by agris

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