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Is there a way to dispel a spell when invisibility breaks?

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I am working on a spell that applies invisibility (EFF_1), adds some percentage bonuses to physical damage (EFF_2) and has a new spellstate (EFF_3) as an alternative to backstab. I want it to behave similarly to BS, so it should increase damage only for 1 action and only if the invisibility is present. I can dispel the spell right after my character performs a physical attack, but there are some other actions that can break Invisibility, like starting an offensive spell. Starting a spell is enough for that and there's always a chance to disrupt it or just start another action, so even patching all "hostile" spells to dispel my spell on cast is not enough. That's why I'd like to ask is there a way to dispel a whole spell right after invisibility (which is a part of this spell) is broken? Or will I need to check for invisibility each second?


Invisibility applies a state (see the IESDP). So you can set up a repeating effect with op326 that will check for the invisibility state every round (or whatever) and apply the desired effect(s) when the invisibility goes away. The effects it applies should include something to remove the repeating effect. 

Here is an example in use right not. My mod patches Sanctuary to apply a transparency effect so it looks more like invisibility, and applies a repeating effect to cancel the transparency if the person breaks the Sanctuary condition.

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