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[v35.1] Xzar Has 14hp at Level 1

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I believe so.  I recall hitting the level up button and choosing a sling proficiency for Xzar.  I noticed the 14hp after that.  I am not aware of a way not to finish leveling properly after hitting the level up button, but it is possible that I did something to mess up the applicable script.  

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That is possible.  Unfortunately, I did not keep that installation and so I can't reload to test it under those exact conditions.  I would suggest you put in a pin in this one for now instead of trying to reproduce it, unless others report similar issues.  

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Just FYI, I got around to trying another installation with version 35.4 and this happened again.  Xzar was at level one with 14hp and the level up button was greyed out.  I wasn't going to use Xzar for long and so I decided to just use NI to reduce his hp to 4.  However, when reloading my save Xzar was 4/14 hp.  

I took a look at Xzar's CRE in Near Infinity to see if I could figure out what was going wrong and discovered that the 'customize" innate ability was still active. I reloaded the save, activated the ability and just selected Necromancer for Xzar.  The customize ability went away and so did Xzar's 10 extra hp, which caused him to promptly die since I had reduced his hp to 4 as mentioned above. That gave me a chuckle as Xzar certainly deserved such a fate.  

I then reloaded a save prior to recruiting Xzar and then leveled him up.  The 14hp was still there as was the customization ability (I confirmed no more level ups were available).  I used the ability but if I selected no change, then the ability stayed available as did the extra 10hp.  So, I activated the ability again, selected Necromancer as a kit and the ability and extra 10hp disappeared.  

The process for Imoen and Montaron seemed to work fine as described in the readme.  I leveled them up from zero to 1 and the customize ability disappeared as it should and nothing seemed amiss with their stats.  I don't know why it isn't working properly for Xzar on my install, but for now at least just using the customize ability to select Necromancer seemed to fix it.  

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As a follow up, I made it to the Gnoll Fortress and encountered the same issue when recruiting Dynaheir.  So, whatever the issue is, it appears to be something relating to arcane casters.  Once again, the only way I could get the extra hit points and the customize ability to disappear was to select a class and kit for Dynaheir using the ability.  

I noticed a couple of other oddities.  When I recruited Minsc, the game gave him enough XP to level up to level 3, even though no one in my party was above level 2.  Also, Dynaheir had sleep assigned to her spellbook and she was able to memorize and cast it, which as an Invoker she should not be able to do.  

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