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[35.10][BG] Interaction between Summon Planetar, Globe of Blades and Time Stop

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Posted (edited)

I ran into a following combination: a mage time stopped and summoned a fallen planetar on top of Anomen. The planetar then casts a globe of blades while being time stopped, which caused Anomen to take damage from the globe for the entire duration of TS and explode when it ended. While the TS + globe interaction isn't new, it was rarely a problem because the save negated all damage, which is no longer the case. 

CDTweaks + Ascension + Rouge Rebalancing + SCS 35.10

Clip: https://clips.twitch.tv/SnappyTawdryTrayRuleFive-JdjV7N_mOaEC-rJB

Edited by Anterwaare

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