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Improved spiders skipped for BG2

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The improved spiders component is skipped in my BG2 installations:

//SKIPPING: [Improved Spiders]
//    Skipping this component as it only applies to BG1


Is this intentional or is the new requirement for this component in the tp2 file too restrictive?


// Spiders

REQUIRE_COMPONENT "setup-stratagems.tp2" 5900 @16025
REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS ~bgt tutu tutu_totsc bgee eet~ @16001

LAF run STR_VAR files=spider location=ai END


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On 2/27/2024 at 2:35 PM, DavidW said:

I odn’t recall, but I think it’s intentional. I’ll check.

There really aren't that many spiders in BG2, and by that point, they aren't nearly as dangerous as they were in BG1. IMO, makes sense not to add clutter to a BG2 installation with a component that's going to see very little use.

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Guest some dude

Actually there are plenty of spiders in BG2. Might be even more than in BG1.

I remember playing some earlier version of SCS where the spiders were improved and I liked it.

So it's not completely unneccessary and it has already been done before.

But of course, like said above: Even improved spiders are not that dangerous in BG2.

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