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Question about magic chant and gauntlets (spoilers)

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After destroying the gauntlets you can have the blacksmith make you an amulet. For me it was cursed and lowered ability scores. Is there a better outcome for the amulet and is it tied to the magic chant used to remove the gauntlets from the polymorphed Halfling? Is there an even worse outcome where Mrs Halfling stays a squirrel forever or explodes or something?

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I was (am?) convinced that the epic magic chant/rap battle was a matter of deciphering alphabetic patterns in the call & response, so if it had no effect on the status of the amulet at the end then my roleplay immersion is destroyed! ;)

But really if there is no logical outcome to the scenario, that makes my brain go haywire... 

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12 hours ago, Sanderson said:

I was (am?) convinced that the epic magic chant/rap battle was a matter of deciphering alphabetic patterns in the call & response, so if it had no effect on the status of the amulet at the end then my roleplay immersion is destroyed!

Your performance in the chant definitely has an effect... on the success of the process of removing the bracers from Iris Cotton. But it has not effect (that I am aware of) on what happens at the smithy.

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