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technical questions for inter-mod compatibility

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Posted (edited)

I really like the Netherese Bracers quest in this mod. However, I have further use for the bracers in a forthcoming mod, and so I would like to forestall the very end of this mod's quest. So my questions are:

1) Is that okay?

2) In order to do so, it looks like I would need to alter this part of Thalantyr's dialogue (spoilers for a reason, people, don't read if you have not played the mod):

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 120 // from:
  SAY #322958 /* ~And at last, we have the bracers! Let me make one final adjustment to them to ensure they can't be worn.~ */
  IF ~~ THEN GOTO 121

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 121 // from: 120.0
  SAY #322959 /* ~<CHARNAME>, with this powder, Taerom's forge should burn hot enough to destroy them at last.~ */
  IF ~~ THEN GOTO 122

I am still learning to mod dialogues. I suppose I could do something like ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER thalan 120 0 ~[some global variable]~ and then EXTEND_BOTTOM thalan 120 [new transition] (EDIT - maybe don't even need to change that trigger, the transitions are evaluated bottom-up, right? So I could simply add a new transition with no conditions.)

But the question is, how do I know this state will always be state 120? Depending on any other mods that modify Thalantyr's dialogue (there are several), things could be numbered differently. Is there a way to find this particular state while being agnostic about a particular player's mod loadout?

Edited by subtledoctor
Posted (edited)

It occurs to me, compatibility could also be handled on The Calling's side, by conditioning the last part of the quest on some arbitrary variable being zero. No difference if my mod in normal circumstances. But then my mod could simply introduce that variable and set it to 1, and everything would work.

Or is there some way I could manipulate the existing variables in The Calling? Have the area script detect CDBracerQuest = 20 and if so, set it to 50, or something? Maybe that change would take effect during the cut scene and before Thalantyr's dialogue kicks back in?

Edited by subtledoctor

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