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[v35.16] Issues with BGT German test install

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I don't know, how helpful this will be, but here it is:

-artifacts removed

-Strings from shared.tra are installed in English although German is selected (e.g. *quaffs elixir of health*)

friendly_fiends_core.tpa, line 137:

        LAF return_detectable_string STR_VAR type="DW_POWER_UPGRADE_M1" RET string_low=string END
missing "

carsa_add.baf, line 64:

missing strref?


Text "3 Phasen" / "3 turns" added to the end of the spell description




Edited by MikeX
Tested and updated with v35.16
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On 4/23/2024 at 8:28 PM, MikeX said:

-Strings from shared.tra are installed in English although German is selected (e.g. *quaffs elixir of health*)

I don't know how much help it is, but only for a test, I added this (tra=shared):

REQUIRE_PREDICATE MOD_IS_INSTALLED "setup-stratagems.tp2" 5900 || IS_AN_INT stratagems_component_5900_installed @16025

LAF run STR_VAR files=genai location=genai tra=shared END

As expected, it fails when the only line from genai.tra, @217, is called, but installs the lines from shared.tra according to the selected language.
Is there somewhere a with_tra block missing?



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I can't reproduce this. When I install the potion component of SCS (minimal install, just AI initialization, improved general AI, potions for NPCs) and pick German as my language, the strings all seem to be in German.

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Sorry, i might not be clear enough.

I've just installed AI initialization and improved general AI (component 6000).
I think, 6000 creates all the npc scripts and many of them have 'DisplayStringHead' lines and these lines referencing an English strings from shared.tra on my German install.

Example from d1melas.bcs.

        DisplayStringHead(Myself,133241)  // *quaffs potion of magic protection*
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You were perfectly clear; I just can't reproduce it. (You're right that the potion component isn't required, it's just the improved general AI.) On my install I have this line in dw1melas.bcs:

		DisplayStringHead(Myself,71888)  // Schluckt einen Magiewiderstandstrank

I guess it's possible it's something specific to BGT? (This is on a BGEE test run.) I'll have a look.

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On 4/23/2024 at 8:28 PM, MikeX said:


Text "3 Phasen" / "3 turns" added to the end of the spell description

web_and_the_large.tpa, line 17:


@22 -> @221

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Some component (Smarter Priests?) adds the unused string 'minimum_healing_level' to dialog.tlk.
Not an issue per se but maybe a hint that something is off elsewhere?

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The web_and_the_large issue is fixed. I can't quite work out what's going on with minimum_healing_level (and a couple of similar strings) but I *think* it's harmless.

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Thank you.

On 4/24/2024 at 2:28 AM, MikeX said:

carsa_add.baf, line 64:


Is there anything particular you had in mind for this, or is it just a missing string/strref?

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