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The Missing Mod Site


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As my avatar I currently have a very pretty portrait for BGII that I found on a website that contained mostly portraits a couple small mods. I lost the link to said website, however, when my original computer died a horrible, horrible death. ;) I also can't find the link on any other sites, and google's been less than helpful. If anyone recognises the picture, and knows the url, it'd be great if they could tell me! Thanks!

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Guest Guest

My portrait site links are available at my del.icio.us, the hyperlink uses the tags "BG2" and "Portraits". Your avatar looks like it may have come from Divine Treasures, which sadly now requires a username and password, but feel free to see if any of the other sites on my list have it.


BTW I'd encourage everyone to put their links up on del.icio.us and see if we can agree some tags. A community defined links list would be great and useful, if only to me ;)


As my avatar I currently have a very pretty portrait for BGII that I found on a website that contained mostly portraits a couple small mods. I lost the link to said website, however, when my original computer died a horrible, horrible death.  ;)  I also can't find the link on any other sites, and google's been less than helpful. If anyone recognises the picture, and knows the url, it'd be great if they could tell me! Thanks!

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Errr! I see what you mean, arn't I the fool ;) but surely you see the beauty and elegance of tag clouds and collective authorship vs. the hierarchical, prescriptive and owned nature of a database forms thingy.


NB set the options to cloud not list



BTW the guest posting was me, not sure what happened

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Errr! I see what you mean, arn't I the fool  ;)  but surely you see the beauty and elegance of tag clouds and collective authorship vs. the hierarchical, prescriptive and owned nature of a database forms thingy.


NB set the options to cloud not list



BTW the guest posting was me, not sure what happened


Added 29th March


Elduin, I found this page while looking for a mobile phone wallpaper, does this help you? The reference and name might be useful, I expect the image itself is too zoomed out.


It seems that your avatar/portraits are from a Korean game called Shaiya Light & Dark. A site called shaiya fantasy art blog is here..... I'd have though that one of these might be sufficient to act as sources for BG2 pictures. I found the blog using Google, I found the original by accident.

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