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Kit Creation - How to Add Standart Weap Prof?

Guest Thongar

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Guest Thongar

I think some1 can help me here ~~


How can I add to my kit weapon proficiency points that cannot be removed during the creation character screen? (like Ranger 2 weapon style, this class get 2 points. I'm not talking about weapprof.2da)


I got other question: how can I add weapon proficiency points to a sub kit (like Samurai for Fighters)? It seems that profs.2da will only add points to main kits (in this case, all the fighters received the bonus, but I wish only the samurai kit to gain this -.-)


Help me guys XD

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Most likely you cannot do this.

The kits are almost the same as their main class, except a few applied spells.

I don't know of any effect that would increase the available proficiency slots.

Nor there is any scripting action.

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