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eSeries slow down issue

Guest Minsc

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Nice to meet you all,

I had my computer formatted about 2 hours ago, all my drivers are up to date,

freshly installed BG2:TOB and the eSeries, the game stutters.


My computer specs are as given below:

cpu: P4 2.4c

ram: 768 DDR

vga: radeon 9700pro

m/b: asus p4p800

o/s: Windows XP Pro with Service Pack 2


I installed the game in following order:

1) BG2:SOA

2) BG2:TOB

3) TOB patch 26498


I tried installing/uninstalling gMinion, Detectable stats, and PnPCelestials, all latest version.


I have set my character, Imoen, Minsc, and Jaheira's scripts respectively, then I order them to move around. While they are walking, I try scrolling the screen with my mouse or my keyboard, then I would notice significant stuttering.

The stuttering disappears when they don't move around, or their AI's turned off (Using hotkey A).

I noticed that when I use the 'D' key to disable the AI, the stuttering remains.

I've read some posts below and there seems to be some people who run the script with no problem. If anyone reads this post and have no problem at all, please post your hardware and os?

I am using eFighter, ePriest, ePureF, eThief


thanx for reading

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Nice to meet you all,

I had my computer formatted about 2 hours ago, all my drivers are up to date,

freshly installed BG2:TOB and the eSeries, the game stutters.


My computer specs are as given below:

cpu: P4 2.4c

ram: 768 DDR

vga: radeon 9700pro

m/b: asus p4p800

o/s: Windows XP Pro with Service Pack 2


I installed the game in following order:

1) BG2:SOA

2) BG2:TOB

3) TOB patch 26498


I tried installing/uninstalling gMinion, Detectable stats, and PnPCelestials, all latest version.


I have set my character, Imoen, Minsc, and Jaheira's scripts respectively, then I order them to move around. While they are walking, I try scrolling the screen with my mouse or my keyboard, then I would notice significant stuttering.

The stuttering disappears when they don't move around, or their AI's turned off (Using hotkey A).

I noticed that when I use the 'D' key to disable the AI, the stuttering remains.

I've read some posts below and there seems to be some people who run the script with no problem. If anyone reads this post and have no problem at all, please post your hardware and os?

I am using eFighter, ePriest, ePureF, eThief


thanx for reading




I've never had any slowdowns with the eSeries, aside from major battles with lots of spell graphic fireworks, where you are going to have slowdows regardless of your system. I know people have reported slow down issues from time to time, but they all seem to work themselves out (some Mod or another was interfering). Although, I must admit your install is rather clean.


I'm running (currently...I've had much lower system specs in the past and had no problems).


OS:WinXP Pro SP2

RAM: 1GB CORSAIR Dual Channel DDR2 PC2-4300

MOBO: Intel "BOXD925XCVLK" 925X

CPU: Intel 3.4 GHz LGA 775 CPU

Video: Radeon X1950 Pro with 256 MB of video RAM


My only suggestion at this point is to try a clean install (yeah that sucks, sorry). And see if you still have the problem.



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