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Posts posted by Luke

  1. Like I said, I have Might & Guile installed (all components), as well as SCS, and everything seems to be working fine for me. There are zero warnings in my stratagems.debug file.


    EDIT - for reference, here are the SR and SCS versions I am using.


    I'm sorry, but I keep getting warnings, warnings and warnings (did I say warnings? WARNINGS!!!!!)


    Is there someone that is able to tell me what the hell is going wrong? I'd really like to use some components of MnG but at the same time I cannot invalidate SCS..... What the hell.....

  2. Oh, whoops, looks like I didn't make a release for the new version. Go to the project's main page (below) and click "clone or download" on the right side to get the newest version. If it works for you I'll make it a proper release.




    So, the launcher works (it uses WeiDU v24201) -> you can make it a proper release.


    BUT "Smarter general AI" installed with warnings as usual -> I am forced to blame Might and Guile for this (is it possible? Please, check your mod.....): I mean, I simply installed MnG followed by SCS -> lots of errors (i.e., lots of creatures are broken....). At this point I don't know what to do....


    Where is the author of this mod? Not a single word from him....


    Or maybe it's more basic, maybe Weidu's GAME_IS cannot recognize BGEE 2.4.


    I'm pretty sure this is fixed in v4.2401


    Are you saying it is possible to use Mac WeiDU Launcher v4.240a (what is v4.2401?) with WeiDU v242? If so, could you explain me how?

  4. Or maybe it's more basic, maybe Weidu's GAME_IS cannot recognize BGEE 2.4.


    Speaking of WeiDU, is there a way to use the latest version (v242) on MacOS Sierra? I mean, your Mac WeiDU Launcher v4.242 isn't working on Sierra (I get the message: "permission denied".....)

    Moreover, if I use WeiDU v242 with your launcher v4.240a (apparently the only version compatible with Sierra), I get again: "permission denied" -> Maybe the latest version of WeiDU can fix my problem with Smarter General AI... -> Fun fact: your mod Might and Guile is the one that is causing most of the errors [probably because the latest version v3.6.7 is compatible only with WeiDU 242 (as per your change log)]....

  5. Is the Faster Bears component not supposed to affect druids shapechanged into Black Bears? Just tried the Black Bear shape with Jaheira and she moved at a glacial speed.



    That component is supposed to tweak also the druid's bear form -> check the SCS ReadMe

  6. Interesting. Sounds like SCS thinks it is modding vanilla BG1, instead of BGEE. Maybe 2.4 is modding some file or structure that SCS uses to know which game it is modding. Or maybe it's more basic, maybe Weidu's GAME_IS cannot recognize BGEE 2.4.


    2.4 means you're modding the iOS version, yes? I have SCS installed on that but admittedly I did not check for any errors... SCS general AI took like 4 hours to install, so I let it run overnight and finished it out and closed it the next morning. It's possible I also have such errors, and just didn't notice. I'll check when I get the chance.

    Yes, I'm modding the iOS version, but I get the same error messages even on BG:EE v2.3 -> The issue seems to be related to the number of mods installed prior to SCS. I'm using your Mac WeiDU Launcher (v4.240a)...

    Did it take 4 hours to install "smarter general AI"? Seriously? For me that component usually takes 15 minutes... (MacBook Pro Mid 2012)


    Anyway, since you said this "Ah ha: I think he (Karlat, the dwarf assassin in Beregost) has specialization with shield-fighting, which means every time I hit him in melee, my attacker is subject to a shield bash in return", it probably means that everything is fine (the 2 pips in Sword & Shield Style are applied via the effect Modify Proficiencies (233)), but yes, you should check in any case...

  7. If the AI isn't applied to a dozen or two creatures, it may be perfectly playable. It's just a matter of whether the bugs you find are deal-breakers.


    I fear everything is messed up. I installed SCS on BG:EE v2.3 and the component "Smarter general AI" installed fine (simply because I put only this mod)


    Here (BG:EE v2.3) Greywolf has 3 pips in Two weapon fighting and 3 pips in long sword (I checked with NI).


    BG:EE v2.4 (here "Smarter general AI" installed with warnings) -> Greywolf is different: the two effects Modify proficiencies (233) are missing. He seems to have Large sword proficiency, Active class 3 and Bow proficiency (what??), Active class 4.


    This is just an example, other creatures differ from the regular SCS in a similar way..... Is there any modder that is able to explain me what the hell is happening? It'd be really appreciated.....


    Have a look at the following (I get several messages of this type...)

    Oh yeah those are not what I was thinking of. Those are bad warnings. Worth trying to troubleshoot, rather than just play.


    I sent you a PM at forums.beamdog.com containing my WeiDU.log and Stratagems.debug

  9. "Installed with warnings" will generally not cause problems, it's probably just an informational warning. So if that's it, don't worry.


    Are you sure?


    Have a look at the following (I get several messages of this type...)


  10. I have a copy of BGEE with all of those mods installed (on an iPad, to boot) and they all work together just fine, including SCS. (You didn't install the DR sphere system, right? Just kits?)


    So there's no inherent problem here. Are you using SR v4 beta 15? Are you using kreso's "Revised SCS?" Those are what I use, as I say they installed well and are working well.

    I didn't install the DR sphere system, just some kits.


    I'm using Spell Revision "v4 beta 15", SCS "v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility + kreso's Spell Revisions compatibility" and following your installation order -> as a result, some components of SCS install with WARNINGS.


    I found out that if I simply install IR, SR and RR, then SCS installs fine.

    Now I'll keep adding mods one at a time until I trigger the errors.... Seriously, I can't understand what's going wrong....


    EDIT: immediately after installing IT v4 beta 10, I deleted all the CE*INV.BAM and CE*INV.PLT files from the override folder (because they cause a visual bug in the Inventory Screen of half-elfs and elfs). Anyway, this should not affect SCS in any way, so it's definitely something else....



    ...the installer can then go into further to extend the scripts (one of the .cre's assigned scripts)it already has.

    What will happen to those creatures?


    Do you recommend uninstalling something?

    The first question was already answered before you asked it... the .bcs scripts the .cre has assigned in it's offsets 0x0248-0x0268.

    And the second is a definite no. As the text is technically part of normal debug.

    So, to sum up, those error messages are not a problem, aren't they? They don't break SCS enemies in any way, right? (i.e., they will get the appropriate kit/proficiencies/spells/hit points/etc... in any case, correct?)

  12. The cre likely has too many scripts assigned to them already, and the installer can then go into further to extend the scripts it already has.

    Too many scripts? This is the only AI enhancement I installed.... What will happen to those creatures? Do you recommend uninstalling something?

  13. I'm not sure this is a bug, but I'll post here in any case....


    BG:EE. So, I'm able to complete the installation (v30 + SR fix) but some components install with WARNINGS (smarter general AI, tougher chapter-X end battle,....). The error messages from the terminal stated something like: "....failed to apply general AI patch to creature x...." -> this means that some creatures will not receive kit/proficiencies and the like, right?


    Before SCS I installed: Unfinished business, Item Revision, Spell Revision, Divine Remix, Rogue Rebalancing, Tome & Blood, Faiths and Powers, Might and Guile, CDTweaks, Scales of Balance. I know that there may be some compatibility issues with Divine Remix, but I get the same error messages even without that mod....

    Do you know what's wrong?

  14. Your best bet would be to remove the files for the half-elf paperdolls from the override folder (CE*INV.BAM and CE*INV.PLT), which would revert them to the BGEE versions and hope that fixes them.


    The animations and paperdolls for particular items (e.g. shields) can be altered by loading the .itm and changing the value at 0x22 (item animation).


    Fixed, thanks!

  15. @Mike1072 The following spell descriptions have a bad character/are corrupted: Summon Planetar, Summon Dark Planetar, Monster Summoning V, Summon Djinni, Summon Efreeti, Monster Summoning III, Waves of Fatigue, Summon Death Knight (and possibly others....)


    I'm playing BG:EE and I don't have 1PPv4 installed. What is it?

    One Pixel Production mod... A graphical enhancing mod the IR used past resources from.... as does the EE versions of the games. This question is obviously Mike just asking on how he search a diagnose to the problem.

    So? How can I fix my problem? It seems that this 1PPv4 refers to non-EE games....

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