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Posts posted by Dallan

  1. This is an awesome idea, thanks for making it a reality! I particularly like the idea that the rest timer is advanced by fighting and dialogue so you'll be able to rest sooner if you have a busy day - that's an improvement over the previous mod I used to address this design flaw.

    That said, it's resulted in an issue adding the mod on my EET install - essentially I would get this error during the dialogue patching step:

    [./override/BDCORWIJ.DLG] loaded, 47612 bytes
    [BDCORWIJ.DLG.DLG] loaded
    [BDCORWIJ.DLG] created from [BDCORWIJ.DLG]
    WARNING: cannot verify trigger ~  AreaCheck("BD0114")
    GlobalLT("BD_DO ~: Failure("lexing: empty token")
    [BDCORWIJ.DLG] PARSE ERROR at line 415 column 1-33
    Near Text: (
    	syntax error
    [BDCORWIJ.DLG]  ERROR at line 415 column 1-33
    Near Text: (
    ERROR: parsing [BDCORWIJ.DLG]: Parsing.Parse_error
    ERROR: [BDCORWIJ.DLG] -> [override/BDCORWIJ.DLG] Patching Failed (COPY) (Parsing.Parse_error)
    Stopping installation because of error.

    I was able to get past it by commenting out this line in the TP2:


    which I guess means that only dialogue options that continue the dialogue (rather than end it) will increment the timer, which is a small loss IMO, but I figured you'd want to know about the issue in case anyone else ran across it or you had an idea how to fix it.

  2. I'm getting the following error trying to install the multiclass components:

    ERROR: Sys_error("FAITHS_AND_POWERS_MULTICLASS/lib/semi_spontaneous.tpa: No such file or directory")

    I think that some of the functions from FnP included in the separate TP2 for the multiclass components are trying to find their libraries in %MOD_FOLDER%, which is the separate multiclass folder when they're being included, and failing to find them?

  3. It's a new install (which is why I restarted) and had the most recent patches I see on your public Github (March 8 IIRC), but it's EET and there are a lot of mods (especially now that I've added so many of yours - lots of really cool ideas there) and I'm well aware of how much of a house of cards that can make things even with the best efforts on everyone's part. 

    Thanks for the clarification on what to expect! I don't recall seeing that ability but I'll look for it when I get to play next and maybe roll up some other nuBards and try it out with them. 

    edit: no worries @subtledoctor(or maybe different worries): the ability IS there and works as you describe, just that the icon was missing so I didn't see it. I wonder how that happened?


  4. I restarted an EET playthrough that had lain dormant for years just so I could try out the new bard changes on my Bladesinger PC, but one thing I'm not getting is how the new casting system works, and I'm not sure whether there's some sort of bug or I'm just missing something about what they gain access to as they level and how to make use of it.

    So I start out a Bladesinger at L1. The game asks me to pick 4 known and memorized spells, so I pick 4, memorize one of each, and then ingame I get the kit's automatic spells added to my set of known. But I only have access to actually cast one of them and can't seem to change which of the memorized spells that is, or even the spells I have memorized (even after using Initialize Bardic Abilities, which I still got a use of even though the version I'm using apparently made it unnecessary,) - I can remove, but seemingly not add to, the memorized list and I don't see how I get access to any spells that I learn off scrolls (ie, the scrolls that drop off Tarnesh). I assume part of this is down to the spell-per-day penalty that Bladesingers get, but in general I'm not seeing how to change or add to the spell selection that are spontaneously accessible. When I console myself XP and level up I gain uses  of that one spell but no access to more of my known spells, and when I start in BG2 with 400k xp I have access to most but not all of the spells picked in chargen, a few per level at between 5 and 1 casts per day(which makes sense, I suppose, given the spells per day penalty). I still can't see a way to change which of the spells I can cast spontaneously, since the memorization interface is a sorcerer's. (so it doesn't have slots to manipulate). 

    This might be down to the UI mod I'm using, or to having installed some of the sorcerer mods from Tome of Blood, so I'm mostly trying to figure out what is supposed to happen and how this is supposed to work,. and I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who knows in detail, or can point to a more detailed explanation of how to actually use this system than the readme offers). Thanks for your work and your help! 


  5. I was having trouble installing RE after Transitions as instructed - specifically the Duke Eltan's Spare Minute component - and getting the following error:

    [bg1re/eltan/c#eltan_transition_add.d] loaded, 6005 bytes
    [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bg1re/eltan/c#eltan_transition_add.d] LEXER ERROR at line 1 column 0-21
    Near Text: -
    	invalid character [-]
    ERROR: parsing [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bg1re/eltan/c#eltan_transition_add.d]: Parsing.Parse_error
    ERROR: compiling [bg1re/eltan/c#eltan_transition_add.d]!
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR Installing [Duke Eltan's Spare Minute, by jastey], rolling back to previous state

    I looked into the TP2 to try and fix it for myself (I was doing a large EET install that had taken the entire weekend to troubleshoot already so I wasn't inclined to give up) and found a couple of things that might be relevant to a fix:

    • The TP2 reads like this compatibility section is only required if Transitions components 60, 61, or 62 are installed - but Transitions no longer has components 61 or 62. I assume these were references to the three reward options from Duke Eltan, which are now components 70-72. I figured that I could move on in my install by just removing those options rather than spend more time diagnosing, especially since I don't have a ton of WeiDU coding experience, but while looking things over later I landed on a theory, to wit:
    • The code on that line in in that .d file is:
      EXTEND_BOTTOM BDELTAN %bdeltan_2054%
      which I guess adds dialogue onto a specific dialogue state, that's identified by a reference that is set using a STATE_WHICH_SAYS @2054 FROM BDELTAN call in the main TP2, to search for one of the lines Transitions adds (@2054) to branch off of it - but if I'm reading Transitions' TRA properly, @2054 is actually one of Belt's lines, not Eltan'sIS used by Eltan, but in a different dialogue file (DELTAN, not BDELTAN), so the STATE_WHICH_SAYS doesn't find that string in BDELTAN and returns a blank, so the parser fails when it tries to read it - basically a null pointer exception? A quick Google turned up a similar situation reading to a similar error message discussed here

    I hope this is helpful and I'm on the right track, I really appreciate the work you've done in this (and so much else!)

    edit: So Transitions Eltan does use those lines, but they're put in DELTAN.dlg, not BDELTAN.


  6. I found this thread googling the same problem, and then I think I figured out why it happens (but someone who knows WEIDU better should please feel free to correct me).

    Definitely agree that the component LOOKS like it's intended to and should be able to fix old EET saves (plus, K4thos said this in a post here), but as currently written it'll always skip and I think this is why:

    BEGIN @910003 //Also update saves (no backups, check the readme file)
    SUBCOMPONENT @910000 //EET end - last mod in install order
    REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~EET/EET.tp2~ ~0~ @910001 //This component requires EET core component to be installed first

    That last line suggests that the save update component will skip if the EET.flag file contains "TRA_EXPORTED" - but the main component always saves that text to the file in the "prepare files needed for save updating" block,  so if I'm reading this right it will never actually work?

    (I've tweaked that requirement and my current EET install is currently chugging its way towards this part, so I guess I'm about to find out if I'm right)

  7. Just a heads-up about an error I got when I installed this mod: the setup would error out while installing the crossmod content with UB's Suna Seni, and after a quick look it turned out to be because Unfinished Business had changed its directory structure, so the lines in that section of your TP2 now need to look like this (ie: "~ub/lang/%s" instead of "~ub/tra/%s"):

    OUTER_SET valygar_state_1 = STATE_WHICH_SAYS 170 IN ~ub/lang/%s/ubdialog.tra~ FROM ~VALYGARJ.dlg~
    OUTER_SET valygar_state_2 = STATE_WHICH_SAYS 172 IN ~ub/lang/%s/ubdialog.tra~ FROM ~VALYGARJ.dlg~
    OUTER_SET valygar_state_3 = STATE_WHICH_SAYS 188 IN ~ub/lang/%s/ubdialog.tra~ FROM ~VALYGARJ.dlg~


  8. So I installed EET on my Steam version of the EE games in order to do a full-trilogy run-through, and things seem to be going fine except that, after starting Chapter 9 in SOD, the chapter number on my save games (as shown on the load game list) jumped, for some reason, to 21, and is being incremented from there (so my "Chapter 10 start" game says "Chapter 22, 160 days", etc.).


    Checking the global variables with the console, "Chapter" there is still what it should be, so I don't expect there will be any actual issues as a result from this but it's still rather strange - does anyone know where the game reads the number it lists there from and whether I can tweak it with NearInfinity?



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