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Posts posted by tomasz86

  1. 1 hour ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

    Thing is, this(3) has the side effect that you are not actually activating the creature correctly, as you didn't likely talk to it, but just used the console command to add him into your party... meaning that the SCS script might not do a thing, as it's not programmed to be added via a cheat.

    There is no difference whether he is added with the shortcut, or just through the normal dialogue option. Imoen also joins the party by herself, so there is no console or shortcut involved. It seems that the spell related script only runs when actually levelling the NPC up from level 0 anyway, as simple mages, like Xzar, also have no spells in the spell book initially, but then "gain" them after having been levelled up. On the other hand, Quayle and other cleric/mages do not.


    1 hour ago, suy said:

    He had a standard selection, I think, but definitely not empty. That's what I meant by "no issues". :)

    Hmm, that is strange. I have just tested again.

    1. Create a new game.
    2. CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Quayle")
    3. Add Quayle to the party.
    4. Quayle's mage spell book is empty.

    The same is true for Imoen as Cleric/Mage, after allowing illegal classes. Below is my WeiDU log, just in case.

    // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
    // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
    // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4100 // Improved NPC customisation and management: v33.4

    Are you also using BG:EE v2.5?

  3. Just for the record, if you have access to a 64-bit machine, you can install BG with SCS there, and then copy the whole BG folder to the 32-bit machine. This may be easier for some people than trying to install Perl and modifying the INF file, unless you plan to reinstall or modify the BG installation often.

  4. This may not be strictly related to LeUI, but is there an easy way to completely disable background transparency in the dialog box? I find text on transparent backgrounds difficult to read, so if possible, I would just like to make the background 100% black.

    Edit: The files box5.PVRZ and MOS4290.PVRZ are responsible for the dialog box. I used NearInfinity to convert them to PNG, then GIMP to edit the background, and then NearInfinity again to convert back to PVRZ.

  5. 3 hours ago, DavidW said:

    It's not intended, and I'm a little unsure how it's happening. I'll take a look and see if I can reproduce it.

    Thank you. Just for the record, I have tested only in BG:EE 2.5, and with no other mods installed. I checked both Imoen (forced illegal class) and Quayle, and none of them had any mage spells.

  6. Following the readme,


    mages and bards have their spellbooks selected from a fixed list (you don't get to choose yourself)

    but it seems that cleric/mage multiclass NPCs start with 0 mage spells in the book when using the NPC customisation component. I have found this through Quayle, but it is the same case when changing other NPCs' class to a cleric/mage.

    On the other hand, fighter/mages and mage/thiefs do start with the pre-selected 5-6 (not sure of the exact number, as Imoen has 6, but Xzar only 5?) spells.

    Is this intended, or a bug?

  7. 32 minutes ago, lefreut said:


    Does it always reproduce with my UI mod? If yes, I can look to see if I can fix it.

    Yes, it does. You only need to install the NPC customisation component from SCS, and the LeUI itself.

    Also, this is a different issue, but I have noticed that with the "BG2 vanilla bams for spells" component installed, the icons are kind of broken too.



    Just a sidenote, but I want to say thank you very much for the UI, especially the journal and the spell books, as I am unable to digest the default ones.


  8. I have experienced two problems when using the Improved NPC customisation and management.

    1) Firstly, with the unmodded UI, the explanation and the choices are displayed in two separate sections of the text window. The problem is that the bottom one, with the options, is very small, so it is impossible to see all the options at once. Only two lines seem to fit in it, and scrolling is required to view the other choices.



    2) When using the lefreut's Enhanced UI, everything is displayed in the same text window, but the explanation of the NPC customisation component is listed twice, and there are no breaks between some of the paragraphs.


  9. The same file is included in the repository twice with a different case. This causes a problem when cloning the repository in Windows, and possibly other case-insensitive operating systems.

    warning: the following paths have collided (e.g. case-sensitive paths
    on a case-insensitive filesystem) and only one from the same
    colliding group is in the working tree:

    Is this on purpose, or just a bug?

  10. I have a question / bug report regarding the "More realistic wolves and wild dogs" component.

    When being waylaid by either of them, the animals just stay in their place around the party and do not go aggressive at all. Should they not just attack in this particular situation, as they are the ones who have waylaid us? Right now you can just walk past them and leave the area without any fight.

  11. On 4/21/2019 at 1:51 AM, DavidW said:

    You weren't being pushy.

    I absolutely take help with the translations (I am monolingual: all the translations are by other people.) Either use GitHub, or just attach corrected versions to a post here. (I probably find the latter easier but either is fine.)

    Well, I like using git to be able to easily track and organize everything, so I hope that you will not mind that I have just made a new pull request to the GitHub repository. I have just tried to focus on the strings which are being used in the current version of the installer, so that the installer is actually fully translated into Polish. For now I have left the "divine mantle" bug mentioned in the other topic alone. That line will probably have to be translated too, but I will wait until you make the correction first.

  12. 2 hours ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

    The documentation is likely older than the current installer... so:

    2) The installers.

    3) You might want to put forward multiple requests, one each for each component ... so their approval is more easier to set.

    1) Of course DavidW will have to answer this himself, but I would say that writing readme's is really .. if not booring, then at least particularly difficult to get truly motivated ... for the 32nd time around. So sprucing it will likely be very welcomed.

    Thank you for the encouragement, but as I can see, DavidW wants to take this matter into his own hands, so I am just going to follow his opinion here.


    1 hour ago, DavidW said:

    Thanks for picking this up: with one or two minor exceptions, I agree that the names should match up.

    while I appreciate the offer of help, I don’t normally accept third-party pull requests - I’d rather make sure I’m 100% aware of everything that’s in the mod. (And in this case, the answer to ‘what name should be used?’ is ‘it depends’ and needs to be worked out on a case-by-case basis). I’ll put it on my to-do list,

    Thank you for a quick response. I do not want to be pushy or anything like that, hence I asked the question before actually doing anything. I did not actually intend to make anything up myself, just simply push the component names from the installer to the readme (or vice versa). If you want to check and modify all of them yourself, then of course I understand.

    If you do not mind, I have another quick question though, related to the Polish translation. In the Polish setup.tra file, there are a lot of untranslated strings, and in some of the translated ones there are quite a few orthographic/grammatical errors. Do you have anyone working on those? If not, do you accept help with the translation? If yes, how would it be possible to help?

  13. I would like to report a bug in the installer.

    English: @3400 = ~Make spell sequencers and contingencies into innate abilities~
    French: @3400 = ~Manteau divin~
    German: @3400 = ~Gottesmantel~
    Italian: @3400 = ~Trasforma i sequenziatori, gli attivatori e le contingenze in abilita innate~
    Korean: @3400 = ~신성한 망토~
    Polish: @3400 = ~Boska opończa~
    Russian: @3400 = ~Божественная Мантия~
    Spanish: @3400 = ~Manto divino~

    This line right now means "divine mantle" in all languages except for English and Italian, and as such does not make much sense when asked whether to install this component or not.

  14. There are some discrepancies in the names of the components between the readme and the installer.

    For example:

    readme: Replace +1 arrows and other projectiles with Fine ones
    installer: Replace +1 arrows with nonmagical "fine" ones

    readme: Replace many magic weapons with fine ones
    installer: Replace many +1 magical weapons with Fine ones

    readme: Remove Arrows of Dispelling from stores
    installer: Reduce the number of Arrows of Dispelling in stores

    readme: Increase the power of cure and cause wound spells
    installer: Increase the power of Cure Wounds and Cause Wounds spells to the level found in 3rd Edition D&D

    readme: Greater Restoration and Lesser Restoration spells restore ability-score damage
    installer: Restoration and Lesser Restoration spells heal ability-score damage

    readme: More realistic wolves and dogs
    installer: More realistic wolves and wild dogs

    readme: Reduced reputation increase
    installer: Decrease the rate at which reputation improves

    readme: Thieves spend skill points in multiples of 5
    installer: Thieves assign skill points in multiples of five

    readme: Make mages' sequencers and contingencies into innate abilities
    installer: Make spell sequencers and contingencies into innate abilities

    readme: Initialise AI
    installer: Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)

    This is only for BG1EE, and even there, there are many more examples like that. I think that for the sake of consistency, and simply to be able to easily search for specific names or phrases in the readme, it would be nice to have the components use identical names. What do you think?

    I would be willing to pull a GitHub merge request to standardise the names, but I would like to ask first:

    1) Is such a pull request welcome?
    2) If yes, which names should be used - the ones from the readme, or the ones from the installer?

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