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Posts posted by raimn

  1. I have found a problem with Sain's Dialog if CHARNAME is either not a cleric or one that gets recruited by Helm. This concerns the ring quest and him saying "You must excuse me..." of which there are two different versions in his .dlg file. One (state 53) with a weight of 29 looks fine, but the second state 57 with a weight of 16 causes problem, not only because it's weight is to low but also because one trigger condition is Global("JoinHelm","GLOBAL",0) which together makes it impossible to get the ring quest as a solo non cleric . I suggest you:

    Add SetGlobal("TelwynSent","GLOBAL",1) to state trigger 22 - quest start dialog check
    Replace the content of state trigger 16 for state 57 with



    and get rid of state 53 by replacing everything in state trigger 29 with False().
    The appended file contains my edits, they seem to work so far.

    What does Global("KishPEFLT","GLOBAL",0) represent?
    I have noticed that the Shield Knights who should attack the prophets after turning in the Eye quest don't do so as a non cleric. However they do when Anomen or Aerie(Morning Knights) acdepted the quest. Can anyone confirm this, or might this be a problem stemming from me consoling in Oisig because Viconia didn't seem to get the quest from the Talos guy?

    Cheers, Raimn

    Edit: The SoD-to-BG2EE-Item-Upgrade Mod has Sain reward you with the shield of egon if you return the ring to lathander. This is not part of the reward you get if you accept the quest with Aerie or Anomen. Not sure how to fix this in the installation process, but I copied Sain's response and code for the reward from the charname path to the NPC path and it works as intended. In the file as well.



  2. Say, is the Quit button in the dialog that pops open when you press "Quit Game" in the ESC-menu missing on purpose? I think that is rather a inconvenient change. The code section from UI.menu in question is in the spoiler.


            bam STARTMBT
            sequence 1
            area 32 354 236 84
            pad 10 8 10 8
            text style "button"
            text "QUIT_GAME_BUTTON"
                'CANCEL_BUTTON', nil,
                'MAIN_MENU_BUTTON', function() optionsScreen:QuitGame() end,
                'SAVE_BUTTON', function() optionsScreen:SaveGame(0) end


    Cheers, Raimn

  3. Hallo,
    when the SCS comp 4100 "Improved NPC customisation and management" makes its changes to the clab files it deletes various entries of two other mods/ components. Revised specialist from Tome & Blood and APR from Specialization from cdtweaks to be specific. I have attached the files for the necromancer from the backup/4100/ and the /overwrite folder as well as what it should look like as example.

    Cheers, Raimn

    clabma03_backup.2da clabma03_overwrite.2da clabma03_should_be.2da

  4. So one complete reinstallation later, I can say that everything is working as it is supposed to, Krystin died within a round of getting striped by Neera. Well everything related to this mod, my savegame needs some cleaning up, not sure if its SRR or SCS but spells apparently get dynamic names/files.

    Thanks again for the help,

  5. No, I can't reproduce it on a clean installation following my installation order. But I expected that and it hasn't really been the question. The question was what caused the previous behavior, as in order for SCS to acted like it did something must have "told" it about those files and I'm quiet interested in what exactly, in case I have to do another partial roll back and need to do edits by hand.

  6. @Luke thanks for the advise, I'm using Linux however so that isn't really applicable.

    @Bartimaeus It should call the lower case one 100% of the time, but it could call another one if that is the only one present, though that would depend on the case-sensitivity of the environment in question. If you want some peace of mind, I suggest changing the call to lower-case.
    Returning to the original discussion, I finally got around to setting up my main installation again and when I reinstalled SRR with the friendly_spells_pierce option set to 1, which has been my default so far, the spells in question stopped dispelling the spell protections again. Could you test that? I took a look at the friendly_spells_pierce.tph but nothing there looked out of place to me.

  7. Hallo,
    I might have one of those instabilities here ;). One question first though: Why are you editing .itm files during the installation of the IWD arcane spells and how are you choosing which get edited. What is currently happening in my installation is that I get the following Error message when I try to install comp 1500.


    ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
    Resource [ax1h04.itm.itm] not found in KEY file:
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR: [AX1H04.ITM.BAK] -> [override/AX1H04.ITM.BAK] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("resource [ax1h04.itm.itm] not found for 'COPY'"))
    Stopping installation because of error.

    The first time this happened it happened with the file AEGIS.itm instead of the above one but the error message/log was the same and I thought well I have one of those lying around in a backup folder so I copied it over and it generated the above one instead. Next I switched to a folder of a clean EET install and neither the error message nor the items he currently asks for were anywhere in the log after a successful installation. And that got me wondering, as both of the files the script wants here were edited by a component in the TNT mod but that would have come later in the install order I'm currently using as I split the IWD spells of to install after SRR but before the kits/tweaks and SCS AI components. Does SCS keep somehow track of edited files or something like that, can it be reset or do I have to start over from my clean installation? Note that the installation that produces this error is one I had to roll back due to a bug in SRR, and was previously done with SCS 33.
    Current log and debug attached should you want them.

    weidu.log setup-stratagems.debug

  8. 1 hour ago, Graion Dilach said:

    Assuming a case-sensitive filesystem, then yes to the first question, and no to the second and third. That's not the right file and there's no reason to find that one.

    Assuming that it is case-sensitive yes you are right. But Weidu isn't "made" for a case-sensitive environment as far as I know since it was developed for windows only and linux/mac support was added later. Given an case-insensitive environment it should fall back on the other file. Although in that case, the question would be how/why the two files even exist next to one another as they should replace/overwrite each other, depending on the order of being copied.

  9. 15 hours ago, Bartimaeus said:

    Your guess is correct...as was mine as soon as I heard you were using Kubuntu - all I did was combine the SRR folder into the SR folder on Windows. I remember @Luke had problems with the same issue way back when - the way Linux and MacOS combine folders is not necessarily the same as the way Windows does. In Windows, if you combine one folder into another, the original folder that isn't being moved initially keeps all of its files, while the new folder that's being moved into the non-moved folder simply adds and then replaces files where there are new files. IIRC, in Luke's case, his OS was actually deleting the original folder entirely, then just putting the new one there. I'm not sure how he solved that, and I'm unsure what yours is doing, because if it actually deletes the original folder, then the installation should fail entirely due to some missing resources. I used to actually have a warning for non-Windows users at the beginning of the thread for something like this occurring, but it seems like it got misplaced at some point.

    Hmm, that thought is as disconcerting as it is interesting and also somewhat wrong from my understanding, it does however remind me of something that I have overlooked/forgotten about and after another test am quiet certain to be the root cause for this here problem. Linux and MacOS are case-sensitive in their dealings with files and folders. As such a ACB.spl is not the same as a acb.spl or a ACB.SPL as it would be in windows. Which is the reason why I had to split of a small part of my main data partition to make a new case-insensitive ext4 partition to use for BG and everything Weidu related. Or I thought so, as the folder I saved all the downloads to and kept all the unpacked files in before moving them over was on my original data partition which is case-sensitive. I also did all the patching and merging in said folder. As a test I copied the SR base and SRR "update" folder to the BG partition and merged them there in the folder of the clean installation and all spells worked as expected in the following test. So that was probably it.
    Thanks you for all your time and effort in figuring this out. I hope that this is it and that I don't have to come back with another "bug" once I updated/reinstalled my main installation. I will edit/post accordingly depending on when I'm able to to so.

    Cheers and have a good one,

  10. The OS I'm running is Kubuntu 21.04. So maybe it has something to do with that, as I seem to recall a post where an incompatibility between Tobex and Linux in general was mentioned. Did you change anything in this regard when you took over the project or did any library change/up since then?

    I have done some more testing and switched my enemy of choice to Illasera + SCS AI, and what I found, which also relates to my question above, is, that Spellstrike does work but it uses a different code to do it's work. Namely 221 - Remove spell type protections instead of 230 - Remove protection by type, and when I changed Secret Word to use said code it started working again, it did however act rather like Spellstrike in that it removed all spell protections and not just the highest level one.
    If this information doesn't change anything for you in regards to the problem, I think it best to stop looking for now and I will make the change I did to Secret Word to all such spells and make my peace with that, as I do very much prefer your changes (especially to the cure wounds spells) to the original SR changes.


    Best regards,

  11. I did as you asked and reinstalled it with the master branch from git. So far nothing has changed when I try to dispel Krystin's minor globe. I will do another test tomorrow with a new sorcerer and SCS AI installed, since that will give me more mages to test with. msectype.2da is attached as well as the logs of my clean installation. Game version is



    msectype.2da weidu-bgee.log weidu.log

  12. So maximum effort ;) , gibberlings didn't like my standard forum "spam" mail account and I had to make a new one with a different provider 🙄. But back to the topic at hand.

    I looked at the files of Secret Word - 419, Spell Thrust - 321 and Warding Whip - 705 contained within the SRR and SR folders as well as their respective installations and I have noticed several differences in the files. The big one, apart from the actual removal script being moved from the xxx.spl to the xxB.spl file, was that the xxxC.spl files from the SR installation, which was working, all contained a remove (230) spellshield (15) while the SRR files from the git, not installed, contained a remove 14 which turned into a remove 15 after installing and in my main install the files showed a remove 21 instead. My main installation and the clean SRR installation don't work. I tried to copy the files from the working installation but that only turned spell thrust into a cone (should it be a cone?), but didn't get it working. I am kind of out of ideas right now and while I do know how to code in several languages I couldn't find anything odd or something that would suggest that it shouldn't work. I even started a new game as sorcerer on the clean SRR installation from which the attached files are, but I couldn't dispel the protection from the mage in the BG thief guild.

    Weidu log for the clean install


    // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
    // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
    // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
    ~EET/EET.TP2~ #0 #0 // EET core (resource importation): V13.4
    ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #0 // Spell Revisions: v4 Beta 18 (Revised V1.3.500)
    ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #20 // Mirror Image Fix: v4 Beta 18 (Revised V1.3.500)
    ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #30 // Dispel Magic Fix: v4 Beta 18 (Revised V1.3.500)
    ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #55 // Spell Deflection blocks AoE spells: v4 Beta 18 (Revised V1.3.500)
    ~EET_END/EET_END.TP2~ #0 #0 // EET end (last mod in install order) -> Standard installation


    Weidu log for my main install in the attachments


    Thanks for the help,

    spwi321.spl spwi321b.spl spwi321c.spl spwi419.spl spwi419b.spl spwi419c.spl spwi318.spl spwi406.spl


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