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Posts posted by RoyalProtector

  1. Speaking of which, I don't know if my game is broken or what, but BBoD does NOT set 5 pips in Long Sword. Looking at it in NI, it doesn't seem to be broken though. Tested on the character above.

    Is something wrong in this effect?

    Type: Modify proficiencies (233)
    Target: Self (1)
    Power: 0
    # stars: Active class: 5, Original class: 0
    Proficiency: PROFICIENCYLONGSWORD - 90
    Behavior: Set if higher (0)
    Timing mode: Instant/While equipped - 2
    Dispel/Resistance: Not dispel/Bypass resistance (2)
    Duration: 0
    Probability 1: 100
    Probability 2: 0
    Unused: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 h
    # dice thrown/maximum level: 0
    Dice size/minimum level: 0
    Save type: ( No save )
    Save bonus: 0
    Special: 1


    Also the enchantment is level 6, while in the description it states that it acts as a +5 weapon... This might require a separate thread?

  2. Apparently it seems if you wield a weapon in the off hand, the game will interpret it as it didn't exist as far as weapon styles go.

    I noticed this because the critical hit bonus from one handed style still applies even if wielding a weapon in the off hand.

    Not sure how that would interact with other mods that change styles such as Scales of Balance (or was it Might and Guile?).

    Is it fixable?

  3. Quote

     It needs add some type checking to the code--right now this makes everything (e.g. 2H swords) available for backstab, but I should cut it back down to the normal thief weapons. So it'll make stuff like Staff of the Magi and Ninjatō of the Scarlet Brotherhood available for backstab, but not bastard swords and the like.

    Personally I wouldn't mind making two handed swords available for backstab. I sometimes envision blackguards "backstabbing" (sneak attacking rather), with a two-handed sword. They should probably be limited to 2x backstab multiplier for balance reasons, however. It sounds pretty damn cool in my opinion to play BG as a blackguard who can make use of invisibility potions that way. Spoiler below about the end of SoD.


    Even Caelar does this at the end of SoD if she becomes Belhifet's blackguard.

    In fact, I think I will modify a few of clearly "blackguard" swords to allow such thing in my current playthrough. I'm thinking Dorn's swords, the Unholy Reaver and Soul Reaver.

  4. Yeah, I see now what happened:  an effect that made the target immune to the poison for its duration was not the last effect, the other effects I mentioned were added after that one. Since those effects are added in order, it makes sense why it wouldn't work. The target became immune to the spell itself, making everything added afterwards useless. Thanks

  5. I was making a poison in NearInfinity and it seemed to work when I was level 3. But when I reached level 4, it stopped working as intended.

    I noticed that the only thing changing besides the duration of the effect of the poison is that the order of some effects was different.

    So essentially, the poison decreases movement speed, constitution and AC. When those things are closer to first in the order of effects, they work. Everything works.

    But at level 4, it had those effects on the end of the list for whatever reason. And only the poison damage worked.

    Is this a known quirk or do you think I'm probably missing something?

  6. As I understand, this mod should be installed first before anything else, right? I was wondering, are any of the fixes likely to cause an incompatibility because some other mods rely on some bug or inconsistency of the base game? Just wondering, I don't know much about Infinity Engine modding.

    Speaking of which, is a release coming anytime soon? I'd love to use it in my next playthrough. 🙂

  7. Another thing that is probably not fixable without engine fixes: cleric-thieves lose access to some innate abilities, seemingly whenever the number of innate abilities surpass a certain number. In order to see them again, you have to spend others first. I suspect the thieving button inside is causing some sort of issue, and it eats up one innate spell slot somehow. In the past I had "fixed" this by making copies of innate abilities, marking them as "Spells" in NearInfinity and finally adding them to my character with EEKeeper.

    Or, how Time Stop's duration is not consistent. You can tell easily with Shadowstep. If you add another effect that lasts for 7 seconds, you'll see that TS sometimes ends before the other effect, or after.

  8. I think Drow may pass for surface elves if they were szarkai (albino drow), assuming they had no monstruous features, because they would simply look like regular albino elves. Could be an interesting roleplaying choice.

  9. 11 hours ago, ahungry said:

    Cons: Small chance to be randomly attacked by "innocent" flagged characters every X minutes / reputation gains are halved+temple gain disabled, alignment restricted to Evil, -1 cha

    Drizzt would disagree...

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