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  1. Thank you for your answer. I figured that "our" months are equivalent to the DnD months, so Hammer/Deepwinter (January) = 1, Alturiak/Claw of Winter (February) = 2, and so on. I still don't know how the Calender of Harptos changes the numbers, for me it only changes the names of the months but not their order. Midsummer is between 7 and 8 (July/August - Flamerule/Eleasias), Midwinter between 1 and 2 and Highharvestide between 9 and 10. Either way i don't get a 5-number Code (and i cant enter 10 because i dont have a 0). So I either don't get the numbers of the month or i have the wrong months. However, since there are only 12 Months in the Harptos calender as well, i figured that I need 11 and 12 just because these are the only two-number Months which could get me a 5 number code... I especially want to know what my mistake is - if that would spoil the solution i would appreciate a PM. Thank you
  2. Hey @Austin Sadly i still have problems with the Code from MaeVars stash. I don't have the latest version because i installed a quite modded game a month ago. However, the Code is the one where you have to match the Pictures witch the months (although in my Version, Edwin still talks about the Imperial cipher). Because there are three pictures and i need a 5 number Code (and since 0 is not an option), November and December have to be included (in may way of thinking) - although i would argue that deepest Winter would be January (hence the name Deepwinter) and that most grain is harvested between July and early October. All in all, i think i am just too stupid for that Help would be appreciated!
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