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About Coldaine

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  1. Of course! absolutely silly of me, I was missing the "BACKUP" at the top. Thank all of you for the help.
  2. Hi all, I installed an immensely modded EET playthrough, but accidentally applied an option from cdtweaks I didn't mean to, and was hopeing to roll it back without doing my whole 4 hour installation process all over again. I spent some time reading the weidu documentation, and took the existing code and modified it. I applied a level requirement to all scrolls, so this snippet of code should go back through all scroll items and set their level requirement to one. However, when I run the script using weidu, it gives me a parse error. Any suggestions? *Edit* Resolved! thank you everyone for the assistance! BEGIN ~Fixthisthing~ COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.itm$~ ~override~ READ_SHORT 0x1c type READ_SHORT 0x24 level PATCH_IF (type = 11) BEGIN // Mycomment: Patches all scroll items, including those with existing levels READ_LONG 0x64 abil_off ELSE 0 READ_SHORT 0x68 abil_num ELSE 0 READ_LONG 0x6a fx_off ELSE 0 FOR (index = 0 ; index < abil_num ; ++index) BEGIN READ_SHORT (abil_off + 0x1e + (0x38 * index)) abil_fx_num READ_SHORT (abil_off + 0x20 + (0x38 * index)) abil_fx_idx FOR (index2 = 0 ; index2 < abil_fx_num ; ++index2) BEGIN READ_SHORT (fx_off + (0x30 * (abil_fx_idx + index2))) opcode PATCH_IF ((opcode = 146) OR (opcode = 148)) BEGIN // cast spell READ_ASCII (fx_off + 0x14 + (0x30 * (abil_fx_idx + index2))) spell PATCH_IF (("%spell%" STRING_COMPARE_REGEXP ~^[Ss][Pp][Ww][Ii][3-9][0-9][0-9]$~ = 0) OR ("%spell%" STRING_COMPARE_REGEXP ~^[Ss][Pp][Pp][Rr][3-7][0-9][0-9]$~ = 0)) BEGIN // levels 1&2 usable by level 0/1, so no need for level requirements: Left alone PATCH_IF ("%spell%" STRING_COMPARE_REGEXP ~^[Ss][Pp][Ww][Ii][3-9][0-9][0-9]$~ = 0) BEGIN SET level_break = 11 END ELSE BEGIN SET level_break = 13 END // account for extra level for priest 6>7 and wizard 5>6: Left Alone READ_BYTE (fx_off + 0x18 + (0x30 * (abil_fx_idx + index2))) level SET level = 1 // Setting level to one, to fix the problem PATCH_IF level < level_break BEGIN SET level = 1 // Setting level to one here as well, didn't want to mess up the loops END END END END END WRITE_SHORT 0x24 level // still 0 if no match found, otherwise new value END BUT_ONLY
  3. Question: I've just completed a seemingly successful installation that includes faiths and powers and EET (and naturally a billion other things). I selected Sphere option number 5. However: I cannot create cleric characters, as when it asks me to select my memorized spells, the list is complete empty and I cannot continue. I checked on the status of clerics by quickly making another type of character and going and grabbing viconia. She has only a couple of spells availalbe at each level, from the universal sphere. (bless and curse at first level for example) Am I missing how to select spheres, or is there something else I need to do?
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