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Posts posted by szef

  1. Primarily, this modification was created as a test and in response to the question/need: a side dialogue box.

    New version adds slider that allows to change dialogue box skins/inventory screens... 

    Almost everything is finished, and placed into the "work in progress" folder.


    Requiers: JournalPortraitConversations for proper work.

    Mod dwn: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AGNWBPbnyuMbkYBDyjxtWwimy_eSlfwu

    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/l4RrLcZ


  2. Quoting from discord:

    "Me and my buddy have been working on a little Planescape:Torment EE UI mod and we have an issue with Inventory Background. Replacing the existing mosaic with ours is simple enough, but it seems like there is a permanent black background in the back. We wanted our inventory box to 'float' over the game screen (as we have seen possible on a pre-EE mod screenshot).



    Does anyone know how to get rid of that black background or is it just not a part of the 'world' setup anymore and whatever we're trying to do, actually cannot be done?

    This is NOT the indented graphic but illustrates the issue: though clearly both the graphics have some functional transparency, the solid black background prevails":



  3. It is done. Full code:

    function getDialogEntryText(row)
    		local text = dialogTable[row].text
    		if (not getDialogRowClickable(row)) then
    			--Change color font for Characters name
    			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xff75a1b8", "^0xFF81c6d9")
    		if (not getDialogRowClickable(row)) then
    			--For dialogue lines
    			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xff7da58c", "^0xFFcad3d2")
    		if (not getDialogHistory) then
    			--For TNO name
    			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xffd5c885", "^0xFF5d6966")
    		if (not getDialogHistory) then
    			--For the lines said by TNO
    			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xffd7c8a0", "^0xFF5d6966")
    		if (not getDialogResponses) then
    			--For 1. 2. etc.
    			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xffcec471", "^0xFF111dd8")	
    		if (not getDialogClickable) then
    			--For list of answers
    			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xff212eff", "^0xFF111dd8")
    		if (row == worldPlayerDialogSelection) then
    			--For text when selected
    			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xFF111dd8", "^0xFFacacad")
    		return text


    Thank you lefreut for your help!!

  4. @lefreut

    I'am trying to changing this color  ^0xff7da58c (i assume most of the dialog texts) for let's say #DADADA.

    And other colors. I need piece of code, or answer how it may look like, or where to find/learn about ;).

    (In websearch... yes yes i know - searching for 4h)

    To be more specific, few questions is mayby, this new post-process has to be in the same function as in the code below?

    function getDialogEntryText(row)
    		local text = dialogTable[row].text
    		if (row == worldPlayerDialogSelection) then
    			--Color the text white when selected
    			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xff212eff", "^0xFFFFFFFF")
    		return text


    Something must be instead worldPlayerDialogSelection ...

    i'am clueless. Oh, well :D.

  5. 36 minutes ago, lynx said:

    Weren't most of the GUI colors externalized to some lua file? Maybe that was not the case in pst:ee, but I definitely remember it for bgee.

    You mean in the file: bgee.lua, right?


    fontcolors = {}
    fontcolors['1'] = 'FFCAE2E9' -- title
    fontcolors['2'] = 'FFCAE2E9' -- title highlight
    fontcolors['3'] = 'FFCAE2E9' -- subtitle
    fontcolors['4'] = 'FFEEFFFF' -- subtitle highlight
    fontcolors['5'] = 'FF000000' -- parchment
    fontcolors['6'] = 'FFEEFFFF' -- parchment highlight
    fontcolors['7'] = 'FF000000' -- alternate parchment
    fontcolors['8'] = 'FF102526' -- alternate parchment highlight
    fontcolors['9'] = 'FFCDD6D9' -- semitrans dark background
    fontcolors['A'] = 'FFFDE6E9' -- semitrans dark background highlight
    fontcolors['B'] = 'FFdef6f8'
    fontcolors['C'] = 'FFC8F0C8' -- Minty update color
    fontcolors['D'] = 'FF96C8FF' -- orangy subtitle color
    fontcolors['R'] = 'FF000080' -- red
    fontcolors['G'] = 'FF00FF00' -- green
    fontcolors['M'] = 'FF000080' -- parchment red
    fontcolors['N'] = 'FFFDFBFD' -- NOTE: white text
    fontcolors['Y'] = 'FF01cde5' -- PST yellow
    fontcolors['$'] = 'FF82E6FF' -- gold yellow/orange
    fontcolors['P'] = 'FFa67da7' -- purple highlight
    characters = {}
    tempStats = {}
    styles =
    	normal =
    		color = 'Y',
    		font = 'bookmani',
    		point = 14,
    		valign = 'top',
    		halign = 'left',
    		useFontZoom = 1,



    I tried change that file (styles, colors) - sadly for pstee, doing that, has no affect on the game dialog box (exept the font type, AND colors in i.e. "Quit game" etc.).

  6. 4 hours ago, jmerry said:

    In the BG (EE) series, the character name's font color in the dialog box comes from the character's outfit colors. I'm pretty sure it's just their "major color". That's not something you set in a UI mod, it's something that's in the creature files. PSTEE may be different, but I expect this point to be the same.


    I'm made (for myself 😛) quick comparison, the lines that was just said by TNO (after reverse first and last color symbols AABBGGRR > RGB). 


  7. Ok, this i get. Thanks.

    But how i.e. this:  

    ^0xff75a1b8Dak'kon^- - ^0xff7da58cDak'kon obraca w twym kierunku swe czarne niczym węgiel oczy.^-
    ^0xffd5c885Bezimienny^- - ^0xffd7c8a0W tej chwili nic, Dak'konie. Kontynuujmy.”^-

    correspond to i.e.


    (red color in the  post-process above)?

    So I must change color for each character separatly?

    Hm, 100% no, but you know, still no clue how to do it ;). 


    ^0xffd5c885Bezimienny^- - ^0xffd7c8a0

    First is for charname color, second it's the line already said by The Nameless One, and:


    is the lines, the greenish dialog font color (AABBGGRR ?).



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