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About herien_0

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  1. That indeed did the trick. I need to say thank you in return, you truly demonstrated some impressive dedication to your work here.
  2. Reduced to one warning in regards to SPPR525.SPL Setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts.debug
  3. As requested; EDIT2: I see the image is compressed by the forum software as it is uploaded if the resolution is too high, here it is screencapped at a lower res, hopefully this is clear.
  4. Here are the attribute/values in addition to the RAW offsets for SPPR742.SPL
  5. According to NearInfinity, both are located in the override folder and SPPR742.SPL is Greater Divine Protection and SPPR525.SPL is Divine Protection
  6. Yeah my mistake, I see the critical strike warning is indeed gone, I had the previous version still up in Notepad++. Mods affecting SPPR742.SPL: Mods affecting SPPR525.SPL:
  7. Still receiving warning at the end, still seems to be getting hung up with the critical strike issue. The debug log is attached. Setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts.debug
  8. I've deleted every attachment I've uploaded to this site and it still does not provide enough space for the baf file which is 1.03 MB. There is a maximum 1kb attachment limit for my user rank. I've attached an image of the limit being shown me to demonstrate. Perhaps if I upload it as a 7zip or rar to cut down space?
  9. mocore.baf exceeds the 1kb maximum limit just barely, so I've uploaded it to dropbox. If you'd like I can find another file host if this is an issue. I've also included the newest debug log once more just in case. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ny7gdqnaovmfr8tx44iw2/mocore.baf?rlkey=z07ggbepnwp548pc4qu5360lk&dl=0 Setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts.debug
  10. Still getting installed with warnings Would it be worth starting a new install entirely from the beginning? Setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts.debug
  11. Here is the debug log as attachment. Setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts.debug
  12. I think I misunderstood. I posted the debug log from the prior PI attempt. Here is the debug log after attempting the installation with the most recent exe. I can't add as attachment as it exceeds the 222.48 kB limit.
  13. Will give your exe a try. Do I have to restart the installation all over in PI or is there a method to resume it? I did click "abort" after the failure.
  14. As requested: ProjectInfinity-WeiDU-Error-enhanced-powergaming-scripts-15.log
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