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Everything posted by Demivrgvs

  1. That's Arda's stuff, maybe he mistakenly changed Berserker instead of UH? o.O Let's see if I can fix it myself...
  2. Ok, re-uploaded with the following fixes: - Berserker's custom Offensive Stance wasn't copied into the override - Cavalier no longer get Remove Fear at any level - Cavalier's Challenge ability now uses opcode 247 instead of 3 (thanks kreso for looking into files themselves for me! ) HLAs aren't even there right now, and the beta is mostly geared toward balancing the classes without HLAs for now, but if all you're asking for is to make all classes get HLAs at level xth when the unique xp progression is installed you do have a point, it wouldn't hurt. That being said, the xp table component per se is a sort of beta within a beta, I don't even know if beta tester are still using it or not.
  3. Just checked:- Berserker clab file do list ga_dvcl324, aka the custom Offensive Stance at level 1 - Cavalier's Remove Fear doesn't even exist with KR, spcl222 is the currently disabled Heroism innate, and there's no mention of it in the relative clab file What the hell is going on?
  4. Re-uploaded to fix an issue with Berserker's custom Offensive Stance. Once used it was giving back True Fighter variant instead of refreshing itself.
  5. Quarry I like the idea very much...The idea has some merit, I similarly thought to give the Stalker a slightly better Tracking skill, but overall it's just a matter of discovering if the anti-invisibility effect can be handled by the AI or not. I fear the AI will be too much crippled by it, and in that case neither the True Ranger nor the Stalker should get it. We'll see. Btw, it's not like Quarry would be useless without it, it would still be a very effective ability imo. Removing it would just be a real shame concept-wise, though limiting it to a "hide in shadows penalty" could at least preserve the concept (albeit with no real in-game use). Stalker I have your same concerns, but in time we will balance both classes imo. I might not even mind to remove Quarry from the Stalker. The way I see it it's more about Stealth, and Tracking + Backstab is enough to define the class in terms of gameplay, and Quarry might remain a True Ranger only much like Called Shots are True Fighter only. Regarding the custom tailored spells, I made few last second changes before releasing b19: - loses Blades of Fire (not-stealthy) in exchange for Camouflage (which is pretty much a copy of 3E Assassin's Swift Invisibility) - loses Snare (he does not wait for his prey, he actively hunt it) in exchange for Briar Web (fast casting single target entangle + piercing damage) - I removed Hunter's Eye (no one liked the name, most of you already complained about it in various ways, and getting +1 backstab via spell at level 8 when you get a permanent +1 at level 9 sounded strange for some reason - it's is still there though, just in case) I think it should lose a 3rd and a 4th lvl spell in exchange for his own two, but we'll see.
  6. I told you this is the first beta that actually looks like a beta.
  7. Beta 19 is up. Let's see what I screwed up this time around. Beta 19: - Stalker class added - Called Shot (Trip) fixed to not allow multiple hits against the same target - slightly nerfed all Called Shots save penalties (slower progression, capped at -2) - Barbarian's Great Cleave replaced by Cleave Through - slightly altered Berserk's gameplay mechanic (e.g. Frenzy triggers only when using Offensive Stance) - Paladin's spellbook minor adjustments - Cavalier Smite Evil replaced by Challenge Evil - Cavalier no longer gets Lay on Hands - Cavalier regains Divine Spellcasting with semi-unique spellbook - Undead Hunter now has a semi-unique spellbook - Undead Hunter is now restricted to medium armors - True Ranger's spellbook heavily revised - True Ranger now gain a new Quarry ability - True Ranger is now restricted to medium armors - all rangers now roll d8 for hit points
  8. Ok, I've re-done all the packaging from the beginning and now it installs fine. Arda stuff is there too (we now include ToBex to handle a few things). I cannot stay up to help with the release because I need to wake up very early, thus I prefer to upload it tomorrow when I can be around to quickly help with eventual fixes or to apply necessary changes on the fly. I'm at home tomorrow after lunch, and I'll stick around till dinner, maybe even during the night.
  9. It sounds manageable with IR, but I must admit that it does make the concept of the Archer even more appealing in comparison.I know, though with the imminent new IR medium armors 10-15% damage resistance will play an even more crucial role in terms of survivability (a True Ranger would still have slightly better AC on top of better damage resistance). Archer's light armors only offer 5% protection, which combined with d8 HDs will make this kit particularly vulnerable. Anyway, we'll see, that's why the beta stages are crucial for this mod imo, as balancing classes is hugely more difficult to do than balancing items and spells.
  10. Ranger's Quarry ability I really, really like bonuses/extras at 2nd level aka kensai +2 speed factor, I was gonna suggest that each kit gains something similar.In the long run I'll probably try to do that, but ideally with small things because the gap between level 1 and 2 is already huge just by counting thac0 and hp advancement (200% hp and almost all classes get +1 thac0). Yeah, the whole point of forcing a "pause" on the ranger to study the target is there to make sure that even if you could spam the ability you're not actually doing it unless there's a tough opponent or you are scouting the area and use it as the opening move for an encounter. Regarding non-magical abilities having "at will" uses, I kinda agree, but we have plenty of them using x/day uses for balance purposes (e.g. Rage, Called Shots, etc.). It all comes down to find the best compromise between concept and balance. It might indeed cause some issues. I don't know if you could code it so it would make enemies unable to hide via potions, but still able to do via spells - even tough, SCS mages sometimes use potions for invisibility as well. If it proves "game-breaking" I can indeed remove or limit it. When it comes to restricting it though I have to say that my hands are semi-tied:- I can impose a huge hide penalty, but are there opponents actually using it? - I can block invisibility via potions only if IR is installed (because IR makes potion work via spl) Stealth skill It's irrelevant, since Move Silently covers both HiS and MS in one skill. You don't need a single point in HiS to hide, even for thieves this skill is obsolete. Blame the developers...I know, my point is that we need to discover if "stealth 100%" means "move silently 100% AND hide 100%" or just "move silently 100%" as the 2da seems to suggest. It makes a huge difference because it would mean that right now a ranger maxes out with a chance around 50-60% when wearing no armor.
  11. True Ranger I'll share more details for the imminent release (this time around I'm 100% sure I can have it up around dinner), as I need to point out what has been changed or added, and most importantly what need to be tested. When it comes to Rangers there's plenty of changes I already discussed or mentioned (e.g.the revised spellbook, armor restriction, d8 HD) but one thing I'm hoping to shape up to become a real class defining feature along with Tracking is the new Quarry ability. Right now this ability works like this: a) Quarry is gained at level 2 and is usable at will, though only once every 2 turns b) the ability is a targeted ability which needs line of sight c) casting time is 0 but the caster is "paused" (a la Aganazzar Scorching Ray) for 3 seconds d) after that the target suffers Quarry's penalties for 2 turns (120 seconds), multiple Quarry effects from different rangers don't stack, nor these effects stack with SR's Know Opponent spell Pretty much EVERYTHING about this ability need to be tested and might be changed depending on the feedback: a) Would it be better as an x/day ability? Should it be gained later on to give the class a mid-level thing to look for, or will it be too defining for the class to be gained later? b) I'm trying to have some sinergy with the other class defining features of this class, thus I'm taking into consideration the possibility of making allowing the ranger to target II creatures while using Tracking c) The "pause" is there for many reasons. Conceptually it simulates the time the ranger need to study the target, gameplay-wise it's there to both raise the sinergy with ranger's Stealth skill (aka I hope the ability can be used while hiding without breaking it too soon) and balance the spell so it cannot be spammed during a fight d) in terms of effects this ability currently is an almost perfect copy of SR's Know Opponent, plus Glitterdust inability to become invisible (I'm worried about the latter in particular being too powerful against SCS mages) On a side note, one more thing I recently discovered that might be worth trying to test is ranger's Stealth skill itself. The relative skillrng.2da only list move_silently values, thus I'm wondering if that means the ranger actually lack a hide in shadows %. If yes, that means that the ranger actually has half the chances to use stealth than those listed (e.g. even at high levels it's never more than 50% + a small % based on DEX and race). Initially my plan was exactly what Kalindor says, but if the True Ranger ends up getting the uber improved animal empathy we have talked about, then having the Archer not getting this upgrade might be enough in terms of "nerfs".
  12. I already tweaked him similar to what he will be in next beta (I don't know if there will be other changes than what was written or the exact percentage probabilities), but am reluctant to play it yet.Berserker's changes are just the ones I described:- Frenzy on hit removed from clab file (that was the permanent always active variant) - added 10% chance per hit to go on a Frenzy while using Offensive Stance - additional 20% chance to enter a Frenzy while enraged (total of 30% per hit) - Frenzy +1 apr replaced by +2/+3/+4 damage at levels 1,10,19 (note that these stack with both OS values and hardcoded +2 from berserking, thus a frenzied berserker gets +6/+8/+10 dmg on each hit while using OS, without counting Rage's dmg bonuses!) It's not a revolution, though replacing increased apr with high dmg is a relatively big change both conceptually and in terms of balance), but being able to decide to play safe (aka not using Offensive Stance) is the thing I need to be tested. The more I refine the True Ranger the more I think Minsc as a ranger makes really no sense. Can you see Minsc hide to scout the area, move slowly to track his target or take his time to study an opponent and designate it as his quarry? Not to mention that Minsc casting spells is kinda silly. The only thing that relates Minsc to a ranger is Boo, but it's hardly a real animal companion and more part of his crazyness imo. Minsc is just a typical rashemar barbarian/berserker on the typical quest/ordalia with a young witch. In the end the delay was a good thing because tonight Arda helped me out with quite a few things that needed to be tested sooner or later such as:- Undead Hunter limited to medium armors - True Ranger limited to medium armors - rangers now roll d8 for hit points - Stalker limited to thief-like weapon selection Unlike most previous versions of KR, this time around there's a huge amount of things I still consider in a real beta stage (such as Cavalier's Challenge and Shield Other abilities). I hope you guys doesn't mind, but trying things out in-game is the only way to truly determine how they perform (e.g. it's important to know if reducing ranger's hit points and/or armor restriction act as a huge nerf or a tolerable one).
  13. Find Familiar Unfortunately this is among the most time consuming things and low on my priority list, thus yes, the upcoming version will not have revised familiars. That being said, I'm probably going to better learn how to handle this matter working on Beastmaster animal companion, and by doing so I'll raise the chances to effectively be able to implement all that cool stuff we talked about for familiars (e.g. the Lantern Archon actually looked quite good in-game, I hope I haven't lost its files!).
  14. The description update was a preparation for things to come, but the currently available spell still uses the 15% chance to lose control of the summoned fiend (a la vanilla's mental duel vs conjured elementals).
  15. I once blew a complete install when tweaking Improved Haste, so take your time. I probably (surely) won't be able to playtest today since I need to get up from bed in 7 hours but I'd like to install it tonight so I can put SCS on top of it (takes 3 hours on my prehistoric laptop to get BGT+SCS) and go to sleep. Sorry to have failed you guys, I should have learn by now that it's best to slowly package each update instead of waiting ages to merge tons of changes at once. Anyway, I have football tonight, but I should be back in time to hopefully upload it as long as making it install without issues is doable.
  16. In theory I've packaged everything (I've heavily understimated the HUGE amount of new things and new files I worked on), but in the hurry I must have messed up quite a few things judging by the multiple failed installs. I'll test it myself a little bit more before uploading it. Sorry for the additional delay. Hoping to raise beta testers morale I can give you a completely unrelated good news: Arda is back. I suppose you can imagine what that means.
  17. Actually I still have to get home and prepare it! Hopefully it won't take long, I just make some "trofie with pesto". After that I'll package the files and upload them asap. I hope to do it sooner rather than later because history tells me that I need to stay around after release to correct a bunch minor mistakes.
  18. Ranger spellbooks My point exactly. I removed Faerie Fire because in PnP the ranger does not get it, and gameplay wise it actually heavily overlaps with both Tracking ability and the new Quarry. Trust me, with those two abilities you really won't need FF while playing a ranger. Meh, I actually don't like the spell name myself, but it's the original PnP name. The spell doesn't scale with levels within PnP, and while nothing prevents us from tweaking it if necessary keep in mind that it sort of scale by itself when Stalker's base multiplier improve at levels 9 and 17. Well...I can actually give this spell to all rangers while keeping Stalker's focus on stealth oriented ones. True Ranger Yes, it only added more entries. As I said, without ToBEx my hands are tied on this matter. I wouldn't restrict the True Ranger to light armors, but medium ones as per PnP, thus still 1 step better than all its kits. If I'm going to implement a sort of Animal Companion as described in my previous post, only the True Ranger and the Beastmaster will get it (with the latter kit obtaining it earlier at level 1, and summoning a more powerful stealthy panther), thus creating a new disadvantage for both Archer and Stalker. Archer - cannot be done - already done - I think this is a too much defining feature for a ranger
  19. I cannot directly access to my files before this afternoon but I can give you a small preview on what to expect from tonight's new release. If necessary I'm still able to alter something if it doesn't require too much time. True Ranger I spent almost an entire day looking at each and every existing PnP spell to try improving ranger's spellbook, and the result is the following. Legend: spells already available via vanilla or SRv3, will be handled by SR, added by KR as part of the kit revision itself /--- 1st lvl spells ---/ /--- 2nd lvl spells ---/ /--- 3rd lvl priest spells ---/ /--- 4th lvl spells ---/ Short description of the the new spells: - Blades of Fire: pretty much IR's Oil of Fiery Burning, adds fire damage to melee weapons - Longstrider: self only, +2 movement rate for 1 hour - Snare: a Fire Trap variant which entangles opponents instead of dealing fire damage - Swift Haste: a single target, self only, casting time 1, 4 rounds duration Haste - Foebane: adds 2d6 damage against monsters to weapons What do you think? It's not implemented right now, but I'm taking into consideration the possibility of merging Animal Empathy with Animal Companion as a sort of "upgrade" of the former (e.g. at 4th level the True Ranger could use this ability to either charm another animal or temporary summon a wolf). Obviously, such an addition would make even more mandatory to make this class roll d8 for hit points and/or limit it to medium armors. Archer No changes for this beta (except small adjustments to Called Shots). This kit already receives too much things imo (e.g. at level 4 it gets+1 hit/dmg with missiles, Called Shots and Divine Spellcasting), if anything it needs a small nerf (e.g. +1 casting speed penalty), but surely not a buff. For example we could decide to remove quite a few spells, and maybe give it only a handful unique ones (from PnP I could only imagine things like Hawkeye/Guided Shot, Favorable Winds, Arrow Storm). Beastmaster Not yet implemented for this beta, but I actually have a bunch of unique spells in mind for him. Stalker This kit now gets one unique spell at each spell level: - Camouflage: self only Invisibility - Hunter's Eye: +1 backstab multiplier for 1 backstab - Non-detection: self explanatory - Improved Camouflage (*): self only Improved Invisibility (*) PnP actually has Mass Camouflage but I think this solution is better, am I wrong? Alternatively PnP also has Mass Longstrider, which could be a dream come true for those players who really cannot bear slow travels. If you have any suggestion or feel like I did something wrong don't be shy.
  20. Racial Enemy I know (via invisible creature and scripts though), and I do said that I was willing to do something similar to Refinements for an eventual Racial Enemy upgrade, but see below. We already discussed this, and that is EXACTLY what I would do if only Racial Enemy wasn't hardcoded to use race.ids entries. I do hope sooner or later BGEE and/or ToBEx allow us to tweak it, but right now my hands are tied. I even tried to imagine a way to remove/block the current racial enemy end force upon the class an automatic "Monster Bane" (which is the most appropriate pick imo), but afaik I cannot even do that.
  21. LOL I still need to package it an update tra files but I finished everything else 1 minute ago. I'm falling asleep though, I'll try to wake up early and close it asap. You'll surely get it tomorrow. zzz Lot of surprises and good news though.
  22. I do hoped to release the new beta today but unfortunately I won't, sorry. Blame my girl for that. That being said, I'll try to finish it for tomorrow, around dinner as always. It will include pretty much what I listed a couple of posts ago, and while I'm putting the Beastmaster on hold (not for long though, it's the thing I want to work the most as soon as IR and SR are out), I'm instead including a first draft of the Stalker. @Beta testers, if you want to start imagining your party I can anticipate that ideally I really need you guys to focus on two kits, the Berserker (I'm sure I know someone who won't mind playing it) and the Cavalier (I've shortly discussed it with DavidW and I want to give a chance to a PnP-esque Shield Other/Ally, but it's a heavy game-changing feature which requires a lot of testing). I'm not saying I don't care about other classes, I'd be happy to have feedback on them, but I'm much more confident about them. Short story, try to find a space for at least one of those two kits in your party please. P.S I'll try to give more detailed informations tonight before going to sleep.
  23. - I see your point but I don't know if I have enough reasons to move this spell. It has always been a 5th level spell for clerics in PnP (though druids are indeed supposed to get it later), but most importantly there's not much difference between 5th and 6th level spell repertoire, as we have 11 and 10 different picks respectively (the latter is getting Banishment with v4).- within both SR and KR we are not going to consider mage's HLAs as 9th/10th level spells spells anymore, but rather as innates. This way they won't have to directly compete anymore. Time Stop has always been a 9th level spell and I really don't see myself moving it to HLAs.
  24. Teleport Field The main problem with vanilla's version of this spell (aka without a save) is that multiple TS stack. A single TS is almost OP imo considering it is just a 4th level spell (against melee weapons it's almost a PfMW with long duration - even more so with IR not allowing ridiculously fast melee swings with most weapons) but still manageable, it's when you start stacking multiple TS that the spell shows itself as clearly broken. A player also reminded me that combining TS with SR's Protection from Missiles is pretty much an "invulnerability mode" (especially if used by the AI within BG1 when players still have no access to Breach) and thus I was persuaded that even if many players seem to think I nerfed this spell too heavily, I was right instead, and I'm currently keeping the save (albeit with a heavy -4 penalty - and it's a save vs. spell, which is supposed to be fighter's worst save). Thanks for bringing this up to my attention, I'll update the first topic to reflect this.
  25. Just checked the clab file and passive movement rate bonus (spcl151) isn't there anymore as expected. While raging the barbarian gets +2 to ms at level 1, and additional +1 at levels 10 and 19. Considering base speed is 9, it means an enraged barbarian moves 20-45% faster. It should be noticeable indeed. Anyway, the test is quick, just make your non-enraged barbarian and another character run at a point and see if one of them is faster.
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