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Posts posted by argent77

  1. Thanks a lot for the fix. I could advance the main plot without further issues after applying it.

    Another (minor) issue crept up though. The chapter text at the bottom of the journal dialog displays "EET_CHAPTER_8" instead of "Chapter 8". It worked fine until Chapter 7. There is a mention of EET_CHAPTER_8 in m_eet.lua and util.lua, but I don't know enough about Lua script to fix it.

  2. I'm just encountering a strange issue. I'm currently in SoD, Ducal Palace, after picking up some of my former companions which includes Minsc and Dynaheir. Now, whenever I try to enter the bedrooms on the upper floor (BD0103) Dynaheir is removed from the party and the map. Afterwards Minsc is experiencing the dreaded stutter bug and can't walk more than two steps in a row. Even Safana's animation is always in her busy state on that map, although she can still move normally. I'm running a number of mods, so I don't really know whether it's EET-related.

    I've attached a save and the area script from the bedrooms area if you want to take a closer look.

    000000101-Dynaheir issue.zip


  3. In my recent walkthrough with EET RC5 I noticed a number of incorrect strrefs in effect opcodes that are used for displaying strings. For example, the spell of the Unsleeping Guardian in the opening dungeon of SoD should trigger the message "Slowed" if the target fails their save, but instead it displays "Your countenance has the air of dark thoughts and concern, my love. Might I ask what has brought this mood about you?" (including associated sound clip).

    So, I've written a small WeiDU routine to list all strrefs from effect opcodes and found a great number of incorrect lines.


    You can check it out yourself with the following script: setup-ListOpcodeStrings.zip

  4. One issue to consider is that some mobile devices require different texture encoding formats for PVRZ files. A work-around would probably be to convert PVRZ-based tilesets back into the original palette-based format (which is apparently supported by all devices).

  5. I'm a Windows user, but I'm not too fond of the Launcher idea either. Launchers are always the first thing I deactivate or delete since they're just another layer of inconvenience between me and the game.


    My hope is that Beamdog is incorporating fixes to stuff currently posted on Redmine into the upcoming iOS/Android release, which will be 2.4; and then that will quickly filter back to the Win/Mac/Linux games, and to IWDEE. And probably 2.4 will be the last update to the Infinity Engine.

    I'm wondering - does iOS/Android releases support mods? Can you for example install EET on PC and somehow make it work on portable devices? Where are TLK files? What about biff files and Override folder?


    You can use my DlcBuilder to create a distributable version of fully modded games. Afaik, the DLC model has been chosen in the first place because it was already implemented in a similar fashion in the mobile versions of the games.

    I don't know the game folder structure on mobile devices, but the desktop versions of the games support DLC locations in the game installation folder as well as in the documents folder. I would imagine the mobile versions also support locations that are freely accessible by the user.


    Adding this ALWAYS block should fix the USER_DIRECTORY issue in a more universal way:


    this won't be universal for EET.tp2 since at that point both weidu 239.01 and 239.02 still recognize the game as BG2:EE. Only after EET.flag is in override weidu will report the game as EET (and only after running the installer again).


    I was only referring to the "double quote" bug from WeiDU v239.02 which also affects every other BG(2)EE mod that makes use of this variable. In EET it must probably be added to both EET.tp2 and lib/EET_end.tp2 to work correctly.


    Edit: Btw, I've noticed that the option "Show Black Space" is automatically disabled by EET. Is this a technical necessity?

  7. it's because this bug: http://forums.pocketplane.net/index.php/topic,29567.msg338013.html#msg338013


    Regarding engine.lua, USER_DIRECTORY doesn't appear to remove the quotes from the extracted path name. Output on my system is:


    C:\Users\argent77\Documents\"Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition"

    How about quick workaround?



    Adding this ALWAYS block should fix the USER_DIRECTORY issue in a more universal way:

        REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~^\(.+[\/]\)"\(.+\)"$~ ~\1\2~
  8. I don't think this issue should be solved by core EET. As already mentioned, there may be mods that require these items to be found within the game. It's true that you'll have two different stacks of identical ammo or potions, but at that point you should be able to acquire gem bags, potion cases or ammo belts to save inventory space.


    I'd suggest to add such a component to the EET Tweaks instead. Since it's installed very late in the installation chain it can fix even mod-introduced dependencies to the items in question.

  9. Sometimes I can loot stackable items without "charge". They don't display a number in the inventory screen and adding them to existing stacks don't increase the stack. It's been fixed after a save and reload. I've seen it with a healing potion and an arrow of dispelling so far. Both were most likely random drops. I can't remember who dropped the potion, but the arrow was dropped by a spawned bandit with bandit scalp. Maybe another quirk of the new treasure table system?

  10. I've just encountered a second Rasaad in Nashkel after revisiting the town. Inspecting my saved game I found a third character entry for Rasaad as well, although that one hasn't been placed on any map.

    Could this be EET-related or is it a BGEE issue? I'm using EET RC3 with the RC4 hot fix and a small number of mods (incl. BG1 NPC Project). Rasaad never joined my party, but I talked to him once already.

  11. The halfling messenger in BG3800 (Halfmiri.cre) does not drop the letter for Miriam (scrl3i.itm). I checked in NI and he should have this inventory item, but it has no flags set in the cre file (not flag droppable).

    The letter is dropped by one of the Ogrillons. However, it's not flagged as quest item, so it might disappear if you come back later to pick it up.


    The letter is also present in the dead halfling's inventory. But he shouldn't drop anything since he's already dead when the map is loaded.


  12. I can confirm as well. It looks like the fix has not been applied to BG3300.TIS and the two other reported maps.


    Edit: @K4thos The culprit is COPY_EXISTING in the FIX_WATER function. Since you never install TIS files directly, but instead biff them from a working directory, you have to adapt the function accordingly.

  13. RNDTRES.2DA appears to be special in many ways. For example, you can't define random lists with a chance of generating no item at all. The engine appears to calculate the chances for each item from the available items in the row. The remaining "*" entries are ignored completely.

    I'm using this file extensively in my Golem Construction mod. To simulate a chance of no item drop, I had to add dummy items with cleared "Droppable" flag to the list. None of the items have a non-zero lore defined however, so I didn't notice that items from this table are automatically identified. I'll make some more tests. Maybe I can find out more.

  14. On closer inspection I can see that all PVRZ files of BG4000.TIS containing transparent regions are different. The most noticeable files are A400009.PVRZ (BGEE) / B400009.PVRZ (EET) and A400021.PVRZ (BGEE) / B400021.PVRZ (EET). Are you recompressing them at some point during installation?


    Edit: Nevermind, I've compared them with an older version of BGEE. The latest BGEE patch v2.3.67.3 contains the same visual glitches.

  15. I've noticed that many enchanted items from random drops are already identified, such as protection scrolls or enchanted ammunition. I'm running a number of mods though, so I can't tell whether this is caused by EET or one of the other mods. Can anyone confirm?


    Edit: I've also noticed a couple of misaligned door tiles in their closed state on map BG4000 (Gullykin).

  16. It looks like you can fix glitched water overlays simply by setting "dummy tiles" as secondary tiles in WED resources.

    The following WeiDU code should fix the issues mentioned in my previous post:

      numTilesToFix = 0   // number of tile indices to fix
      // $tilesToFix(0), ... contain tile indices to fix
      wed = ~~
      ACTION_IF (numTilesToFix > 0 AND FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%wed%~) BEGIN
        // Setting required secondary tile indices
        COPY_EXISTING ~%wed%~ ~override~
          SET ofsOverlay = LONG_AT 0x10
          SET ofsTileMap = LONG_AT (ofsOverlay + 0x10)
          READ_ASCII (ofsOverlay + 0x04) tisFile (8) NULL
          PATCH_IF (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%tisFile%.tis~) BEGIN
              // adding dummy tiles to TIS
              COPY_EXISTING ~%tisFile%.TIS~ ~override~
                READ_LONG 0x08 numTiles
                WRITE_LONG 0x08 (numTiles + numTilesToFix)
                READ_LONG 0x0c sizeTile
                READ_LONG 0x10 ofsTiles
                FOR (idx = 0 curOfs = ofsTiles + (numTiles * sizeTile); idx < numTilesToFix; idx += 1 curOfs += sizeTile) BEGIN
                  // adding new "black" tile
                  INSERT_BYTES curOfs sizeTile
                  WRITE_LONG curOfs "-1"
            // updating secondary tile indices
            FOR (idx = 0; idx < numTilesToFix; idx += 1) BEGIN
              PATCH_IF (VARIABLE_IS_SET $EVAL tilesToFix(~%idx%~)) BEGIN
                SET tileIndex = $EVAL tilesToFix(~%idx%~)
                SET ofsTile = ofsTileMap + (tileIndex * 10)
                WRITE_SHORT (ofsTile + 4) (numTiles + idx)
    // patching BG3300 (Beregost)
    ACTION_DEFINE_ARRAY tilesToFix BEGIN 3799 3800 3879 3880 END
    LAF FIX_WATER INT_VAR numTilesToFix = 4 STR_VAR wed = ~bg3300.wed~ END
    // patching BG3000
    LAF FIX_WATER INT_VAR numTilesToFix = 1 STR_VAR wed = ~bg3000.wed~ END
    // patching BG1802
    ACTION_DEFINE_ARRAY tilesToFix BEGIN 1292 1293 END
    LAF FIX_WATER INT_VAR numTilesToFix = 2 STR_VAR wed = ~bg1802.wed~ END

    Edit: Optimized code



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