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Posts posted by ABlake

  1. What script is your dragon running? Did you make a new one from scratch for it, or is it based on an old one?


    Most if not all attacks of many enemies specifically target PC, so if you change them to friendly, you won't see them do much, I imagine.


    If you attach the script that your dragon is running, we could take a look at it see if there's anything not ok.

  2. Question 2: The different CRE files like JAHEIR7 JAHEIR8 JAHEIR11 are different levels for Jaheira when she spawns in the game. Basically, depending on your level the game will spawn the file that is closest to your level. Its like that for all NPC. JAHEIR7 means Jaheira is level 6/7; if you are level 7 the game will use this file. If you are level 11 when you meet her, the game will use JAHEIR11, in which she is around level 11.


    If BGT is supposed to change all character sounds to BG1 version then i dont know why there is one Jaheira file with BG2 sound.


    If you dont see an NPC in the list in the lower right corner it means they have never been spawned in your playthrough up to that point. You see Branwen and Xan because they are part of your BGT game. The *TBRANW *TIMOEN *TJAHEI etc. are the NPCs you finished BG1 with, so now you can see them in the list when youre in SoA. Also, if you change anything in the files in this corner, those changes only apply to that save file, not the entire game.


    Question 0: yes i can help you with that


    Question 1: No, Edwina is a special case. There is no CRE file for her. The game uses an effect to change Edwins gender to female, then his personal script (EDWIN.BCS) will detect that and replace his sound set.


    Question 3: if i remember correctly, yes, NPC sound sets in ToB are the same as in SoA.


    Final question: Im not sure what youre asking, but for each NPC if you want them to spawn with the correct sound set from the beginning, you need to replace sound for all original CRE files of that character. For example if you only replace sound for JAHEIR7 then only the level 6/7 version of her has that sound set. If you meet her at level 11 the game will use JAHEIR11 instead, which still has old sounds.

  3. I don't have a BGT installation, only separate BG and BG2. It doesn't matter though, the important thing is that you put NearInfinity in the folder of the game you're playing. But BGT should use the same folder as BG2.


    The game won't crash just because you're playing around with sound sets, or character sounds having wrong lines.


    When i search for JAHEIR7, or any other JAHEIR options, there are jaheiras from bg1 portrais with BG1 Sounds, and many jaheiras with BG2 Portraits, but guess what? All of them with the BG1 Sounds (i think because i both opened the same BG Trilogy


    Hmm. Maybe BGT changes all of them to BG1 version for continuity purpose, I guess? The files with BG1 portrait should be files from the first game converted into BG2 engine; the files with BG2 portrait are files from BG2.


    Check this video. I tried to explain how you can look up specific strings then make the sound lines use specific strings.




    You can actually do this to change the sound set of all base CRE files from the game. All the files JAHEIR7, JAHEIR8, JAHEIR11, etc. When they spawn in the game they will have the new sound set. You only need to do this manually for one file. After one file is good, just copy all the "Sound:" lines from it then paste into other files.


    Again, the CRE files with BG1 portraits are from BG1. If they are already using BG1 sounds, you probably don't want to change them. Just change the files with BG2 portraits so that they use BG2 sounds, if that's what you want.


    But for now maybe only modify stuff in your save files first, until you get used to it, before modifying base game files.

  4. You're on the right track. First, you want to put the file NearInfinity.jar in the same folder where CHITIN.KEY is (also where the main game .exe is). It should automatically recognize your installation when you run it.

    Working on this issue is straightforward, but involves quite a few steps. Watch this video I made for it, hopefully it helps. Turn on Subtitles/Caption (CC) for subtitles.




    Back up your main save file just in case.

  5. I don't know, the immunities tied to character classes are what define them and really distinguish them from other classes. Changing those to imitate the "advantage" mechanics kinda screws them up major. At low level when everyone's saves mostly suck, getting another chance doesn't mean much. Whereas at high level, if they are unlucky enough to fail once, mostly likely they'll succeed next time anyway - for a one-time check.


    In many instances the enemies can spam negative effects over and over, like vampire's on-hit level drain. If the character has to make a save every single time, it probably won't take too long for them to eventually fail. Getting another save every time means at least they won't be level drained to death, I guess.


    Vanilla game might be forgiving enough for this idea to *possibly* work, decently. But to implement this mechanics in a modded game with stuff like Spell Revisions, SCS, aTweaks, etc.... oof. I mean, in the toughest fights it is always critical that your characters are absolutely immune to stuff..., and one failed save means the whole thing goes south.


    Just my initial thoughts though.

  6. I might be wrong but this sounds like a feature of BGT. According to the BGT Readme:


    Additionally, joinable non-player characters that appear in both Baldur's Gate and Shadows of Amn conditionally keep their attributes upon transition to Shadows of Amn depending on the fate that you left them in Baldur's Gate. Edwin, Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc, and Viconia will keep their attributes and appearance from Baldur's Gate if they are alive and are in your party when you talk to Belt after the defeat of Sarevok.


    Since the easiet way to give these guys the same stats and appearance is to actually move them from the final area of the first game into SoA, rather than replacing them with character files from the second game. As their character files come from the first game, it means their sound set will also be from the first game.


    It's not too hard to fix this in your own game by modifying your save game using NearInfinity. Open up your main save with NearInfinity, then locate to the NPC character files and replace all their sound lines with those from the second game.

  7. Then, you need to look up every instance of CHA modification in the game, to insert a MM modification there. If the CHA mod is permanent then the MM mod is also permanent. If it's limited time then remove the MM mod at the end of the duration.


    How about this: use a creature that runs a script which considers all possible combinations of character level and CHA bonus level (so 5 CHA bonus levels times whatever the level you want the MM scaling to cap at). Summon this creature whenever a CHA mod is applied. It it's permanent then that's it. If it's limited duration, summon the creature again at the end of the duration for recalculation. You can use this same creature and script to initiate MM and MR after character creation (so forget about the passives that apply MM/MR at every level). This way you only need to care what the current net CHA is, and insure that MM and MR are recalculated every time there is a change in CHA.


    I would say:

    IF MR expired AND CM < MM

    THEN update catalyst

    This will keep comparing CM and MM at every cycle though... is this much more expensive than checking a single variable? Would be preferable to store an additional variable for maximum mana reached? I can do it either ways, it's only a matter of performance...


    I suppose you could do something like this:



    MM = x

    CM < x


    SC = 1

    MR expired


    update catalyst

  8. lets the player exploit it pumping the stat before leveling up for permanent benefits


    I meant to talk about the CHA modifications throughout the game, but then forgot to. Here's what I'm thinking: first, there's only one CHA check right after character creation. It will take care of the initial CHA bonus of your character. Then, you need to look up every instance of CHA modification in the game, to insert a MM modification there. If the CHA mod is permanent then the MM mod is also permanent. If it's limited time then remove the MM mod at the end of the duration.


    I didn't understand why I would need another CASTSPELL variable... maybe I missed something, could you explain yourself better? I was thinking to start the timer whenever it isn't already running and SC = 1. Then, even if SC will soon become 0, the timer will keep going and reset itself until CM >= MM and only at that time it will stop (not resetting itself). You think this wouldn't work?


    Actually, that might work. At first I came up with something different and thought SC wouldn't work. But now I think SC would be fine for this task.


    Same as for the previous point, why can't I simply update the catalyst on SC=1 or MR expired? Has this to do with the fact that I can't change a variable and read its updated value in the same block? In this case, if the triggers is MR expired, I can set the number of charges to CM + 1 and, if the trigger is SC=1, the spell itself has already updated CM, so I think the value would be correct as it is.


    You probably don't have to do the CM + 1 thing. You just need to push the catalyst portion to the bottom of the code, so when the game gets to this portion, CM should have already been updated by the MR expired portion from above. But then how do you stop it from updating at max mana? At max mana you need to stop the timer by setting it to either 0 or a very big value. But you need it to be 0 so you can do the "IF SC = 1 and timer not running THEN start timer" portion. This means at max mana MR will always be "expired". Also, you don't want to have two different actions for SC = 1 and MR expired. Because then you'd need two separate triggers for every possible value of CM, which means doing the entire value-reading task twice.


    • Update MM and MR on level change.
    • Update MM and MR on charisma change.
    • If a timer MR has expired and CM is lower than MM: restore every spell with a lower level then CM+2, enable spell casting, increment CM by 1, replace the catalyst item with one having CM charges, reset the timer to MR seconds.
    • If SC is equal to 1 and CM is greater then 0: remove all spells with a greater level than CM from sorcerer's memory, replace the catalyst item with one having CM charges, set SC to 0.
    • If SC is equal to 1 and CM is lower then 1: remove all spells from sorcerer's memory, disable spell casting, replace the catalyst item with one having 0 charges, set SC to 0.

    Here's how I see it:


    Both MM and MR are level-dependent so I'm thinking they can both be done by using passive abilities gained at every level.


    MM is easier since you just need to increment it by 2 every level. Then do a check for the Sorc's CHA to apply additional effect to increment MM accordingly.


    The MR = 12.5% MM is harder, because it also depends on MM, not just level. So after the check for CHA and applying additional MM, you need a piece of code that reads all possible values of MM and calculates the corresponding MR. You would also want to decide at which level MM maxes out. Let's say it caps at level 40, so your max MM would be 240 for a 25 CHA 40th level Sorc. Some values are not possible, like 7, 11, or 13, but it's going to be pretty tedious setting this up, I guess. What you can do is keep the max MM reasonably low, to make your life easier. Maybe let it cap at level 20 or so.


    I'm not sure how to efficiently compare CM and MM. I suppose you could use a variable that signals that any spell has been cast, let's say CASTSPELL. This can't be the same as SC, since it changes differently. In the script, whenever this CASTSPELL variable is 1 and the regen timer is not running, start the regen timer. When it expires and CASTSPELL is still 1, increment CM. So basically, the first time you ever cast a spell, CM will keep increasing until it equals or exceeds MM. Then, you need a piece of code preceding all this, which considers every possible value of MM, and compares CM to that value. If CM >= MM, set CASTSPELL to 0, stop the regen timer, and set CM = MM.


    I really hope I made sense there. My head is starting to spin a little.


    As for the catalyst thing, since the game has to read the value of CM, I don't see any other way short of another piece of code that considers every possible value of CM, which does take every value from min MM to max MM, then create the item accordingly. You would probably need another variable, let's say UPDATECM, to signal the game when it needs to update this value. Every spell cast will set this flag to 1. Every time regen timer expires, set this to 1. When CASTSPELL (from above) = 0, set UPDATECM to 0 (so at max mana it doesn't need to update catalyst). Whenever a new catalyst is created, also set UPDATECM to 0.


    EDIT: As far as the feedback info for CM is concerned, the mod Virtue creates a new token called Virtue which is displayed in the Record page as another piece of info. I wonder if you can do the same thing for mana? It still doesn't change the fact that you would still need to consider every possible value of CM. It just saves you the trouble of creating an inventory item.

  10. They are hard-coded, and spell deflection and spell trap use the same effect (SPMAGGLO.BAM)


    Unfortunately, nowhere in their .SPL file can you change that, they will always point to SPMAGGLO.bam


    However, I think you can overwrite SPMAGGLO.bam as an empty effect and THEN assign a new effect to Spell Deflection and Spell Trap. That should work.


    I just didn't know vanilla EE replaced the original one! That's a surprise

    This would be a good way of doing it, in case you want to, say, distinguish between Deflection and Trap in particular. I've never had any issue with effects of Trap/Deflection/Turning/Immunity, myself. But since the circling smoke is white, it's very easy to change its color by changing its color balance using BAM Editor utility of NearInfinity. The red or yellow version looks pretty cool, actually. So you don't need to look for a totally new effect just for this issue.

  11. The default level script DPLAYER3 is always there. It is for your main char. It handles certain global stuff, like when you're poisoned by Marek and Lothander in the first game, when the timer runs out and you haven't cured it, your entire party will be killed. Or when you have been infected with lycanthropy and fail to kill Mendas within a couple days, your entire party will change to werewolf. But the first game didn't make use of a global script like BALDUR.BCS like BG2 does, so all that stuff was necessary. In BG2 we have the global script BALDUR.BCS that handles anything global, so in vanilla BG2 DPLAYER3 does *almost* nothing. Either way, it has nothing to do with the AI of your char, afaIk.


    I opened up both of the saves you sent me, and I saw the BDDEFAI show up in both of them. The only difference was that the one you currently play has an additional override level script called BDPLAYER. So I assumed that the TOB one was working fine, which means BDDEFAI was the one you wanted, and that BDPLAYER was getting in the way of it. That's why all I did was removed BDPLAYER from your char. As I said, I still have no idea what either of them does (since I don't have them in my install), so I can't really confirm it.


    But since you asked, here's how you change the AI of your char.


    - Now that you know where to find your saves in NearInfinity, select BALDUR.GAM inside your save folder.

    - In the top right corner, it lists "Player Character". Your char is *ORL. Double click that, it opens up a new window called Party Member 0.

    - Go to the Edit tab, scroll down to the bottom, then double click the CRE Resource line. It will open up all the data for your char.

    - Scroll down to about 1/3 of the way, where you find Level first class, 2nd class, 3rd class, and all the ability scores. Below those you will find the script levels Override, Class, Race, General, Default. The Default one will be DPLAYER3.

    - You can change the Class script to whatever you want. Having nothing is the same as selecting NONE for script in the game.

    - Once you're done, go back to BALDUR.GAM. Select the Edit tab so you can hit that Save button in the bottom. If you try to exit NearInfinity or navigate to something else before saving, it will ask if you want to save the changes - click Save Changes, then Overwrite.


    I suggest you set up a char which you know the script is working exactly as you want. Save that game, then check that save to see what script they are using, exactly. Then assign that script to your char in your main save.


    Or, an easier way to do it is to just clear the script from your main char. Then go back in game and set up script for her again. There's no reason for that not to work.

  12. Here's your new save: http://www.mediafire.com/file/5ee642yz6prue9d/000000001-Lorelai+Lee-Quick-Save-2.rar


    The one you have in TOB has only one script which is BDDEFAI, as I mentioned above. There is nothing above it. So I would say that it was the file BDPLAYER that was getting in the way of the other one. I thought this was a rather far-fetched possibility.


    So I simply removed the top level script from your char in your last save. I still don't know what this BDDEFAI script does, exactly, but at least it is the same one your new TOB char has. I zipped the entire save folder, but what you really need is only the BALDUR.GAM file, cause everything else is the same. So you can just copy the new BALDUR.GAM into your last save folder (the one you sent me) and overwrite the old one and that should do it.


    EDIT: Of course, as per safety guideline, backup your old BALDUR.GAM before overwriting. But I don't believe there would be any problem.

    EDIT2: that character level is insane. How is that XP amount even possible...

  13. So it looks like this: your char in that save is running two scripts called BDPLAYER and BDDEFAI - the first one on top (so it takes precedence) then the second one. Normally, when you change your char AI, that AI file will be placed in the second level (which means in place of BDDEFAI), and nothing goes to the top level. It could be that the reason you have 2 scripts on 2 different levels is because the game is trying to handle both the "rogue" part and the "mage" part of your char at the same time. Or it could be some entirely different reason.


    I don't have those scripts and don't know which mod they come from, so I have no idea what's with them. Maybe the one on top is getting in the way of the second one? Maybe not.

    So, if you send me your most recent save (the save you're going to continue with), and another save with a newly created char with all AI properly set up, I could take a look at both and compare them, then I'll change the AI of your current char for you so that it looks like the new char.


    All the scripts that start with "BP" come from Big Picture Series Party AI, btw.

  14. I don't think this is something that is "hard to fix" per se, it's just that we can't tell what *exactly* is the problem here to begin with, just by listening to your description. And guessing is not all that effective.


    If you want to handle this yourself, grab NearInfinity from here, https://github.com/Argent77/NearInfinity/releases, drop it in your baldur.exe folder, run it, and open up the "Save" section. Open any save with your old char, open BALDUR.GAM, then open up party member CHARBASE - that is your character. Then you can see what script he/she is using. If you look into the script, you can probably tell what is going on in there.


    OR, if you throw me your save file, I could take a look at it for you.

  15. That's strange, cause if it's really SCS script, there's gotta be a hotkey to switch between several options, unless it's different now, with new SCS versions and the enhanced edition and such.


    This might sound pointless, but you could try different keys, on both your old char and a newly created char, see if there really is a hotkey. Also, changing to a different script then back again has worked for some, afaIk.

  16. I'm just guessing here, but could be that the "detecting trap" is preventing the spellcasting from happening? As far as I can tell, they only cast spells if they are idle. If the character is already detecting trap, casting spells would cancel that, so they won't do it.


    Or you could try reactivating the spellcasting with hotkey. In my installation the key is S. Try hitting S a few times and see what happens.


    For all of the Ranger Kits added under the Divine Remix Mod, (wilderness runner, justifier, bowslinger, forest runner, and Feralan), none of the special abilities they are supposed to come with, such as the wilderness runners ability to set snares or charm animals, appear under the special abilities tab. Also, abilities the class should confer, such as the fire and ice resistance of the wilderness, do not appear.


    I downloaded NearInfinity but had trouble navigating it and didn't quite know what to look for. I'll take a look again though.


    You simply need to drop NearInfinity.jar into the same folder as Baldur.exe. When you run it it will automatically recognize the installation.


    The .2DA tables are what you want to look into. For example, the Wilderness Runner uses NMRNWLRN.2DA. This table lists all the abilities (passive & active) for that kit. I'm looking into this right now, and as far as I can tell, according to this table and the readme, the kit should get a bunch of abilities like NMRNWR01 (charm animal), NMRNWR02 (?), NMRNWR03 (10% cold/fire res), NMRNWR04 (initial 20% set trap), and NMRNWR05 (+5% set trap every level). But when I searched in the mod folder I could only find NMRNWR1, NMRNWR3, and NMRNWR4. The names don't match, and I'm not seeing NMRNWR2 and NMRNWR5 anywhere. Now I don't have the mod installed, so I can't say with certainty what's going on, but this would be an example of why the abilities don't show up ingame. The names of the spells must match how they appear in the 2DA table.

  18. I see. I checked through all the proficiencies of my party members in the save and it turned out the "STONESKINS" proficiency was the culprit. It used to come from spells that apply stoneskins, probably so that enemies could detect it. (Which is actually unnecessary in this case since stoneskins is detected through the Stoneskin effect itself)


    Either way, that answered my question. It's good to figure this out. Thanks for the help - and the links.

  19. Is it just BG1, or a BGT kind of installation? If it's like BGT, then you have a lot more options. Stuff like holy water or wooden stake, for example.


    If you would go so far as to create new unique items, then you could add something called holy water which deal damage to undead ignoring resistance. Or one or two unique magical items. Maybe a Cloak of Protection +2? You could also, say, take the Helm of Glory from the guy whatshisname in Baldur's Gate and add it to the store.


    Also some high-level priest scrolls. This is nothing special in BGT or BG2, but in BG it would be something. I mean, in vanilla BG you don't even have 6th-level priest spells, so adding a couple of Heal scrolls to the store would make it quite unique, I believe. If it's only BG, then it's easy to add some scrolls which can't be found anywhere else and make the store special. I did this to one or two stores around Baldur's Gate too.

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