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Posts posted by Isewein

  1. This all looks like an amazing project. I'm slightly overwhelmed. Just a small curious question: In BGT, I very much appreciated the opportunity to do TotSC adventures after Sarevok's fall, before initiating the transition to BGII. After all, this is how the expansion was originally intended to be played. It fits better balance- and storywise, too. May I suggest to you good folks to keep this option open, rather than moving on straight to this new expansion, or is there some reason against it I am unable to see?


    EDIT: Note to self and posterity - this has now been implemented with the Endless BG1 mod.

  2. This looks great! I love that you took up the Afaaq model and are turning him into a 7th party member. Party slots are the most expensive resource in a BG game, these days!


    Will definitely try him out one day! I always liked Solaufein as a character, but I remember the old mod being very much a disappointment when I tried it years ago. It was essentially a completely different person.


    Have you looked into crossmod? At the very least, Lava's 'Eilistraee's Song' is pretty much asking for it.

  3. Thank you for this great mod! It really should have been there to begin with - I can scarcely believe it took 10 years for the crude multi-stronghold mod of old to mature into this perfect example of seamless integration. It's great to see the NPCs' presence acknowledged, for once, and not have every side quest revolve around Charname. I'm very happy that you decided on having them make their own decisions, at times. Haer'Dalis orchestrating the Playhouse seemed especially appropriate to me - I will say that I think this quest line actually works better for him than a Bard PC.


    The truth is, there are certain NPCs which just fit a stronghold much better than others, so I will probably never see most of this mod, but as for those choice picks, everything works fine. The only scenario I could imagine someone leaving Jaheira to the Druid grove rather than Cernd, for example, would be if the latter had found an unfortunate demise. Same goes for the Thieves' Guild, really. Nalia embraces her commitments to the Keep after her father's death, and Imoen has bigger things to worry about, leaving it firmly in Jan's (unfirm) hands. I placed CN!Anomen at the Temple of Helm (it seemed plausible to me as a sort of penance mission), and I was delighted to see you had accounted for this eventuality! The outcome was definitely the high point of this mod. :devlook: Can't say anything about the Keep or Planar Sphere plots as I went through those with my main character.


    There was an incompatibility with Extended Thief Stronghold, but it was due to that mod's handling of the area script, not yours. I fixed it easily enough by simply merging the two area scripts together. Which reminds me - I sided with Bodhi, but somehow Jan never got kicked out of his stronghold. I suppose that may be another incompatibility at work, but I can actually see it quite well: Jan rounding up the remaining Shadow Thieves and galvanising them under his leadership. Of course, they should ideally go underground between chapters 3 and 6 then, but since Charname is away from Athkatla during these chapters anyway, I could easily just imagine them doing precisely that in the meantime. In my opinion, the mod could make an exception there, provided Jan is actually left behind to care for his guild in the meantime - he is thrifty enough to somehow survive some time against Bodhi. His (weakened) thieves could then even serve as an ally against her in Chapter VI!


    I also did experience the same problems with the Ranger stronghold (for Minsc) as noted already in the Bug thread, but was able to play around them by adjusting variables manually. I figure more detail isn't needed, as documentation in the Bug thread is already sufficient. Overall, I would say that the 'incompatibility with BigWorld' mentioned in your readme is an overstatement. It would be a shame if people were too scared to install this mod, after all!

  4. I think I just figured out the small coding omission that caused so many players problems when trying one of the new paths (trying to be spoiler free here): ar5500add.baf Block 12 / line 208 needs a check for Global("HadBhaal25Dream3","GLOBAL",1) or any other variable ensuring it does not fire immediately upon re-entering Amkethran after killing the first of either Abazigal/Sendai. As it is, it messes up what could otherwise be an epic scene and really the crowning jewel of this mod! Hope someone finds the time to look over it, so that other players can enjoy it spoiler-free :)

    //// Initialising the attack (if players leave the monastery to find it under attack in phase 2). ar5500add.baf
            RESPONSE #100

    Now bug no.2 preventing the conclusion of this sequence (for which "DMWWVillageAttacked" needs to be set to 2) is considerably more arcane: basically, the sole culprit is a Bone Fiend with gender dysphoria. No, I'm not kidding you. Prepare to be led down a special rabbit hole...


    The area script will only try to spawn new attackers when the current number of present hostiles is below a certain number. Essentially a good idea, so as to prevent the player from getting swamped. It mirrors the scripting for the horde faced in Pocket Plane Challenge 1. The hard-coded method of checking the current number of 'extras', i.e. non plot-essential creatures, in any given area at any given time runs via the local variable "EXTRACOUNT". There is different "EXTRACOUNT" for different types of creatures (in this case, for example, two separate waves of attackers: one of cannon fodder, the other of stronger monsters smaller in number). These are "EXTRACOUNT2" to "EXTRACOUNT10", respectively checked against a corresponding value stored in a .cre file's gender of all things.


    It so happens that of the assorted critters attacking Amkethran at a certain stage of this mod, the Bone Fiends are not assigned the correct gender value, preventing the "EXTRACOUNT7" area variable from decreasing on death, which in turn prevents further hostiles from spawning as the script still assumes CHARNAME to be up against a horde of androgynous Bone Fiends... and thus, the kill count necessary for the script to advance can not be reached.


    There seems to be no documentation of this useful Infinity Engine feature in the common scripting guides; I eventually unravelled the mystery by way of this article. Isn't it magnificent? :D Verily, the wonders of the IE are manifold!



    dw#vibon.cre, a copy of gorbat5.cre, is of gender 4 ("NIETHER" - sic!), but needs to be of gender 15 ("EXTRA7") for the script as it is currently coded to function properly. Whether this gender dysphoric Bone Fiend is an idiosyncrasy of my install / codependent on some other mod I cannot say for sure, but as the .cre is copied straight from core game files during the installation WoP, I suspect not.



    cheers to the creator of this creative and daring mod! hope the few remaining bugs can one day be fixed - they are few, but as many variables in this mod are codependent, one little error such as this one can have far-reaching consequences if the player notices too late that things didn't go as they should have :(


    EDIT: There is indeed a third bug in this sequence. According to the attached documentation files of WoP, DMWWVillageAttacked has to be set to 1 by the dw#monme dialogue file ... it's not gamebreaking, as it will instead be set by the peasants, but it has the potential to mess things up since Balthazar won't fire an appropriate script to teleport out, etc. Easy fix: add SetGlobal("DMWWVillageAttacked","GLOBAL",1) to the actions at the end of army_abaz and army_send chains in the mod's balthadd.d.

  5. Ok, I get it. What you call a "pirated version" is actually part of the BiG World Textpack, and it isn't "pirated" at all cause it just patches the download from here with the german translations. I assume the problem is just that they were made for an earlier version (about v7), so now there are some strings missing. Sorry, I should have checked the files myself before bothering you.

  6. Hello,

    I wanted to install the Romance component of Gavin BG1 and got this error message:


    Installing [Gavin: Romanze (Inhaltlich gereift)] [v8]
    BGT Installation gefunden.
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    loading 1 tra file
    Checking for required files ...
    Wählen sie die Ablaufgeschwindigkeit der Gespräche:
    Es stehen folgende Varianten zu der Wahl:
    [1] 1 Stunde Echtzeit (Standard) Minimum zwischen Amouren
    [2] 45 Minuten Echtzeit Minimum zwischen Liebesgeschnatter
    [3] 30 minütige Pause Minimum zwischen Liebesdialogen
    [4] viertelstündliches express Geturtel
    [5] 1 Stunde 30 Minuten (erweitert) Pausen zwischen den Flirts
    Bitte eine Zahl zwischen 1 und 5 wählen und mit der Entertaste übernehmen.
    Appending to files ...
    [4] viertelstündliches express Geturtel
    Copying 1 file ...
    Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
    Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
    ERROR: No translation provided for @141
    ERROR: parsing [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/GAVIN/Romance/RomanceDLG/GavinNPCRomBanters.d]: Not_found
    ERROR: compiling [GAVIN/Romance/RomanceDLG/GavinNPCRomBanters.d]!
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR Installing [Gavin: Romanze (Inhaltlich gereift)], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall  24 files for [GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2] component 1.
    Uninstalled     24 files for [GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2] component 1.
    ERROR: Not_found
    PLEASE email the file SETUP-GAVIN.DEBUG to berelinde@gmail.com, www.gibberlings3.net
    Automatically Skipping [Gavin: Romanze (Inhaltlich gereift)] because of error.
    Using Language [German]
    [dialog.tlk] created, 133059 string entries
    [dialogf.tlk] created, 133059 string entries
    SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED      Gavin NPC für Tutu oder BGT, 14.April 2008
    NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Gavin: Romanze (Inhaltlich gereift)

    It happened right in the middle of a Big World Install.

    Nice weekend!

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