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Retired Gibberlings
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Posts posted by BevH

  1. Userunfriendly: hmmm..sometimes i think, keli, that you deliberately play the innocent...more innocent than you really are, just to annoy inara...is that possible???


    Keli: Who, me? Innocent? :O And annoy Inara? :rant: Why I would never... well, OK, I always do...


    Userunfriendly: if so, does it really bother inara?


    Keli: I dunno. You'd have to ask her that.


    Userunfriendly: you actually enjoy making inara roll her eyes, right??? :)


    Keli: Well, she does it to me enough... :O

  2. Userunfriendly: urm...white chocholate, regular chocholate, dark bitter sweet chocholate?


    Keli: Oh, gosh, you mean to tell me there's different kinds of chocolate? Oh wow, I'll have to see about finding some.


    Userunfriendly: urm..you know inara likes boys and girls, how do you feel about girls???


    Keli: Um, sure I like girls. Oh, gosh... you mean... :O:rant::)


    Userunfriendly: and do you tease her about it???


    Keli: I tease Inara about everything. It's my job, doncha know. Course, sometimes it earns me a swift clout.

  3. Loké: Nah, leather's fine. I've been wearing it for years. A good set of leather is better than cloth anyday. And yea, modest is best. Lets the imagineation play. ;p


    Keli: Actually, a cloak, blessed by Selune, works quite nicely.



    Loké: Anyway. A kind, platonic sort of relationship, or a physical, passionate one? Or a platonic, physical, or.. well. Just what kind of relationship do/would you like with someone?


    Keli: Hmmm... a romantic, long-lasting relationship.


    Loké: Finally: Chocolate ice-cream or another flavour?


    Keli: Ooo, oooo... this one's easy. CHOCOLATE!!!! :rant:

  4. Loké: I was wondering about asking you this but then I thought 'what the hell'. I already asked you sis this, and hers was an interesting response:


    Leather or Rubber? (I would have suggested latex, but well...) Modest or revealing?


    Keli: Neither, actually. It is very hot wearing that stuff. And modest, of course. I'm not a cleric of Sune after all...

  5. Urborg Vengrath: What is evil?


    Keli: I believe that evil is the purposeful intent to harm another without due cause.


    Urborg Vengrath: Can a thing be evil?


    Keli: I don't think that an inanimate object is inherently evil. I do know that they can be given evil properties. So yes, there are certain times when you will find an evil thing.


    Urborg Vengrath: Can an idea be evil?


    Keli: Yes, an idea can be evil.


    Urborg Vengrath: If the only way to save an entire village of townfolk was to kill your own sisiter, would you do it?


    Keli: I would probably try to negotiate another deal. As annoying as Inara can be at times, it's nice to have her around.


    Urborg Vengrath: Care for a cookie? *Opening a leather pouch he holds it out to her. Within are stored a small number of day old cookies with white chocolate chips .*


    Keli: Ooo, chocolate... no, wait, I was told about taking stuff from suspicious strangers.

  6. Dashael: I've discussed this at length with a couple of other individuals in similar interview threads as this, but from your perspective, do you find frequent plane travellers more arogant than those who only reside on any one particular prime world? I mean when a planewalker arrives on a prime world, don't you think many of them look down their noses at the Primes?


    Keli: I don't know that I've actually met any Plane travellers. So I'm probably not the best one to discuss this with. I know that clerics of Shaundakul map various portals that lead to the planes, but they don't necessarily travel there. As for arrogant people, you'll find them anywhere going on about anything they think they've done that others haven't and letting you know how much better they are because they have. Inara finds them particularly funny.

  7. Loke: ::smirks slightly:: What would you *like* to be in the future?


    Keli: OK, I'll try to be serious here. *Keli puts on serious face* I think my main problem with seeing myself in the future is that there are so many possibilities I haven't yet explored. Inara is showing me that by taking me with her. So, at least for now, I think I'd like to keep traveling.

  8. April 8 - Cam


    Came back all nice and refreshed from vacation and was immediately ambushed with bug reports. I have a few more items to check off before I return in earnest to Delainy... CR needs a new point release, Idobek and I are close to releasing a combined tweak pack, and the website needs an overhaul. Never should've tried to follow Andyr's example of working on 184 mods at once. :D That being said, I'm very pleased with the progress so far. As she stands now, Delainy has upwards of 50-60 banters, a few hundred interjections, and three unique encounters.

    *grins sheepishly*


    Please, please, please, work on Del! I can work around other issues! :D

  9. Actually, for a human male that's about average according to the Players' Handbook. Base height for a human male is 4'10" +2d10 or 6' 6". They grow 'em tall 'round these parts! :D

  10. Loké: What do you see yourself as when your older? A high preistess, or adventuring on your own or settled down with a family and as many kids as you possible, or...?


    Keli: Well, as much as I might like to, I don't think it's really feasible for me to become a high priestess. Besides, I don't really think there are any high priests of Selune - being chaotic and all. At least I've never seen any - just the older clerics that hang around the temple.


    At times, I really do enjoy travelling around with Inara, so I could see myself wandering about. There are so many places I've heard of that I'd like to visit.


    I can also see myself settled down with many children. Yes, I think I'd like a large family.

  11. Aklon: I have a question regarding what you asked me about slavery. As a priestess, you no doubt have the capacity to summon and control a variety of creatures, both local and extraplanar in origin. In the context of slavery, do you view the use of this ability as a necessary evil, irrelevant, or perhaps simply a means to call on the aid of creatures already aligned with Lady Selune and, therefore, your allies rather than your minions?


    Keli: I look upon summoned creatures to be allies. It distresses me when they are injured in battle, and, if possible, will attempt to heal them. They are free to come and go as they please and they are bound to me only within the confines of the spell.


    Aklon: You do seem rather thrown by the nature of some of the questions being asked. Are you naturally a private person, or would you consider your upbringing at the temple to be on the sheltered side?


    Of course, if you consider the question too private, simply say so.


    Keli: I think that it is some of both, although more due to the fact that my upbringing was so sheltered. Until Inara started taking me with her, I hadn't really had much contact with others save for those in Minsor Vale and I wasn't always treated kindly, which has lead me to being somewhat withdrawn.

  12. Dante Ebonhand: What is your happiest memory? Your saddest? If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?


    Keli: My happiest memory? That would have to be all the time I spent with my mother. It wasn't always a lot, since I seemed to be having lessons, but Mother always made it very special times. She would spend time braiding my hair (yes, at one time my hair was longer) and she would tell me wonderful stories - mostly of Selune.


    My most sad? That would be when my mother died.


    If I could change one thing about my life I think it would be the perception by others that I am evil because of my appearance.

  13. Loké: I did have an elder brother. I killed him. I mean the moment where you thought 'F**K IT ALL FOR F**K'S SAKE!' and the funniest thing you've ever seen or done.


    Keli: You killed him?!?!?! :D I must admit that I've felt that way about Inara at times, but I don't think I'd ever go through with it. That must be an interesting tale, to say the least. Perhaps you'll tell me about it sometime.


    As for my most frustrating moment, clerics of Selune are required to perform two rituals a year. One of them, known as the Mystery of the Night, requires much coordination. It involves pouring milk and wine while chanting and dancing. I never thought I was going to be able to perform this wonderful ritual. Thankfully my mentor was most patient with me.


    Hmm... the funniest moment... let me think... Oh yes, it was during our travels. Inara and I were making our way to Trademeet along the Alandor River when we decided we were hungry. Not being near a town where we could simply grab something to eat, Inara thought she would try her hand at fishing - literally. "How hard could it be?" she asked, "I pick pockets all the time." Well, it's probably one of those you had to be there moments, but watching Inara splash around in the water was quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen!

  14. Loké: Which moment frustrated you the most and which one did you find most hilarious?


    Keli: :D Could you be a little more specific here? I mean I'm like, you know, 17 years old and there's been lots of moments. And, uh, almost every moment with Inara is frustrating. I mean, do you have an older sister?

  15. Xander(my PC): Would you trust a Paladin to help you find your sister?


    Keli: It would depend on how I was approached by said paladin. I tend to view all strangers with a certain amount of suspicion.


    Xander: Would you object if I killed a Knight by the name of Anomen in your honor?


    Keli: Is this Anomen fellow a follower of Shar?


    Xander: Do you have a special, and favorite weapon?


    Keli: Yes, I have a mace called Moon's Hand. It is both special and my favorite.

  16. Bri: So Keli, what do you recommend to do with a recalcitrant male who can't keep their eye from roving?


    Keli: Umm... smack him down? :D Truthfully, though, if all he's doing is looking, then what's the harm? If it's more than that, however, I guess I'm not doing something right and should probably do something about it. Umm... did I get that right? I'm not very experienced at this sort of thing...

  17. With Keli, and this will probably be included in her biography, the thing is she has basically been raised by the clerics of Selune in Minsor Vale. It is true that a Tiefling is more likely to become a follower of Shar, if they are going to worship any Prime deity. There is a lot more to Keli's background than we've told here.

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