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  1. There is a file called "fl#utf8.mrk" for the translations folder. Might make it difficult for translators. How can I open that file type? Why is it not .tra?
  2. So finally, I can present a working install. Ding0's Quest Pack AND (independently from it) The Tweaks Anthology - Expanded Dual-Class Options BOTH cause the issue of Imoen only having her lvl one Spells when Improved NPC management is installed. Why is this the case, you ask? I have no idea, I just brute-forced a couple of hours of trial and error to figure out which components are responsible (I was eve n able to use the master fork of Tweaks Anthology again).
  3. I may be getting close. The Install in my previous post (see Spoiler) works. The one in the following spoiler does NOT work: EDIT: After some further testing, I'm now pretty sure that THIS component also causes the same bug as D0QP with Improved NPC Management (namely, only lvl one spells for imoen in BG2) cd_tweaks_more_dual_classes;The Tweaks Anthology - Expanded Dual-Class Options Now if anyone could figure out what D0QP and Expanded Dual-Class Options have in common that causes the same bug, that would be helpful. I'm still running some tests to be absolutely sure.
  4. So now I'm testing (without Ding0's Quest Pack ) where exactly things go wrong. Until here, everything works perfectly!
  5. So, I believe I found what causes these two bugs: 1. Imoen only retains her lvl 1 spells after leveling up through Improved NPC Management: This is caused by "Ding0's Quest Pack". Curiously however, it doesn't seem to be any specific component that causes this behavior. It's just that whenever a component of this mod iis installed, no matter which one, it bugs out. So I guess the entire mod is incompatible with Improved NPC Management. 2. Imoen is a lvl 10 thief and lvl 1 mage: This was partly my fault, I guess. I wanted to use the "Colorize NPC names and tooltips"- component, which doesn't seem to be present in the release-version. So I found the latest master from github and used that version instead. This version seems to cause the bug. If I use the release version of The Tweak Anthology, imoen will be a lvl 9 mage and everything works again. But seriously though, that took forever to figure out. EDIT: Scratch that last sentence. Imoen will be the correct mage level now without Ding0's Quest Pack and the Release-Version of Tweaks Anthology, but she still only has level 1 Spells in her spellbook. I'm at a loss now. I am 100% sure that Ding0's Quest Pack (also) causes the issue of Imoen not having all her spells. I have tested it on a minimal EET installation for over an hour and it always had the same results (not working with Ding0's Quest Pack, working without it). My only guess now is that there is ANOTHER component / mod that ALSO causes the same bug. This bug hunt seems to go on forever.
  6. The Problem gets weirder and weirder: If I install all the Tweak Anthology components in one go with Project Infinity, I get the Imoen is lvl 1 mage bug. If however, I install them manually one at a time, I don't get the bug and Imoen is a lvl 9 mage. I really can't make sense of this. Is there anyone who can help me? It's driving me nuts.
  7. After a brutal day of trial and error, I found out that the mod that makes it so Imoen has only her lvl one spells and not the other ones from the level up by stratagems' NPC Improvement is "Ding0's Quest Pack", specifically one of the following components (I am not sure yet which one, but I am too tired to continue today): d0questpack:4;d0questpack - With Additional Random Encounters d0questpack:5;d0questpack - Additional Shadow Thieves Content d0questpack:6;d0questpack - Alternative Harper/Xzar Plot d0questpack:7;d0questpack - Extended Reynald Sequence d0questpack:8;d0questpack - Intrigue In The Copper Coronet d0questpack:9;d0questpack - Rahul Kanakia's Potion Quest d0questpack:12;d0questpack - IO2 Dialogue Enhancement Only d0questpack:13;d0questpack - Saving Sanik In Brynnlaw d0questpack:14;d0questpack - Burglary Of The Bookkeeper d0questpack:15;d0questpack - New Fate For The Dryads' Acorns d0questpack:16;d0questpack - The Tragedy Of Besamen d0questpack:18;d0questpack - Sending The Solamnic Knights Home d0questpack:19;d0questpack - Nazariel The Lich When continuing the installation to just before Tweaks Anthology (as explained above) Imoen will still level up to a lvl 9 mage, but she will have her spells selected by NPC management correctly. Once again however, wheninstalling the Tweaks Anthology components (same as listed above), Imoen will only be a level 1 mage after levelling up. So, as I suspected, there are multiple issues and interferences at play here.
  8. I'm going to write a new reply, sonthe first post won't get cluttered. I now believe that this issue is the result of a weird interplay between stratagems NPC management and at least TWO other mod components. Take a look at this minimal install, using the components from Tweak Anthology that broke the Imoen in my larger original install (mage lvl 1). In this smaller install, everything actually works and Imoen is not broken. But in this install here, she is broken (lvl 1 mage) after installing the Tweaks Anthology components. Before installing them, the other bug is present (lvl 9 mage but without spells). This really is super weird.
  9. Hey everyone, When I install just EET and stratagems' improved NPC management, everything works as expected. However, in my larger EET installation, something unexpected happens with Imoen when starting the BG2EE campaign. When I level up Imoen, she becomes a lvl 10 thief and a lvl 1 mage, instead of the default lvl 7 thief and lvl 8 mage. I believe that this happens in conjunction with some component of one of the many tweaks mods, but I can't figure out which one. Can anyone tell me what causes this behavior? I'd very much like Imoen to be a lvl 7 thief and lvl 8 mage like she is supposed to be. EDIT: I did another install and stopped before The Tweaks Anthology. I installed stratagems NPC management and tested. Now Imoen levels to a lvl 7 thief as expected, and a level 9 mage instead of lvl 8. So something changes the behavior of the stratagems component, but it's much less of a problem, because at least Imoen now as roughly the same dual class levels that she would normally have. The real issue must be in one of the components that follow. EDIT: However, There seems to be another aspect to this bug. Because even though Imoen levels up to a level 9 mage, she only gets the lvl 1 spells that I choose for her while levelling up. But I believe the NPC management component is supposed to choose spells for Imoen for the other mage levels once she levels up, right? At least that's how the mod behaves if I only install EET and stratagems NPC management. EDIT 2: I managed to narrow it down to one of the following components from Tweaks Anthology:
  10. Perfectly summarized!
  11. @jastey Hey, I checked and reinstalled as well. I definitely used the latest version (10). In my humble opinion, Grey is still too slow for a dog companion. When going for a walk with dogs, it's not uncommon for them to just dash ahead of their owners and then dashing back. In game, this could be achieved by making the dog much faster than any humanoid companion (maybe the same speed that a character with haste / boots of speed has, but without sped up animatons? Or just shy of that?). You could then also use Grey to quickly scout ahead and return to the party unharmed. At the very least, Grey should be able to keep up with the party while walking to a destination and not fall behind. If this is a controversial issue, you could also include different optional settings for Grey's movement speed, so the players can choose which setting they want. Anyway, these are just my 2 cents. PS: is there a way to change a creature's movement speed in Near Infinity? I couldn't find anything. EDIT: Oh my, @jastey I was being stupid again. I think I installed a mod / tweak that sets every NPC to level 1 (or 0 ???) (I forgot which componen and or mod that was), and lets you level up that NPC once they join the party. Apparently this affects movement speed as well. Once I leveld up Grey, his movement speed is absolutely fine. Sorry for the confusion. EDIT: 2 It's "improved NPC customization and management" from SCS
  12. Hey @jastey I'm not sure which version I tested ... I believe it was the newest version with increased movement speed, but I might be wrong. Will test again with the newest version. I'm on EET, so I can't give feedback for the movement on the classic version.
  13. Old thread I know, but still relevant, I believe =). Since the 6-Player-Limit is hardcoded, it would be great if the 7th Party member mechanic could be expanded to existing NPCs. I'm usually very hesitant to try out new party members, because I don't want to miss out on my favorites. I don't have the time to play a ton of video games anymore and whenever I find the time to play some Baldur's Gate, I usually choose the NPCs I know and love. Such a mod would allow me to expand my core party and experience some banters and interjections that I would usually miss. I also always liked the idea of having NPCs join temporarily to help them in their quest. I think a mod that uses the 7th Party member for existing NPCs would be a huge deal to the community.
  14. While I think some of what was posted here doesn't feel right, I also like a lot these portraits. I don't care that AI was used, honestly. @jwronsky I like the ones ypu posted and I also like the sets on Nexus. Will definitely try those out
  15. Hurray! @jasteyyou rock! It works. I sure enjoy an annoying bug being fixed. @Graion Dilachthanks so much for your help with this!
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