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About K4thos

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  1. thanks, lefreut, will consider adding it for the next release.
  2. only the older version - Release Candidate 12.2
  3. are you sure your BG2:EE installation has latest official patch applied? Given the warnings (differences in GUI and AR0900.BCS) I suspect you may be on older patch version that is no longer supported. With borked UI.MENU you won't be able to start the compaign properly.
  4. made a pull requst: https://github.com/Gibberlings3/Tweaks-Anthology/pull/31 For EET all BG:EE strings numbers are original strref + 200000
  5. lines with wrong encoding seems to be indeed from BG1NPC Project (or at least the writing looks familiar). Example from traified dialog.tlk uploaded by osoviejo: there are 315 matches of these with following regexp search in notepad++ [^\w\s\d’™“”„”©…|{}&\^\$#//%+–\(\),\.'!@=~?-\[\];:-<>-\\*"—-] no idea what may cause encoding corruption since I'm pretty sure BG1NPC uses iconv for ANSI to UTF conversion which proven to be reliable.
  6. @Graion Dilach, thanks, I will look into it for the next release, wasn't aware about those extra BG2EE_SELECT_RARE1-4 slots.
  7. If it freezes on startup than the problem is most likely in journal entries. Upload dialog.tlk, I may be able to find which string is broken (and once the string is known it will be easy to find which mod added it with a tool like TextCrawler)
  8. thank you, @argent77, new release is up on github. The ffmpeg version I've bundled with EET is quite old and doesn't support arguments you've mentioned (niether time format specified in ms, nor transparency). After checking ffmpeg 4.4 it turns out it weights 3x as much as the old one, so after updating the tool, EET package size would almost double. For this reason I've included dummy file already converted with your code in the package instead. ------------------------------- There is no need to re-install, problem can be fixed by extracting files attached to this post into movies directory. Sorry for inconvenience. movies.zip
  9. first problem was fixed in 13.0, second in 13.1 edit: tiny hotfix update is now available, due to this problem: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/1172479#Comment_1172479 edit2: and another one, again related only to code used by SotSC: https://www.weaselmods.net/showthread.php?tid=614&pid=995#pid995
  10. temnix, not sure if you're aware but there actually is official Deathmatch map made by Bioware. All traces of it have been removed from EE releases but leftovers still exists in classic BG2. I was even planning to bring it back at some point (scrapped the idea since Beamdog ignored my request for missing ToBex functionality and overall the mode designed by Bioware with rogue stone collecting didn't seem all that exciting). Here is more info: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/33062/wip-deathmatch-pvp-mod-design-discussion-and-request If you're interested I may try to find those resources mentioned in the topic, probably still have them archived somewhere.
  11. Release 13.1 updated Russian translation by Arcanecoast Team support for Russian SoD fan translation mods installed on BG:EE fixed The Seven Statues achievement (triggered during BG1) fixed worldmap export function (invalid strrefs) fixed BG1NPC compatibility patch fixed chargen biography (not showing up for some classes) fixed EET_modConverter tool (auto cpmvars conversion skipping all files) added EET_PLATFORM_CONVERSION function to EET_functions.tph removed binary (executable) patching (fixes installation on Mac OS and makes the mod compatible with mobile devices)
  12. but this is one of the things done automatically by EET_end (if unique entries are not present in all variants of campaign 2da files). Check your weidu.log to be sure that it's actually installed (after that kit mod).
  13. all IWD2 areas: AR1000: Targos Docks AR1001: Targos Docks - Gallaway Warehouse AR1002: Targos Docks - Targos Warehouse AR1003: Targos Docks - The Salty Dog AR1004: Targos Docks - Firtha Kerdos' Home AR1005: Targos Docks - House AR1006: Targos Docks - Shipbuilder's House AR1007: Targos Docks - Caves AR1100: Targos AR1101: Targos - Town Hall AR1102: Targos - Gallaway Trade Depot AR1103: Targos - Temple Pavilion AR1104: Targos - The Weeping Widow AR1105: Targos - The Weeping Widow - Upstairs AR1106: Targos - Teamster's House AR1107: Targos - Carpenter's House AR1200: Targos Palisade AR1201: Targos Palisade - Meeting House AR2000: Shaengarne River AR2001: Shaengarne Woods AR2002: Shaengarne Woods - Cave AR2100: Shaengarne Pass AR2101: Shaengarne Ford AR2102: Shaengarne Bridge AR3000: Fortress Approach AR3001: Fortress Approach - Goblin Warrens Level 1 AR3002: Fortress Approach - Goblin Warrens Level 2 AR3100: Fortress Courtyard AR3101: Fortress Courtyard - Horde Fortress AR4000: Western Pass AR4001: Western Pass - Oswald's Airship AR4100: Ice Wall AR4101: Ice Wall - Ice Temple - Entrance AR4102: Ice Wall - Ice Temple - Lower Level AR4103: Ice Wall - Ice Temple - Lower Level (Chapter 5) AR5000: Wandering Village AR5001: Wandering Village - Limha's Home Outside AR5002: Wandering Village - Limha's Home Inside AR5004: Cold Marshes AR5005: River Caves AR5010: The Fell Wood - Entrance AR5011: The Fell Wood - Standing Stones AR5012: The Fell Wood - Pond 1 AR5013: The Fell Wood - Pond 2 AR5014: The Fell Wood - Pond 3 AR5015: The Fell Wood - Right 1 AR5016: The Fell Wood - Tree AR5017: The Fell Wood - Trunk 1 AR5018: The Fell Wood - Trunk 2 AR5019: The Fell Wood - Trunk 3 AR5020: The Fell Wood - Cross AR5021: The Fell Wood - Creek 1 AR5022: The Fell Wood - Creek 2 AR5023: The Fell Wood - Creek 3 AR5024: The Fell Wood - Wolves Lair AR5025: The Fell Wood - Other Trunk AR5026: The Fell Wood - Up 1 AR5027: The Fell Wood - Up 2 AR5028: The Fell Wood - Up 3 AR5029: The Fell Wood - Up 4 AR5030: The Fell Wood - Heart of the Forest AR5100: River Caves - Level 1 AR5101: River Caves - Level 2 AR5102: River Caves - Level 3 (Exit) AR5200: Black Raven Monastery AR5201: Black Raven Monastery - Level 1 AR5202: Black Raven Monastery - Level 2 (The Eight Chambers) AR5203: Black Raven Monastery - Level 3 (Raven Tomb) AR5300: The Underdark AR5301: The Underdark - Drider Caves AR5302: The Underdark - Z'hinda Citadel AR5303: The Underdark - Exit AR6000: Kuldahar Pass AR6001: Kuldahar AR6002: Kuldahar Pass - Hrothgar's Glen AR6003: Kuldahar Pass - Hrothgar's Glen - Crypt AR6004: Kuldahar - Conlan's Smithy AR6005: Kuldahar - Iselore's House AR6006: Kuldahar - Iselore's House Upstairs AR6007: Kuldahar Pass - Oswald's Airship AR6008: Kuldahar Pass - Watchtower AR6009: Kuldahar - Orrick's Tower AR6010: Kuldahar - Temple of Ilmater AR6050: Chult AR6051: Chult - Serpent's Lair Temple AR6100: Dragon's Eye AR6101: Dragon's Eye - First Level AR6102: Dragon's Eye - Second Level AR6103: Dragon's Eye - Third Level AR6104: Dragon's Eye - Exit AR6200: Fields of Slaughter AR6201: Fields of Slaughter - Exit AR6300: Severed Hand AR6301: Servered Hand - First Floor AR6302: Servered Hand - Second Floor AR6303: Servered Hand - Third Floor AR6304: Servered Hand - Forth Floor AR6305: Servered Hand - Third Floor - Final Battle AR6400: Severed Hand - Wizard Tower AR6401: Severed Hand - Wizard Tower - First Floor AR6402: Severed Hand - Wizard Tower - Second Floor AR6403: Severed Hand - Wizard Tower - Third Floor AR6500: Severed Hand - Cleric Tower AR6501: Severed Hand - Cleric Tower - First Floor AR6502: Severed Hand - Cleric Tower - Second Floor AR6503: Severed Hand - Tyrannar Brutai Mar's Lair AR6600: Severed Hand - Officer Tower AR6601: Severed Hand - Officer Tower - First Floor AR6602: Severed Hand - Officer Tower - Second Floor AR6603: Severed Hand - Officer Tower - Arboretum AR6700: Severed Hand - War Tower AR6701: Severed Hand - War Tower - First Floor AR6702: Severed Hand - War Tower - Second Floor AR6703: Severed Hand - War Tower - Aerie AR6800: Severed Hand - Broken Sky Bridge to Mage Tower
  14. Action function for generating associative array listing all files inside specified path and all its subdirectories. https://github.com/K4thos/IE-code-repository/blob/master/generate_filelist_array.tpa Example usage: LAF GENERATE_FILELIST_ARRAY STR_VAR path = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%~ RET_ARRAY filelist_array = filelist END ACTION_PHP_EACH filelist_array AS filepath => extension BEGIN PRINT ~%filepath% => %extension%~ END
  15. Thanks for testing. Looks like @subtledoctor was right than. In such case I will remove binary patching in next release and achieve the same outcome via EET_end resource patching (bianry patching only prevents some hardcoded spells and movies from triggering, so it should be doable once all other mods modifing said files are already installed). This should also help playing on mobile platforms where there is no way to patch executable file.
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