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Gibberling Poobah
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About CamDawg

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  • Mods Worked On
    Technical Design: Enhanced Editions of Baldur's Gate (including Siege of Dragonspear), Baldur's Gate II, Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment

    Author/Co-Author: BG2 Fixpack, Tweaks Anthology, The Calling, IWD-in-BG2, BG1 Unfinished Business, Divine Remix, G3 Anniversary Mod, IWDification, IWD Fixpack, IWD Unfinished Business, SP Collection, IWD Item Upgrade, Bardic Appraisal, Lore From Learning

    Contributor/Maintainer: BG1 NPC Project, BG2 Unfinished Business, Sword Coast Stratagems, Item Upgrade, Under-Represented Items, Quest Pack, Oversight, Song & Silence, Amber, Moinesse's Avatars, P&P Celestials, Sword and Fist, Tutu, BGT, BGT-WeiDU, aTweaks, 1PP, Rogue Rebalancing, WeiDU

    Tools: BG2 Creature Inventory Checker, G3 Debugging Suite, IWD-to-BG2 Opcode Utility, EE Soundset Tool

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  1. Yes, you got it. Take advantage of the fact that you have five script slots.
  2. Yes, the scripts are processed in a hierarchy. In a script cycle, the engine will process the Override script looking for a true condition, then Class, Race, General and Default. So you can put your NPC-specific stuff in a dedicated script assigned to the override slot and then give a creature a general mageXX (or priestX or whatever) in the class script to handle combat and a wtasight in the default slot for safety. If it's just a combined script, SCS will ignore it in the interests of not breaking your mod since it has no way of knowing it's a lightly-modified cloned script. G3 Anniversary does this, BTW. The finale with is against multiple mages using default AI scripting (mageX scripting). It's already a bit of a fun battle, but with the SCS upgrades it becomes a pretty good challenge.
  3. Also some free advice: do the array compare inside the copy as a patch action. As it is now, you're going to copy the area for every entry in the array. File operations are slow. E.g. COPY_EXISTING ~cm3376.are~ ~override~ READ_LONG 0x70 cont_off READ_SHORT 0x74 cont_number FOR (i = 0; i < cont_number; i += 1) BEGIN READ_ASCII (cont_off + (i * 0xc0)) cont_name PATCH_PHP_EACH cont_table AS old_name => new_name BEGIN PATCH_IF ~%cont_name%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%old_name%~ BEGIN WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII (cont_off + (i * 0xc0)) ~%new_name%~ #32 END END END BUT_ONLY
  4. And now both of you get to go away and do something more productive, huzzah!
  5. Right, so if you (the general you, not a you in particular) believe you've made sincere attempts at communication and--for whatever reason you wish to believe--they didn't work, I presented a second option. Perhaps it's time to explore that instead.
  6. Or we could make sincere attempts at communication without rancor, or move on to more productive ends.
  7. At this point, if a mod isn't there it's because we either don't have permission or the author hasn't done it yet.
  8. To the guest poster from yesterday: your message got flagged as spam and deleted since it was just a link, but I think it may have been legit. If you want to try and post again I'll get it past the filter.
  9. The redundant barb flags were actively added in the EEs so that they'd get picked up for the item descriptions.
  10. Hi julia, welcome to the boards. We're an Infinity Engine community, meaning the first two BG games but not BG3. While there are certainly folks here who play and love it, you would be better off asking at Larian's Discord or forums. However, if you ever want to try the first games in the series, we'll talk your ears off.
  11. This is exactly what Tweaks does for the component that allows barbarians to dual-class. From the code, it looks like I wrote this in 1986.
  12. When importing a Black Pits character into BGEE, the Candlekeep script removes the 'Slave Ring' that keeps the party alive. No such scripting is present, however, when importing a character directly into the SoD campaign. H/t to $$C herjann on Discord who reported the issue.
  13. If you have a moment @F-man could you run the Tweaks armor tool on your install as well? It should generate some files for me to update Tweaks' lists as well.
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