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  1. I had a similar isue back to Beta11/12, and while researching for that, i found it was due to IWDification add 2H -axes into the game component. Link to post:
  2. Woops my bad. @Holden, you think you can update the tp2 ?
  3. Can't wait to see the results and thoughts of your playthrough ! amazing compilation of different reviews by the way, thank you for all that, it's really interesting !
  4. Well... I dunno why but i've tried many installations, first manually, then with bws, or also ee mod setup (yes i know ), and now Project infinity. I *think* modders prefer the manual way because maybe it can reduce mistakes due to smaller amounts of mods installed (hardware to install 200+ mods juste manually, trust me i've tried ) and also to try to understand what you are doing. I think modders are right to be annoyed by bug reports coming from users with random installation setup, or using controversial tools like ee mod setup. This game is old and needs some time and research to be effectively modded. I've learned it that way, so that's my opinion. Enough ranting, if you need help or tips for PI, just let me know. The project page is already well documented, but there are several way to install mods with it, so I would understand if you had any questions
  5. Actually that's exactly what i'm doing with Project Infinity ^^ You can add a weidu log and it will install your mod as the listed components in the .log file. I have made several installs with it with no problems so far
  6. @subtledoctor i have seen that you have installed the mod from Lava "The Bloodied Stings of Barovia". It's tagged to work only on BG2EE. did you try it and is it compatible with EET ?
  7. Thank you for your answer @rigidjelly, your point of view is interesting, and i understand why it could be tedious to maybe even try to correct/verify all creatures in the game. But this is just maybe a task for a community of modders and not solely on one person (like i would like to do all that, your point of "we also have a life" is really valid here ^^). but as i see projects like scs, or items revisions or even the fixpacks, i don't know why it's so difficult to correct maybe not all but at least some group of creatures ? The discussion could start to be organized around what are the stats, xp, etc and their adjustements. there's a lot of interesting stuff about how to have a base xp for example for a creature from it's hit dice, and add some bonus/penalties based on the special abilities, equipments, is a boss/elite/etc. to add some flavor. Or, maybe even without going so far, just make some creature groups and create a sharts with base stats. Then the big work would be to add the creatures one by one in another shart and state what the creature is and what it should have maybe ? I d'ont know it just some random thinking, and i don't think i know enough to know what i should do, but i like to think about it ! Edit: i didn't see the post of @Chitown Willie. That's amazing ! thank you for that. It's interesting to look after those columns, because it adds something that's working behind the scene and make some sense in all of that.
  8. uh.... i don't know what to say Jarno, this is not really helpful at all nor the open discussion i would like to have. I do know for a fact that it's a big mess and a lot of work, but please don't condemn or judge anything before even discussing a little bit about it. My researchs have told me that there are reasoning behind all those calculations and stats and i do know it's also something that is potentially biased by a lot of factors. Heck, even Baldur's Gate is an hybridation of both 2.5 and 3.0 dnd rulesets so i know where all of this come from too. But as an analystic and technical person, i just want to understand a little bit better about what's this all about as i want to spend some time on it, because i enjoy doing that. That's all
  9. HIgh everyone, i'm starting this topic here, because i would like to discuss (and understand) the mechanics about monsters stats and xp reward calculations in regards of the rules of DnD 2.5/3.0 and Baldur's Gate as a video game. I have search a little bit around internet to see if there were already some discussions about that, but i cannot find anything that is relevant in regard of what i'm trying to understand. I do know that some fellow modders here have already pointed out some problems about creatures stats and wrongly assigned specifics (scripts, equipments, proficiencies, classes and more) but i don't know of the impact it has on the game experience and if we are opening the pandora's box. So, here it is: 1. how are calculated monsters and encounters XP in baldur's gate ? 2. how are the stats defined for them ? 3. why are there so much inconcistencies between two creatures that should be the same ? 4. does anyone has already tried to see if there could be a way to "harmonize" and "correct" some big mistakes there ? That's a lot to discuss, but as i am trying to mod my game since a long time now, i'm struggling to understand what is going on here. Because the further you explore the base game and the mods, the more you see mistakes, erroneous or contradictory stats/profs/classes assignments, and either tremendous amounts or too low xp rewards with no reasons. If someone wants to take the time to explain some/all of that with me (and us, maybe there are some others that are concerned about this. It's an old game after all), and if some modders have some basics rules/references when they mod their own mods or game to share ?
  10. Ok thanks a lot for all those informations. I have studied, tried and edited a lot of things today and i think i understand a little bit better all of this. I can edit the dedicated script and insert it into the override script to avoid mod damage and correctly trigger all of the dialogues, mod conditions etc. After that, i can assign all the base scripts (magex, shouts, etc.) into other scripts containers (classs, race, etc.), and normally scs will handle them and edit just the base scripts if i understand correctly here ?
  11. I have made a few research, and with your explanations i' m going further into this, thank you. Just another bunch of questions though: 1. With all those explanations, do you have any advices on how to convert a modded creature to make it taken into account by scs script ? I'll try an example here: In a creature script (wich is named name_of_creature.bcs btw) there's a dialog trigger AND some basic scripts to attack and/or cast spells. Can i strip the attack/cast spell script code from it and add the magexx.bcs (or whatever base game bcs file appropriate here) ? 2. There are 5 script containers in a CRE file. Is there a priority to take into account when adding or modifying some scripts ? e.g if there's a dialog trigger, does it have to be in a specific line ? Thanks for your time jmerry
  12. Do you have any example of those "standard" or "generic" combat or mages scripts ? Thanks for all those information already !
  13. Hi everyone. I'm actually modding some mods with an scs installation, and i was asking myself: how scs decides when to add a script to a specific creature from a mod (smarter ai, better calls for helps, etc.) ? What i mean here is, when i look at some of mod-added creatures, certain do have some scs scripts, some others don't. I know that for a good amount of those creatures, there are some inconsistencies in their stats, wrong class/race-kit assignments, etc. Is there something i could do before installing scs for it to take them into account ? If for example i see a fighter with mages spells and some thieving skills, can it break scs detection that will skip the creature completely ? If i change their stats and assigned a correct class, remove wrong stats, etc. scs would detect it and appropriately add some ai to it ? Basically i would like to know 1.How i can tell scs by editing some specifics stats: go for it, this mod creature is e.g a mage with old spell scripting or a fighter with no scripts at all, just add yours instead ? 2. If a scripts has some dialogue interaction inside, do scs detect it and decide no to touch it ? 3. Can i change some scripts (edit the dialogue interaction into a secondary script e.g) for scs to add its ai too ? Sorry that's a lot of questions. But i'm struggling about it since two days and i want to understand the mechanics here Thanks in advance !
  14. It's just that level 100 header (the one that generate the scoll) is replicated twice of thrice and i don't know why. Other spells do not have this problem though, just those i've posted above.
  15. Thank you ! It worked ! Here's the final code: ACTION_DEFINE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY cont_table BEGIN ~Che$t 1~ => ~Chest 1~ // 1st chest ~Che$t 2~ => ~Chest 2~ // 2nd chest ~Book$helf 1~ => ~Bookshelf 1~ // Bookshelf ~Bureau 1~ => ~Desk 1~ // Desk ~Che$t 3~ => ~Chest 3~ // 3rd chest END COPY_EXISTING ~cm3376.are~ ~override~ READ_LONG 0x70 cont_off READ_SHORT 0x74 cont_number FOR (i = 0; i < cont_number; i += 1) BEGIN READ_ASCII (cont_off + (i * 0xc0)) cont_name (32) NULL PATCH_PHP_EACH cont_table AS old_name => new_name BEGIN PATCH_IF ~%cont_name%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%old_name%~ BEGIN WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII (cont_off + (i * 0xc0)) ~%new_name%~ #32 END END END BUT_ONLY
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