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Terminus Est

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Everything posted by Terminus Est

  1. The README states that if you've kitted Imoen or Nalia as Adventurers in the NPC Kitpack, this mod will update them to its own version of the Adventurer kit. This in fact happens; the relevant CRE files are tagged with A!Adventurer as they should be. But when either Imoen or Nalia join your party, you'll find that they've reverted back to their NPC kitpack versions. This is due to the override scripts that have code like so for Imoen: IF InParty(Myself) Global("IKNPCKit","LOCALS",0) Class(Myself,MAGE_THIEF) THEN RESPONSE #100 AddKit(IK_ADVENTURER) ReallyForceSpellRES("IKitImo1",Myself) // No such index SetGlobal("IKNPCKit","LOCALS",1) END There's slightly different but equivalent code of you've asked for them to have specialist mage kits as well. Affected scripts are: BGIMOEN.BCS IMOEN.BCS IMOEN2.BCS IMOE25.BCS NALIA.BCS NALI25.BCS I've taken to commenting out the offending sections, which seems to work well enough.
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