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A few lines to translate


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Anyone feel like giving me translations of these lines into Spanish, German or Polish?


@2506=~You might have cleared out Firewine Bridge, but there's more than one ogre mage on the Sword Coast who can see why Jenkal is worth keeping around!~


@2507=~A short way down this low, narrow corridor, it is blocked by a sturdy iron door that has been barred from the other side. You will have to find another way around.~


(NB Jenkal is female)

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Polish (encoding CP-1250):


@2506=~You might have cleared out Firewine Bridge, but there's more than one ogre mage on the Sword Coast who can see why Jenkal is worth keeping around!~


Mogłeś oczyścić ruiny Firewine, ale wyobraź sobie, że na Wybrzeżu Mieczy nie tylko jeden ogrzy mag zdaje sobie sprawę, dlaczego Jenkal jest warta zachodu!


@2507=~A short way down this low, narrow corridor, it is blocked by a sturdy iron door that has been barred from the other side. You will have to find another way around.~


W dół prowadzi krótki, wąski korytarz, na jego końcu drogę zamykają masywne, żelazne drzwi, zakratowane z drugiej strony. Będziesz musiał<PRO_HESHE> poszukać innej drogi.

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How about


@74=~Remove spells not in BG1~


Actually, come to think of it would you mind adding those three lines to your .tra file and just reposting it? (I'm worried about damaging the encoding of the breathing marks - I haven't a clue how it works)

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