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IWD II Lightning Bolt in BG II


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Is it possible to have lightning bolt fizzling out against walls as it does in IWD II? Another solution i'd like to try is changing the .pro to work similar to an instant Agannazar's Scorcher (hit everyone on its path and stop at the target, there also an axe which does the same thing in IWD II i think).

Unfortunately both "lightningbolt".pro and "agannazar".pro are hardcoded and i can't see how they work with NI...any suggestion?

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I don't know if there is any way to make a custom projectile which is free flying but not rebounding. I think all free flying projectiles are hardcoded.


Free flying: doesn't explode on reaching target but continues on the same straight trajectory until it hits a blocked tile (then rebounds, dies or explodes).

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Free flying: doesn't explode on reaching target but continues on the same straight trajectory until it hits a blocked tile (then rebounds, dies or explodes).


Smells like a GemRB feature. I would like to make this a request. It would be cool if the projectile would react to certain types of colours on the search map differently - or even when it hits creatures.


Imagine a fireball that explodes prematurely because someone is in the way.


...should i try a cone shaped area of effect and set radius to minimum?


Yes, but you have to fire several cone shaped area of effect spells - one with a small cone but large angle (so it hits creatures right in front of the caster), and several others with larger radius and smaller angle.


That takes care of the area of effect, but not the visuals. When you cast the spell, you have to summon an invisible creature with unused values for class/ea/gender/whatever. Then you cast a spell through an .eff file that is triggered on all global targets that use that particular values for the invis creature you set. That spell will cause the creature to wingbuffet away from the caster, and fires a blank spell that has the projectile (the graphics). The projectile will eventually hit and destroy (opcode 186) the invisible cre - the invisible cre will stop wingbuffeting once it hits a wall.


Gosh that was long, but I am 100% certain it will work - this is a tested and tried method.



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Good you mentioned it Galactygon, though it is needless to request.

I gotta make it anyway, because i plan to simulate ALL projectiles of ALL games using the .pro/.vvc format.

There are lots of unused fields :)


About the narrow cone: yes, that is the only possible way, but it will be like agannazar's scorcher at best.

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