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Does this work yet, and if so How? Cirerrek?


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I'm really confused by the MULTITUDE of different answers to:


1. Do I need to install detectable stats?, (version?) seperatly, or will the latest G3 fixpack do it for me?


2. Which Detectable spells do I install since the fixpack has not included it yet (to my knowlage) There is the really old one in thr readme link BP 1.2 I think, and then there is a v1.9 witch you can't get seperetly but comes with questpack v2.3 under one of the options (the one that make demiliches and mindflairs and vamps much harder)


3. Does it work well with Divene Remix v5? If so which DS should I use? Since the BP 1.2 probobly came out before DR v5 I assume I'll just have to deal with Uber-powerful umber hulks, mindflayersand vamps to get the 1.9 version.


4. Do I really need PnP celetials? Why?


5. What is the install order for all this stuff?


Can you get back to me on this Cirerrek? So far I've read about 10 different answers to these questions, or none at all for some. Thanks

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1 & 2) I believe I would install DavidW version of DS overtop of the eSeries




Never tried it myself, so you may want to direct your questions to that thread


3) I don't believe any of the Divine Remix spells have been updated to be detectable, but it has a been quite a while since I looked at that package.


4) No. I don't recall any suggestions of that sort in the ReadMe either.


I do personally like the package. Smart Celestials are nice to have around.


5) Really depends on how many mods your are talking about.


If you are installing more than one package that contains DS, DavidW's version would go last as I believe it does some converting to update the mod scripts that make use of DS.

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Yes, my version should work fine with eseries. You can get it in a more user-friendly way by installing the first component of Sword Coast Stratagems II if you prefer. It likes being installed late in the install order.


It doesn't cover Divine Remix (though it would be fairly easy for someone to add that functionality using my package). It does fix various errors in early versions (e.g., a couple of bugs in the Quest Pack version), it should play nicely with the BP version, and it retroactively converts Ascension and Kelsey to the new system. The last of these features is in the DS on the forum page but won't be in SCSII until v5 is released (on the other hand, v5 is awaiting release, so that should be pretty soon!)

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Thank you Cirerrek and David! for your fast responses and for clairifying things for me.


I'm looking forward to reinstalling ToB. I haven't touched it in years. I'm getting tierd of Guild Wars, and as for NWN 1 & 2... well even with the improved graphics they really don't hold a candle do they? Oblivion was maddening to play as well, I thought, though I might try it again.


Baldur's gate 2 wouldn't be half the game it is without your hard work!

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