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Feedback enough for a new version?

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Do you guys (=Camdawg&C) believe that there has been an amount of feedback after the latest version that warrants a new release at short-mid term?


I am asking because, after the Telia-Cogent dispute that kept me from seeing the G3 website, I read through many topics and bug reports here on the Forum.


In case of negative answer, I'll go search for suggested fixes and manually alter what I can off version 6.


Thanks! :)

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Thanks you very much, Nythrun!


Can I ask you kindly if you have a suggestion for fixing the wrong spell description bug in version 6 (SPWI208.SPL - Know alignment descripted as Minor Globe of Invulnerability)?


P.S. It's always so nice to see you back on the board after each and every pause you take... :laugh:

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