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Few more things to report

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More or less in the order I encountered them:


Isn't Anomen a priest of Helm? (To Bioware's credit, they got Jaheira's spoken line right. And no, I don't have the GTU installed--waitint until Cam et al. finish de-suckifying it--although changing that line could probably go into Core Fixes.)

If you have time to talk, could you give us a hand here?!?! (Notice the fire arrow in the middle and the Magic Missile and parts of red circles near the top, where the arrow's pointing.)

Hey, pathetic Ployer attacked me! What're you so angry about? (Someone--unwisely--attacked me on the street alone, boy ran into Ployer's house, we mop up the attacker and head in, Ployer delivers his rant, calls in the mages...who we paid off earlier, so they sit on their hands...we call him pathetic, he attacks us and gets chunked in less than a round (!), then I notice this. Afterward, boy runs outside, we clean up the place and leave, boy's still red-circled, he runs back in. Thankfully we left him alone, I did not feel like losing half of my 20 rep.)


And since it'll likely come up....

// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods

// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod

// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]

~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #0 #0 // BG2 Fixpack - Core Fixes: 6.1

~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #0 #3 // BETA Core Fixes (please check the readme!): 6.1

~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #0 #102 // Cromwell's Forging Actually Takes a Day: 6.1

~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #0 #104 // Ghreyfain's Holy Symbol Fixes: 6.1

~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #0 #109 // Corrected Summoned Demon Behavior: 6.1

~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #0 #110 // Additional Script Fixes: 6.1

~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #0 #111 // Bard Song Fixes: 6.1


~SETUP-VALHORN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Improved Horns of Valhalla v1.2

~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #0 // General AI Improvements

~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #3 // Creature & Area Improvements -> Boss Improvements Only

~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #7 // Extended Reynald Sequence

~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #12 // Improved Oasis II -> IO2 Dialogue Enhancement Only

~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #13 // Saving Sanik In Brynnlaw

~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #18 // Sending The Solamnic Knights Home

~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #20 // Reward Negotiation

~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #3 // "Cat and Mouse" (Bodhi hunts you in Spellhold) by Ghreyfain

~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #7 // Restored Encounters

~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #15 // NPC Portrait Restorations

~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #17 // Corrected Character Names and Biographies

~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #18 // Restored Minor Dialogs

~SETUP-GMINION.TP2~ #0 #0 // gMinion v1.8

~SETUP-OVERSIGHT.TP2~ #0 #5 // Cleric Kits

~SETUP-D0TWEAK.TP2~ #0 #4 // Tweaked Weapon Enchantments

~SETUP-D0TWEAK.TP2~ #0 #16 // Dream Flag

~SETUP-D0TWEAK.TP2~ #0 #19 // NPCs/Summons Set Off Traps -> Everyone can set off traps (excluding illusions, etc.)

~SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2~ #0 #20 // Allow Spellstrike to take down a Protection from Magic scroll: v7

~SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2~ #0 #50 // Iron Skins behaves like Stoneskin (can be brought down by Breach): v7

~SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2~ #0 #90 // Blade Barrier and Globe of Blades only affect hostile creatures: v7

~SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2~ #0 #130 // Remove the invisibility power of the Staff of the Magi: v7

~SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2~ #0 #195 // Retrieve Dropped Items from Hell: v7

~SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2~ #0 #201 // Prevent party members from dying irreversibly: v7

~SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2~ #0 #430 // Remove animation from the Cloak of Mirroring (leave it for other spells and effects that use the same graphic): v7

~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1040 // Improved Athkatlan City Guard

~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1161 // Multiple Strongholds (Baldurdash) -> Keep Class Restrictions

~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1180 // Female Edwina

~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1220 // Allow Cromwell to Upgrade Watcher's Keep Items

~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2140 // Expanded Dual-Class Options

~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2210 // True Grandmastery (Baldurdash)

~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2330 // Remove Delay for Magical Traps (Ardanis/GeN1e)

~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3001 // Higher HP on Level Up -> NWN Style

~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3030 // Easy Spell Learning -> 100% Learn Spells

~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3122 // Happy Patch (Party NPCs do not fight or complain about reputation) -> NPCs are always neutral about reputation (Anomaly)

~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3200 // Sellable Items (Icelus)

~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3210 // Minimum Stats Cheat

~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4020 // ToB-Style NPCs

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Isn't Anomen a priest of Helm?
Yep, thanks.


If you have time to talk, could you give us a hand here?!?!
Not quite sure what you're pointing out?


In general, we don't really touch banter and romance dialogue inits (some will check CombatCounter(0) or !See([255]), others won't).


Afterward, boy runs outside, we clean up the place and leave, boy's still red-circled, he runs back in. Thankfully we left him alone, I did not feel like losing half of my 20 rep.)
Yeah, the transitions can be made impassable by NPCs, and this is obviously a place where it's needed.
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