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Looking for tools and advice on making kits


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Hello, my innocent victims of bloodthirsty doom - I mean, fellow modders! (Yes, that will do... :(:) ) I am looking for the different tools needed to make kits and advanced advice on how to make them. I already looked over the tutorial, and it was great for describing the basics, but it doesn't describe how to use the tools or deeply go into making spells, items, or advantages and disadvantages. What tools are there, and how would I use them?

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DLTCEP is second in power and it's GUI is friendly and easy to understand. As for your question how to make items, spells and such - try loading existing ones and see how they are constructed. There should be some general tutorials around as well. I think.

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The only thing with spells and item effects needed to make really awesome things is the Use EFF File opcode, which is what any interesting spell uses. Galatygon has something explaining what you can do with that somewhere around here...



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