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SHS: Qwinn's PS:T mods updated!


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Spellhold Studios


Over the past few months Qwinn has been working hard to get the next releases of his brilliant PS:T mods released, and with the help of scient and a load of opinions from all sectors, the PS:T Fixpack v3, PS:T Unfinished Business v3 and Qwinn's PS:T Tweaks v3.5 have all been completed.


The Planescape: Torment Fixpack is a comprehensive WeiDU Fixpack for Black Isle's classic Planescape: Torment CRPG. Fixing literally hundreds of bugs and thousands of typos, thereby restoring a lot of lost and inactive content, the PS:T Fixpack (along with PS:T Unfinished Business and Qwinn's PS:T Tweak Pack) provides a completely new Planescape: Torment experience! Click here for a list of the most important fixes, as well as further information on the mod itself.


Planescape: Torment Unfinished Business takes the almost-but-not-quite-finished content that shipped with Black Isle's classic Planescape: Torment CRPG and polishes, bugfixes and finishes it so you can see and enjoy the new content in your game! With 18 components it is a must-have for anyone interested in seeing what the developers didn't get time to do--or even if you're just looking for some new content! Click here for information on each of the compenents and further information on the mod itself.


Qwinn's Planescape: Torment Tweaks adds a few ease-of-use tweaks to your Planescape: Torment install, as well as one or two must-have components! Including a banter accelerator, ease-of-use tweaks and several content changes, this is an extremely useful mod for any player. Click here for information on each of the components and further information on the mod itself.


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