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BG2 FriendTalk 11: "What's under all that Armor, Anyways?"


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/* BG2 FriendTalk 11 c-aranfriendbg2 = 21 */
/* "What's under all that Armor, Anyways?", or, take it all off, baby - take it all off. Emotionally, dude[ette] - jeeze, get a life.  */

IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",21)~ THEN BEGIN c-aranft11
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I been thinkin'.~  
 ++ ~[PC] Not a good time, Aran. No more talking.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranshutup12
 ++ ~[PC] Not a good time, Aran. No more talking.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranshutup13
 ++ ~[PC] Not a good time, Aran. No more talking.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranshutup14
 ++ ~[PC] What is on your mind, Aran?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranft11.1
 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Kit(Player1,GODTALOS) !Kit(Player1,GODHELM) !Kit(Player1,GODLATHANDER)~ + ~[PC] Praise be to the gods. I am finally getting you to use the gifts the gods granted you!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranft11.3
 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Kit(Player1,GODTALOS)~ + ~[PC] Praise be to Talos. I am finally getting you to use the gifts the Storms can bring you!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranft11.3
 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Kit(Player1,GODHELM)~ + ~[PC] Helm has granted my deepest prayers on your behalf. May His Shield guard your new endeavors!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranft11.3
 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Kit(Player1,GODLATHANDER)~ + ~[PC] The God of new beginnings is very kind. A new day dawns for you, Aran!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranft11.3
 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Moving in on my territory? I thought you were better suited to action, rather than thought.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranft11.3
 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Are you sure that is wise? So far, I have been the one casing the joint and making the plans. What is all this about 'thinking'?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranft11.3
 + ~Class(Player1,BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I knew you had it in you, Aran. Now we just need to work on your singing voice, and you may have the beginnings of true bardship.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranft11.3
 ++ ~I thought that was just the remnants of last night's dinner lingering in the air.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranft11.3

CHAIN  ~C-ARANJ~ c-aranft11.2 
~[ARAN] Well, for starters, I got some questions on what is goin' on wi' you, inside, I mean.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ IF ~!InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I know I'm pushin' you, an' it might rightly be a sore subject, but I don't know no other person what's been in your situation.~ 
== ~C-ARANJ~ IF ~InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I know I'm pushin' you, an' it might rightly be a sore subject, but I don't see m'self askin' Imoen about it. She seems to have had more trouble adjustin' than you.~ 
== ~C-ARANJ~ IF ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I've been prayin' for an answer, but I must not be high enough in my god's graces to get an answer what makes sense.~ 
== ~C-ARANJ~ IF ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I studied everythin' I could, an' checked every source I could, but there's naught I could find to shed light on this.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ IF ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ THEN ~[ARAN] If I could steal th' answer, I would. I'm curious, as I have seen thieves what seem to lose heart, but not their soul.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ IF ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I am new to all this bardic stuff, anyways. I should have read more on th' subject, but there's not much in common song or story what's coverin' this particular topic.~
EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ c-aranft11.1

CHAIN  ~C-ARANJ~ c-aranft11.3 
~[ARAN] Right funny, <CHARNAME>. See me? This is me, laughin'.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ IF ~!InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I know I'm pushin' you, an' it might rightly be a sore subject, but I don't know no other person what's been in your situation.~ 
== ~C-ARANJ~ IF ~InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I know I'm pushin' you, an' it might rightly be a sore subject, but I don't see m'self askin' Imoen about it. She seems to have had more trouble adjustin' than you.~ 
== ~C-ARANJ~ IF ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I've been prayin' for an answer, but I must not be high enough in my god's graces to get an answer what makes sense.~ 
== ~C-ARANJ~ IF ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I studied everythin' I could, an' checked every source I could, but there's naught I could find to shed light on this.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ IF ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ THEN ~[ARAN] If I could steal th' answer, I would. I'm curious, as I have seen thieves what seem to lose heart, but not their soul.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ IF ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I am new to all this bardic stuff, anyways. I should have read more on th' subject, but there's not much in common song or story what's coverin' this particular topic.~
EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ c-aranft11.1

IF ~~ c-aranft11.1 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Havin' no soul. Is it a good thing, or a bad thing? I mean, it might come in handy. I seen some things on a battlefield what deaden your insides right proper. Might be a kind o' freedom, in combat, not havin' to worry about nothin'.~ 
 ++ ~[PC] I really do not want to talk about this. Go away, Aran.~ + c-aranft11.out
 ++ ~[PC] You are joking, right? I do not see the deadness I feel inside as any sort of freedom.~ + c-aranft11.4
 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + c-aranft11.5male
 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + c-aranft11.5female
 ++ ~[PC] What have you have seen on the battlefield that might be similar to what I have gone through?~ + c-aranft11.6

IF ~~ c-aranft11.out 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. I'll get goin'. Plenty to think on by myself, I guess.~ 
 ++ ~[PC] Good. Do that.~ EXIT
 ++ ~[PC] As long as you shut up, that will suffice.~ EXIT
 ++ ~[PC] Look, I guess this is awkward. I did not mean to snap at you. What are you getting at?~ + c-aranft11.7
 + ~Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Look, how about you come an a walk with me. I just don't want the talk. I did not mean to snap at you.~ + c-aranft11.7

IF ~~ c-aranft11.4
 SAY ~[ARAN] I guess I used th' wrong words. I mean, I've seen soldiers stop feelin'. The catapult or fireball smashes some non-combatant into oblivion, an' they don't wince. A whole group o' children get to pick an existence out o' burned an' pillaged village ruins, workin' over the remains after th' orcs have had their way wi' the place. The kind o' gallows humor what springs up when you take best on whether that girl died afore th' Chill started cookin' her, or just after.~
 ++ ~[PC] The strong will survive, and others will perish. It is the way of all things.~ + c-aranft11.7
 ++ ~[PC] I wish that there were a way of stopping such horrors from happening. Right now, though, I want the empty feeling I have inside to go away.~ + c-aranft11.7
 ++ ~[PC] Sometimes the gods ways are not understandable. But if I get a chance to do something about others avoiding feeling what I feel right now, I will.~ + c-aranft11.7
 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] There is no profit in wholesale destruction and degradation, unless it serves a specific purpose. Using the most brutally efficient forces often results in someone suffering. I believe experts in warfare call that 'collateral damage'.~ + 11.5female
 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] There is no profit in wholesale destruction and degradation, unless it serves a specific purpose. Using the most brutally efficient forces often results in someone suffering. I believe experts in warfare call that 'collateral damage'.~ + 11.5male
 ++ ~[PC] I think I feel something of what you describe, Aran. But I am not sure if I feel more like the soldier observing, the fireball exploding, or the girl you describe.~ + c-aranft11.7 
 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] We shape destiny, and if someone gets hurt, so what? You cannot have a good breakfast without smashing a few eggs and frying up lesser creatures.~ + 11.5female
 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] We shape destiny, and if someone gets hurt, so what? You cannot have a good breakfast without smashing a few eggs and frying up lesser creatures.~ + 11.5male

IF ~~ c-aranft11.5female
 SAY ~[ARAN] Y'know, sometimes you are one hellishly icy bitch, an' you don't hold naught back in pursuit of your goals, but you tell me there be no difference when you have a soul an' when you don't?~
 ++ ~[PC] No difference.~ + c-aranft11.7
 ++ ~[PC] Of course there is a difference. I want to feel something, feel anything but this emptiess.~ + c-aranft11.7
 ++ ~[PC] I leave those distinctions in the back of my mind, Aran. Right now, someone has something that belongs to me. I intend to get it back.~ + c-aranft11.7
 ++ ~[PC] You have no right to ask these questions.~ + c-aranft11.out

IF ~~ c-aranft11.5male
 SAY ~[ARAN] Y'know, sometimes you are one mean son o' a bitch, a' you don't hold naught back in pursuit of your goals, but you tell me there be no difference when you have a soul an' when you don't?~
 ++ ~[PC] No difference.~ + c-aranft11.7
 ++ ~[PC] Of course there is a difference. I want to feel something, feel anything but this emptiess.~ + c-aranft11.7
 ++ ~[PC] I leave those distinctions in the back of my mind, Aran. Right now, someone has something that belongs to me. I intend to get it back.~ + c-aranft11.7
 ++ ~[PC] You have no right to ask these questions.~ + c-aranft11.out

IF ~~ c-aranft11.6
 SAY ~[ARAN] I've seen a mite too much. There was a patch o' time wi' Moonshea, where we picked up th' remains o' outlyin' villages after an invasion an' saw things what would curdle your blood. But th' worst was against th' Throne, up north. It scares a man to his marrow when you see some child stanin' in the remains o' their village, holdin' a bloodsoaked doll in one hand an' the remains o' her older sister in th' other. The Chill liked to play wi' their captives in some ugly ways. It was worse when they left some o' th' young females alive after they was finished.~
 ++ ~[PC] The strong will survive, and the weak will perish. It is the way of all things.~ + c-aranft11.7
 ++ ~[PC] I wish that there were a way of stopping such horrors from happening. Right now, though, I want the empty feeling I have inside to go away.~ + c-aranft11.7
 ++ ~[PC] Sometimes the gods ways are not understandable. But if I get a chance to do something about others avoiding feeling what I feel right now, I will.~ + c-aranft11.7
 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] There is no profit in wholesale destruction and degradation, unless it serves a specific purpose. Using the most brutally efficient forces often results in someone suffering. I believe experts in warfare call that 'collateral damage'.~ + 11.5female
 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] There is no profit in wholesale destruction and degradation, unless it serves a specific purpose. Using the most brutally efficient forces often results in someone suffering. I believe experts in warfare call that 'collateral damage'.~ + 11.5male
 ++ ~[PC] I think I feel something of what you describe, Aran. But I am not sure if I feel more like the soldier observing, the fireball exploding, or the girl you describe.~ + c-aranft11.7 

/* Idea from Darious & Meira's "Amber" and Fiulle/Sakaki's The Luxley Family - commentary on romance in progress with another. Multi-romancers will get up to 5 of these, which is crazy, but most folks will have 1 or 2, 3 if Solaufein, Aran, and any one of these in party. */

IF ~~ c-aranft11.7
 SAY ~[ARAN] I would think that havin' naught for a soul might change how you feel about th' whole 'fallin' in love' business. But it don't seem to stop you none.~

 /* BioWare(tm) Aerie  "aerie" */
 + ~InParty("aerie") Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("aerie") Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Aerie.~ + c-aranft11.aerieF
 + ~InParty("aerie") Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Aerie.~ + c-aranft11.aerie

 /* G3 Amber "M#AMBER" */
 + ~InParty("M#AMBER") Global("M#AmberRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("M#AmberMatch","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("M#AMBER") Global("M#AmberRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("M#AmberMatch","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Amber.~ + c-aranft11.amberF
 + ~InParty("M#AMBER") Global("M#AmberRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("M#AmberMatch","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Amber.~ + c-aranft11.amber

 /* G3 Angelo "ADANGEL" */  
 + ~InParty("ADANGEL") Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("ADANGEL") Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Angelo.~ + c-aranft11.angeloF
 + ~InParty("ADANGEL") Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Angelo.~ + c-aranft11.angelo

 /* BioWare(tm) Anomen "Anomen" */  
 + ~InParty("Anomen") Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("Anomen") Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Anomen.~ + c-aranft11.anomF
 + ~InParty("Anomen") Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for  Anomen.~ + c-aranft11.anom

 /* G3 Aran "c-aran" */
 + ~InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think we do pretty well together, don't you, Aran? We are having some fun. Nothing more.~ + c-aranft11.aranF
 + ~InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Do I have to spell it out for you, Aran? I thought I was dropping enough hints.~ + c-aranft11.aran

 /*  Chloe "CHLOE" */   
 + ~InParty("CHLOE") Global("ChloeRomanceActiveCR","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("CHLOE") Global("ChloeRomanceActiveCR","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Chloe.~ + c-aranft11.chloeF
 + ~InParty("CHLOE") Global("ChloeRomanceActiveCR","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for  Chloe.~ + c-aranft11.chloe

 /* SHS Dace Linton */
 + ~InParty("<<DV>>") Global("T#DaceRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("<<DV>>") Global("T#DaceRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Dace.~ + c-aranft11.daceF
 + ~InParty("<<DV>>") Global("T#DaceRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Dace.~ + c-aranft11.dace

 /* SHS Edwin "Edwin" */  
 + ~InParty("Edwin") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("Edwin") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Edwin.~ + c-aranft11.edwinF
 + ~InParty("<Edwin") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Edwin.~ + c-aranft11.edwin

 /* SHS Fade "E3Fade" */  
 + ~InParty("E3Fade") Global("E3FadeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("E3Fade") Global("E3FadeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Fade.~ + c-aranft11.fadeF
 + ~InParty("E3Fade") Global("E3FadeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Fade.~ + c-aranft11.fade

 /* G3 Gavin in the Future Tense "B!Gavin" */
 + ~InParty("B!Gavin") Global("B!GavinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("B!Gavin") Global("B!GavinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Gavin.~ + c-aranft11.gavinF
 + ~InParty("B!Gavin") Global("B!GavinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Gavin.~ + c-aranft11.gavin

 /* FW Imoen "Imoen" */ 
 + ~InParty("Imoen") Global("FWImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("Imoen") Global("FWImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Imoen.~ + c-aranft11.imoenromFWF
 + ~InParty("Imoen") Global("FWImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC]  So you noticed I have some feelings for Imoen.~ + c-aranft11.imoenromFW

 /* Mirrabo Imoen "Imoen" */  
 + ~InParty("Imoen") Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("Imoen") Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Imoen.~ + c-aranft11.imoenromF
 + ~InParty("Imoen") Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC]  So you noticed I have some feelings for Imoen.~ + c-aranft11.imoenrom

 /* BioWare(tm) Jaheira "Jaheira" */  
 + ~InParty("Jaheira") Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("Jaheira") Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Jaheira.~ + c-aranft11.jahF
 + ~InParty("Jaheira") Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC]  So you noticed I have some feelings for Jaheira.~ + c-aranft11.jah

 /*  Kiara "KIARA" */  
 + ~InParty("KIARA") Global("KiaraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("KIARA") Global("KiaraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Kiara.~ + c-aranft11.kiaraF
 + ~InParty("KIARA") Global("KiaraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for  Kiara.~ + c-aranft11.kiara

 /* PPG Kelsey "J#Kelsey" */   
 + ~InParty("J#Kelsey") Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("J#Kelsey") Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Kelsey.~ + c-aranft11.kelseyF
 + ~InParty("J#Kelsey") Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for  Kelsey.~ + c-aranft11.kelsey

 /* RPG Kitanya "R#Kitanya" */
 + ~InParty("R#Kitanya") Global("R#KitanyaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("R#Kitanya") Global("R#KitanyaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Kitanya.~ + c-aranft11.saerF
 + ~InParty("R#Kitanya") Global("R#KitanyaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Kitanya.~ + c-aranft11.saer

 /* G3 Kivan "P#KIVAN" */
 + ~InParty("P#KIVAN") OR(2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("P#KIVAN") OR(2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Kivan.~ + c-aranft11.kivanF
 + ~InParty("P#KIVAN") OR(2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Kivan.~ + c-aranft11.kivan

 /* PPG Nalia "nalia" */
 + ~InParty("nalia") Global("PGNaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("nalia") Global("PGNaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Nalia.~ + c-aranft11.nalJCF
 + ~InParty("nalia") Global("PGNaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC]  So you noticed I have some feelings for  Nalia.~ + c-aranft11.nalJC

 /* SHS Arnel's LuvNalia "nalia" */  
 + ~InParty("nalia") Global("NaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("nalia") Global("NaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Nalia.~ + c-aranft11.luvnalF
 + ~InParty("nalia") Global("NaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Nalia.~ + c-aranft11.luvnal

 /* SHS Nathaniel "NATH" */  
 + ~InParty("NATH") OR(3) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",4) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("NATH") OR(3) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",4) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Nathaniel.~ +  c-aranft11.nathF
 + ~InParty("NATH") OR(3) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",4) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC]  So you noticed I have some feelings for  Nathaniel.~ +  c-aranft11.nath

 /* Neh'taniel "SK#NEHT" (Black Sheep, now hosted at <<HERE>>  */
 + ~InParty("SK#NEHT") Global("SK#NehtRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("SK#NEHT") Global("SK#NehtRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Neh'taniel.~ + c-aranft11.nehtF
 + ~InParty("SK#NEHT") Global("SK#NehtRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I might be developing some feelings for Neh'taniel.~ + c-aranft11.neht

 /* SHS Ninde "Ninde" */  
 + ~InParty("Ninde") Global("LK#NindeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("Ninde") Global("LK#NindeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Ninde.~ + c-aranft11.nindeF
 + ~InParty("Ninde") Global("LK#NindeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for  Ninde.~ + c-aranft11.ninde

 /* CoM Saerileth "SAERILETH" */  
 + ~InParty("SAERILETH") Global("SaerilethRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("SAERILETH") Global("SaerilethRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Saerileth.~ + c-aranft11.saerF
 + ~InParty("SAERILETH") Global("SaerilethRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Saerileth.~ + c-aranft11.saer

 /* G3 Sarah "K#Sarah" */  
 + ~InParty("K#Sarah") Global("SarahRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("K#Sarah") Global("SarahRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Sarah.~ + c-aranft11.sarahF
 + ~InParty("K#Sarah") Global("SarahRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for  Sarah.~ + c-aranft11.sarah

 /* TS Sime (SHS/BWL) "SIME" */
 + ~InParty("SIME") Global("SimeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("SIME") Global("SimeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Sime.~ + c-aranft11.simeF
 + ~InParty("SIME") Global("SimeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Sime.~ + c-aranft11.sime

 /* WeiDU.org Solaufein "SOLA" or "SOLAUFEIN" */ 
 + ~OR(2) InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InParty("SOLA") GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~OR(2) InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InParty("SOLA") GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Solaufein.~ + c-aranft11.solaF
 + ~OR(2) InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InParty("SOLA") GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for  Solaufein.~ + c-aranft11.sola

 /* SHS Tashia "TASHIA" */  
 + ~InParty("TASHIA") Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("TASHIA") Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Tashia.~ + c-aranft11.tashiaF
 + ~InParty("TASHIA") Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for  Tashia.~ + c-aranft11.tashia

 /* CoM Tsujatha "TSUJATH" */  
 + ~InParty("TSUJATH") Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("TSUJATH") Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Tsujatha.~ + c-aranft11.tsujF
 + ~InParty("TSUJATH") Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for  Tsujatha.~ + c-aranft11.tsuj

 /* Valygar from C.Romantique (unhosted) "Valygar" */  
 + ~InParty("Valygar") Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("Valygar") Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Valygar.~ + c-aranft11.valyCRF
 + ~InParty("Valygar") Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for  Valygar.~ + c-aranft11.valyCR

 /* SHS/BWL TS Valygar "Valygar" */
 + ~InParty("Valygar") Global("ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("Valygar") Global("ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Valygar.~ + c-aranft11.valyTSF
 + ~InParty("Valygar") Global("ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Valygar.~ + c-aranft11.valyts

 /* G3 RE Valygar "valygar" */
 + ~InParty("Valygar") GlobalGT("RE_ValygarRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("Valygar") GlobalGT("RE_ValygarRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having discussions with Valygar.~ + c-aranft11.valyREF
 + ~InParty("Valygar") GlobalGT("RE_ValygarRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I may be developing some feelings for Valygar.~ + c-aranft11.valyRE

 /* BioWare(tm) Viconia "Viconia" */  
 + ~InParty("Viconia") Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("Viconia") Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Viconia.~ + c-aranft11.vicF
 + ~InParty("Viconia") Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC]  So you noticed I have some feelings for  Viconia.~ + c-aranft11.vic

 /* PPG Xan "O#XAN" */  
 + ~InParty("O#XAN") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialmale
 + ~InParty("O#XAN") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Xan.~ + c-aranft11.xanF
 + ~InParty("O#XAN") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for  Xan.~ + c-aranft11.xan

 /* CoM Yasraena "YASRAENA" Cannot be romanced, but player can physically flirt with her, so conditions for "noticeably interested" are: */
 + ~InParty("YASRAENA") Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",1) !Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + c-aranft11.denialfemale
 + ~InParty("YASRAENA") Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",1) !Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Yasraena.~ + c-aranft11.yasF
 + ~InParty("YASRAENA") Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",1) !Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I might be developing some feelings for Yasraena.~ + c-aranft11.yas

 ++ ~[PC] Now you have advice on my lovelife, as well? I thought you of all people should understand the difference between physical contact and love.~ +  c-aranft11.difference

 ++ ~[PC] I thought you of all people should understand the need to feel, to fill that hollow void in the center of your being.~ + c-aranft11.feel

IF ~~ c-aranft11.denialmale
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if you don't, then I guess you don't. But you sure spend alot of time wi' a certain gentleman 'friend', eh? I'm not always th' sharpest tack in th' barrel, but it seems like you have need o' some companionship.~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.denialfemale
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if you don't, then I guess you don't. But you sure spend alot of time wi' a certain lady 'friend', eh? I'm not always th' sharpest tack in th' barrel, but it seems like you have need o' some companionship~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.aerieF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.aerie
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.amberF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.amber
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.angeloF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.angelo
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.anomF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.anom
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.aranF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.aran
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.chloeF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.chloe
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.chrystaF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.chrysta
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.daceF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.dace
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.edwinF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.edwin
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.fadeF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.fade
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.gavinF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.gavin
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.imoenromFWF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.imoenromFW
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.imoenromF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.imoenrom
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.jahF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.jah
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.kiaraF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.kiara
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.kelseyF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.kelsey
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.saerF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.saer
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.kivanF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.kivan
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.nalJCF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.nalJC
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.luvnalF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.luvnal
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.nathF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.nath
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.nehtF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.neht
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.nindeF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.ninde
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.saerF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.saer
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.sarahF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.sarah
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.simeF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.sime
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.solaF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.sola
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.tashiaF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.tashia
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.tsujF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.tsuj
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.valyCRF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.valyCR
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.valytsF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.valyts
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.valyREF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.valyRE
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.vicF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.vic
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.xanF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.xan
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.yasF
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.yas
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.difference
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.feel
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 ++ ~[PC] ~ + c-aranft11.final

IF ~~ c-aranft11.final
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~

NOTE TO SELF: change Aran's Romance variable to meet community standard: c-aranromanceactive/c-aranromanceinactive with 1 = interest, 2 = active, 3 = shutdown and inactive activated


Secondary note - if Aran is to be more than vaporware, I need to use some more traditional friendtalk writing - it is taking a long time to account for/research potential interactions on a mega install. The next few need to be back to a more traditional One-On-One. I end up scrapping good dialog.


Posted up so I don't lose it - still needs final transfer of written dialog into final states.

Link to comment

Revisited and adjusted:

/* BG2 FriendTalk 11 c-aranfriendbg2 = 21 */
/* "What's under all that Armor, Anyways?", or, take it all off, baby - take it all off. Emotionally, dude[ette] - jeeze, get a life.  */

IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",21)~ THEN BEGIN a396
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I been thinkin'.~  
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Not a good time, Aran. No more talking.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranshutup12
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Cut the chatter, Aran. We need to move along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranshutup13
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] And I have been thinking, too. Mostly about how to get you to stop talking.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + c-aranshutup14
 ++ ~[PC] What is on your mind, Aran?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a397
 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Kit(Player1,GODTALOS) !Kit(Player1,GODHELM) !Kit(Player1,GODLATHANDER)~ + ~[PC] Praise be to the gods. I am finally getting you to use the gifts the gods granted you!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398
 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Kit(Player1,GODTALOS)~ + ~[PC] Praise be to Talos. I am finally getting you to use the gifts the Storms can bring you!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398
 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Kit(Player1,GODHELM)~ + ~[PC] Helm has granted my deepest prayers on your behalf. May His Shield guard your new endeavors!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398
 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Kit(Player1,GODLATHANDER)~ + ~[PC] The God of new beginnings is very kind. A new day dawns for you, Aran!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398
 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Moving in on my territory? I thought you were better suited to action, rather than thought.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398
 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Are you sure that is wise? So far, I have been the one casing the joint and making the plans. What is all this about 'thinking'?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398
 + ~Class(Player1,BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I knew you had it in you, Aran. Now we just need to work on your singing voice, and you may have the beginnings of true bardship.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398
 ++ ~[PC] I thought that was just the remnants of last night's dinner lingering in the air.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398

IF ~~ a397
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, for starters, I got some questions on what is goin' on wi' you, inside, I mean.~
 IF ~InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN GOTO a399
 IF ~!InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN GOTO a400 

IF ~~ a398
 SAY ~[ARAN] Right funny, <CHARNAME>. See me? This is me, laughin'.~
 IF ~InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN GOTO a399
 IF ~!InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN GOTO a400 

IF ~~ a399
 SAY ~[ARAN] I know I'm pushin' you, an' it might rightly be a sore subject, but I don't see m'self askin' Imoen about it. She seems to have had a mite more trouble adjustin' than you.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a405
 IF ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a401
 IF ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a402
 IF ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a403
 IF ~OR(2) Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL) Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a404

IF ~~ a400
 SAY ~[ARAN] I know I'm pushin' you, an' it might rightly be a sore subject, but I don't know no other person what's been in your situation.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a405
 IF ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a401
 IF ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a402
 IF ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a403
 IF ~OR(2) Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL) Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a404

IF ~~ a401
 SAY ~[ARAN] I studied everythin' I could, an' checked every source I could, but there's naught I could find to shed light on this havin' no soul business. Is it a good thing, or a bad thing? I mean, it might come in handy. I seen some things on a battlefield what deaden your insides right proper. Might be a kind o' freedom, in combat, not havin' to worry about nothin'.~
 ++ ~[PC] I really do not want to talk about this. Go away, Aran.~ + a406
 ++ ~[PC] You are joking, right? I do not see the deadness I feel inside as any sort of freedom.~ + a407
 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a408
 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a409
 ++ ~[PC] What have you have seen on the battlefield that might be similar to what I have gone through?~ + a410

IF ~~ a402
 SAY ~[ARAN] If I could steal th' answer, I would. I'm curious, as I have seen thieves what seem to lose heart, but not their soul. Havin' no soul. Is it a good thing, or a bad thing? I mean, it might come in handy. I seen some things on a battlefield what deaden your insides right proper. Might be a kind o' freedom, in combat, not havin' to worry about nothin'.~
 ++ ~[PC] I really do not want to talk about this. Go away, Aran.~ + a406
 ++ ~[PC] You are joking, right? I do not see the deadness I feel inside as any sort of freedom.~ + a407
 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a408
 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a409
 ++ ~[PC] What have you have seen on the battlefield that might be similar to what I have gone through?~ + a410

IF ~~ a403
 SAY ~[ARAN] I am new to all this bardic stuff, anyways. I should have read more on th' subject, but there's not much in common song or story what's coverin' this particular topic. Havin' no soul. Is it a good thing, or a bad thing? I mean, it might come in handy. I seen some things on a battlefield what deaden your insides right proper. Might be a kind o' freedom, in combat, not havin' to worry about nothin'.~
 ++ ~[PC] I really do not want to talk about this. Go away, Aran.~ + a406
 ++ ~[PC] You are joking, right? I do not see the deadness I feel inside as any sort of freedom.~ + a407
 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a408
 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a409
 ++ ~[PC] What have you have seen on the battlefield that might be similar to what I have gone through?~ + a410

IF ~~ a404 
 SAY ~[ARAN] I've been prayin' for an answer, but I must not be high enough in my god's graces to get an answer what makes sense. Havin' no soul, that is. Do it be a good thing, or a bad thing? I mean, it might come in handy. I done seen some things on a battlefield what deaden your insides right proper. Might be a kind o' freedom, in combat, not havin' to worry about nothin'.~
 ++ ~[PC] I really do not want to talk about this. Go away, Aran.~ + a406
 ++ ~[PC] You are joking, right? I do not see the deadness I feel inside as any sort of freedom.~ + a407
 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a408
 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a409
 ++ ~[PC] What have you have seen on the battlefield that might be similar to what I have gone through?~ + a410

IF ~~ a405
 SAY ~[ARAN] This 'havin' no soul', that is. Do it be a good thing, or a bad thing? I mean, it might come in handy. I done seen some things on a battlefield what deaden your insides right proper. Might be a kind o' freedom, in combat, not havin' to worry about nothin'.~
 ++ ~[PC] I really do not want to talk about this. Go away, Aran.~ + a406
 ++ ~[PC] You are joking, right? I do not see the deadness I feel inside as any sort of freedom.~ + a407
 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a408
 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a409
 ++ ~[PC] What have you have seen on the battlefield that might be similar to what I have gone through?~ + a410

IF ~~ a406
 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. I'll get goin'. Plenty to think on by myself, I guess.~
 ++ ~[PC] Good. Do that.~ EXIT
 ++ ~[PC] As long as you shut up, that will suffice.~ EXIT
 ++ ~[PC] Look, I guess this is awkward. I did not mean to snap at you. What are you getting at?~ + a412
 ++ ~[PC] Suit yourself. I would rather you thought about cooking a nice meal, but if you need to ponder existential arguments to deal with all of this, knock yourself out.~ EXIT
 + ~Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Look, how about you come an a walk with me. I just don't want the talk. I did not mean to snap at you.~ + a412

IF ~~ a407
 SAY ~[ARAN] I guess I used th' wrong words. I mean, I've seen soldiers stop feelin'. The catapult or fireball smashes some non-combatant into oblivion, an' they don't wince. A whole group o' children get to pick an existence out o' burned an' pillaged village ruins, workin' over the remains after th' orcs have had their way wi' the place. The kind o' gallows humor what springs up when you take bets on whether that villager died afore th' Chill started cookin' her, or just after.~
 ++ ~[PC] The strong will survive, and others will perish. It is the way of all things.~ + a412
 ++ ~[PC] I wish that there were a way of stopping such horrors from happening. Right now, though, I want the empty feeling I have inside to go away.~ + a412
 ++ ~[PC] Sometimes the gods ways are not understandable. But if I get a chance to do something about others avoiding feeling what I feel right now, I will.~ + a412
 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] There is no profit in wholesale destruction and degradation, unless it serves a specific purpose. Using the most brutally efficient forces often results in someone suffering. I believe experts in warfare call that 'collateral damage'.~ + a409
 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] There is no profit in wholesale destruction and degradation, unless it serves a specific purpose. Using the most brutally efficient forces often results in someone suffering. I believe experts in warfare call that 'collateral damage'.~ + a408
 ++ ~[PC] I think I feel something of what you describe, Aran. But I am not sure if I feel more like the soldier observing, the fireball exploding, or the villager you describe.~ + a412
 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] We shape destiny, and if someone gets hurt, so what? You cannot have a good breakfast without smashing a few eggs and frying up lesser creatures.~ + a409
 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] We shape destiny, and if someone gets hurt, so what? You cannot have a good breakfast without smashing a few eggs and frying up lesser creatures.~ + a408

IF ~~ a408
 SAY ~[ARAN] Y'know, sometimes you are one mean son o' a bitch, a' you don't hold naught back in pursuit of your goals, but you tell me there be no difference when you have a soul an' when you don't?~
 ++ ~[PC] No difference.~ + a412
 ++ ~[PC] Of course there is a difference. I want to feel something, feel anything but this emptiess.~ + a412
 ++ ~[PC] I leave those distinctions in the back of my mind, Aran. Right now, someone has something that belongs to me. I intend to get it back.~ + a412
 ++ ~[PC] You have no right to ask these questions.~ + a411
 ++ ~[PC] You have it wrong, Aran. If I were really that cold, you would not have started this discussion.~ + a406

IF ~~ a409
 SAY ~[ARAN] Y'know, sometimes you are one hellishly icy bitch, an' you don't hold naught back in pursuit of your goals, but you tell me there be no difference when you have a soul an' when you don't?~
 ++ ~[PC] No difference.~ + a412
 ++ ~[PC] Of course there is a difference. I want to feel something, feel anything but this emptiess.~ + a412
 ++ ~[PC] I leave those distinctions in the back of my mind, Aran. Right now, someone has something that belongs to me. I intend to get it back.~ + a412
 ++ ~[PC] You have no right to ask these questions.~ + a411

IF ~~ a410
 SAY ~[ARAN] I've seen a mite too much. There was a patch o' time wi' Moonshea, where we picked up th' remains o' outlyin' villages after an invasion an' saw things what would curdle your blood. But th' worst was against th' Throne, up north. 
 = ~[ARAN] It scares a man to his marrow when you see some child standin' in the remains o' their village, holdin' a bloodsoaked doll in one hand an' the remains o' her older sister in th' other. The Chill liked to play wi' their captives in some ugly ways. It was worse when they left some o' th' young ones alive after they was finished.~
 ++ ~[PC] The strong will survive, and the weak will perish. It is the way of all things.~ + a412
 ++ ~[PC] I wish that there were a way of stopping such horrors from happening. Right now, though, I want the empty feeling I have inside to go away.~ + a412
 ++ ~[PC] Sometimes the gods ways are not understandable. But if I get a chance to do something about others avoiding feeling what I feel right now, I will.~ + a412
 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] There is no profit in wholesale destruction and degradation, unless it serves a specific purpose. Using the most brutally efficient forces often results in someone suffering. I believe experts in warfare call that 'collateral damage'.~ + 11.5female
 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] There is no profit in wholesale destruction and degradation, unless it serves a specific purpose. Using the most brutally efficient forces often results in someone suffering. I believe experts in warfare call that 'collateral damage'.~ + 11.5male
 ++ ~[PC] I think I feel something of what you describe, Aran. But I am not sure if I feel more like the soldier observing, the fireball exploding, or the girl you describe.~ + a412

IF ~~ a411
 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. I'll get goin'. Plenty to think on by myself, I guess.~
 ++ ~[PC] Good. Do that.~ EXIT
 ++ ~[PC] As long as you shut up, that will suffice.~ EXIT
 ++ ~[PC] Look, I guess this is awkward. I did not mean to snap at you. I just do not want to talk about this right now.~ EXIT
 ++ ~[PC] Suit yourself. I would rather you thought about cooking a nice meal, but if you need to ponder existential arguments to deal with all of this, knock yourself out.~ EXIT

/* Idea from Darious & Meira's "Amber" and Fiulle/Sakaki's "The Luxley Family" - commentary on romance in progress with another. Multi-romancers will get up to 5 of these [there can only be 5 others in the party so the InParty check pares these down], which is crazy, but most folks will have 1 or 2 - 3 if Solaufein, Aran, and any one of these in party. */

IF ~~ a412
 SAY ~[ARAN] I would think that havin' naught for a soul might change how you feel about th' whole 'fallin' in love' business. Mayhap keep you from makin' attachments to that special someone, eh? But it might not stop you judgin' by your actions...~

/* Refuse to admit it, female NPC romanceables */
+ ~OR(3) InParty("aerie") InParty("Viconia") InParty("Jaheira") OR(3) Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Some of us have traveled together for a long time.~ + a414
+ ~InParty("M#AMBER") Global("M#AmberRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("M#AmberMatch","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Amber and I are just friends.~ + a414
+ ~InParty("Imoen") OR(2) Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("FWImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Imoen has always been a close friend.~ + a414 
+ ~InParty("nalia") OR(2) Global("PGNaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("NaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Nalia is just a friend.~ + a414
+ ~OR(9) InParty("Dace") InParty("R#Kitanya") InParty("KIARA") InParty("Ninde") InParty("E3Fade") InParty("TASHIA") InParty("SAERILETH") InParty("K#Sarah") InParty("SIME") OR(9) Global("T#DaceRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("R#KitanyaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("KiaraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("LK#NindeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("E3FadeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("SaerilethRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("SarahRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("SimeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + a414
+ ~InParty("YASRAENA") Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",1) !Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + a414

/* Refuse to admit it, male NPC romances */  
+ ~OR(6) InParty("ADANGEL") InParty("Anomen") InParty("Edwin") InParty("B!Gavin") InParty("J#Kelsey") InParty("SK#NEHT") OR(6) Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("B!GavinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("SK#NehtRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + a415
+ ~InParty("P#KIVAN") OR(2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Kivan just trust me more than he trusts others.~ + a415
+ ~InParty("NATH") OR(3) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",4) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Nathaniel just trust me more than he trusts others.~ + a415
+ ~OR(2) InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InParty("SOLA") GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Solaufein just trusts me more than he trusts others.~ + a415
+ ~InParty("TSUJATH") Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Tsujatha just has different ways.~ + a415
+ ~InParty("Valygar") OR(3) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) GlobalGT("RE_ValygarRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Valygar just likes to talk with me.~ + a415
+ ~InParty("O#XAN") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Xan just talks to me more than to others.~ + a415

/* G3 Aran "c-aran" */
+ ~InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think we do pretty well together, don't you, Aran? We are having some fun. Nothing more.~ + a421
+ ~InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Do I have to spell it out for you, Aran? I thought I was dropping enough hints.~ + a422
+ ~InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. I just keep you around because you are somewhat useful at times.~ + a423
+ ~InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You know very well that I love you, Aran.~ + a424

/* BioWare(tm) Aerie "aerie" */
+ ~InParty("aerie") Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Aerie.~ + a419
+ ~InParty("aerie") Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Aerie.~ + a413

/* G3 Amber "M#AMBER" */
+ ~InParty("M#AMBER") Global("M#AmberRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("M#AmberMatch","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Amber.~ + a419
+ ~InParty("M#AMBER") Global("M#AmberRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("M#AmberMatch","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Amber.~ + a413

 /* G3 Angelo "ADANGEL" */ 
 + ~InParty("ADANGEL") Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Angelo.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("ADANGEL") Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Angelo.~ + a413

 /* BioWare(tm) Anomen "Anomen" */ 
 + ~InParty("Anomen") Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Anomen.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("Anomen") Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Anomen.~ + a413

 /* Chloe "CHLOE" */ 
 + ~InParty("CHLOE") Global("ChloeRomanceActiveCR","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Chloe.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("CHLOE") Global("ChloeRomanceActiveCR","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Chloe.~ + a413

 /* SHS Dace Linton */
 + ~InParty("Dace") Global("T#DaceRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Dace.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("Dace") Global("T#DaceRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Dace.~ + a413

 /* SHS Edwin "Edwin" */ 
 + ~InParty("Edwin") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Edwin.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("<Edwin") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Edwin.~ + a413

 /* SHS Fade "E3Fade" */ 
 + ~InParty("E3Fade") Global("E3FadeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Fade.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("E3Fade") Global("E3FadeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Fade.~ + a413

 /* G3 Gavin in the Future Tense "B!Gavin" */
 + ~InParty("B!Gavin") Global("B!GavinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Gavin.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("B!Gavin") Global("B!GavinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Gavin.~ + a413

 /* FW Imoen "Imoen", Mirrabo Imoen "Imoen" */
 + ~InParty("Imoen") OR(2) Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("FWImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Imoen.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("Imoen") OR(2) Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("FWImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Imoen.~ + a413

 /* BioWare(tm) Jaheira "Jaheira" */ 
 + ~InParty("Jaheira") Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Jaheira.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("Jaheira") Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Jaheira.~ + a413

 /* Kiara "KIARA" */ 
 + ~InParty("KIARA") Global("KiaraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Kiara.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("KIARA") Global("KiaraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Kiara.~ + a413

 /* PPG Kelsey "J#Kelsey" */ 
 + ~InParty("J#Kelsey") Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Kelsey.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("J#Kelsey") Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Kelsey.~ + a413

 /* RPG Kitanya "R#Kitanya" */
 + ~InParty("R#Kitanya") Global("R#KitanyaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Kitanya.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("R#Kitanya") Global("R#KitanyaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Kitanya.~ + a413

 /* G3 Kivan "P#KIVAN" */
 + ~InParty("P#KIVAN") OR(2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Kivan.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("P#KIVAN") OR(2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Kivan.~ + a413

 /* PPG Nalia "nalia" | SHS Arnel's LuvNalia "nalia" */
 + ~InParty("nalia") OR(2) Global("PGNaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("NaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Nalia.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("nalia") OR(2) Global("PGNaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("NaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Nalia.~ + a413

 /* SHS Nathaniel "NATH" */ 
 + ~InParty("NATH") OR(3) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",4) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Nathaniel.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("NATH") OR(3) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",4) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Nathaniel.~ + a413

 /* Neh'taniel "SK#NEHT" (Black Sheep, now hosted at <<HERE>> */
 + ~InParty("SK#NEHT") Global("SK#NehtRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Neh'taniel.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("SK#NEHT") Global("SK#NehtRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I might be developing some feelings for Neh'taniel.~ + a413

 /* SHS Ninde "Ninde" */ 
 + ~InParty("Ninde") Global("LK#NindeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Ninde.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("Ninde") Global("LK#NindeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Ninde.~ + a413

 /* CoM Saerileth "SAERILETH" */ 
 + ~InParty("SAERILETH") Global("SaerilethRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Saerileth.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("SAERILETH") Global("SaerilethRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Saerileth.~ + a413

 /* G3 Sarah "K#Sarah" */ 
 + ~InParty("K#Sarah") Global("SarahRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Sarah.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("K#Sarah") Global("SarahRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Sarah.~ + a413

/* TS Sime (SHS/BWL) "SIME" */
 + ~InParty("SIME") Global("SimeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Sime.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("SIME") Global("SimeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Sime.~ + a413

 /* WeiDU.org Solaufein "SOLA" or "SOLAUFEIN" */
 + ~OR(2) InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InParty("SOLA") GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Solaufein.~ + a419
 + ~OR(2) InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InParty("SOLA") GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Solaufein.~ + a413

 /* SHS Tashia "TASHIA" */ 
 + ~InParty("TASHIA") Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Tashia.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("TASHIA") Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Tashia.~ + a413

 /* CoM Tsujatha "TSUJATH" */ 
 + ~InParty("TSUJATH") Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Tsujatha.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("TSUJATH") Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Tsujatha.~ + a413

 /* Valygar from C.Romantique (unhosted) "Valygar" | SHS/BWL TS Valygar "Valygar" | G3 RE Valygar "valygar" */ 
 + ~InParty("Valygar") OR(3) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) GlobalGT("RE_ValygarRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Valygar.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("Valygar") OR(3) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) GlobalGT("RE_ValygarRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Valygar.~ + a413

 /* BioWare(tm) Viconia "Viconia" */ 
 + ~InParty("Viconia") Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Viconia.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("Viconia") Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Viconia.~ + a413

 /* PPG Xan "O#XAN" */ 
 + ~InParty("O#XAN") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Xan.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("O#XAN") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Xan.~ + a413

 /* CoM Yasraena "YASRAENA" Cannot be romanced, but player can physically flirt with her, so conditions for "noticeably interested" are: */
 + ~InParty("YASRAENA") Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",1) !Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Yasraena.~ + a419
 + ~InParty("YASRAENA") Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",1) !Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I might be developing some feelings for Yasraena.~ + a413

 ++ ~[PC] Now you have advice on my lovelife, as well? I thought you could understand the difference between physical contact and love.~ + a416
 ++ ~[PC] I thought you of all people should understand the need to feel, to fill that hollow void in the center of your being.~ + a416

IF ~~ a413
 SAY ~[ARAN] It be hard not to notice. But I figure you got th' right to whatever happiness you can rip out o' this strangeness. There be more what happens to you in a day than most folks be havin' happen in several lifetimes. So I got not right to judge.~
 + ~Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a418
 + ~Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a417
 + ~!Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a425
 ++ ~[PC] Now you have advice on my lovelife, as well? I thought you could understand the difference between physical contact and love.~ +  a416
 ++ ~[PC] I thought you of all people should understand the need to feel, to fill that hollow void in the center of your being.~ + a416
 ++ ~[PC] You should stay away from deep thoughts, Aran. Especially when it comes to my choice of companion.~ + a411

IF ~~ a414
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if you don't, then I guess you don't. But you sure spend alot of time wi' a certain lady 'friend', eh? I'm not always th' sharpest tack in th' barrel, but it seems like you have need o' some companionship. Guess that means there be somethin' inside even after your soul gets torn out. You must be stronger than Correlon's bowhand.~
 + ~Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a418
 + ~Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a417
 ++ ~[PC] Now you have advice on my lovelife, as well? I thought you could understand the difference between physical contact and love.~ + a416
 ++ ~[PC] I thought you of all people should understand the need to feel, to fill that hollow void in the center of your being.~ + a416
 ++ ~[PC] You should stay away from deep thoughts, Aran. Especially when it comes to my choice of companion.~ + a411

IF ~~ a415
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if you don't, then I guess you don't. But you sure spend alot of time wi' a certain gentleman 'friend', eh? I'm not always th' sharpest tack in th' barrel, but it seems like you have need o' some companionship. Guess that means there be somethin' inside even after your soul gets torn out. You must be stronger than Correlon's bowhand.~
 + ~Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a418
 + ~Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a417
 ++ ~[PC] Now you have advice on my lovelife, as well? I thought you could understand the difference between physical contact and love.~ + a416
 ++ ~[PC] I thought you of all people should understand the need to feel, to fill that hollow void in the center of your being.~ + a416
 ++ ~[PC] You should stay away from deep thoughts, Aran. Especially when it comes to my choice of companion.~ + a411

IF ~~ a416
 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I can tell. I guess I was just interested in decipherin' whether you still could, too.~

/* should never play, but then again, who knows :) */ 
IF ~~ a417
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells yes, I be jealous. But then, I am still a mite confused as to how in Melliki's Quiver we got ourselves a romance, on account o' I am seriously interested in womenfolk, not menfolk. I guess you be a mite unique, so I guess you got your reasons. If I was not able to handle it, I'd have already cut th' contract.~

IF ~~ a418
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells yes, I be jealous. But then, you be a mite unique, so I guess you got your reasons. If I was not able to handle it, I'd have already cut th' contract.~

IF ~~ a419
 SAY ~[ARAN] You play dangerous games, there, <CHARNAME>. I hope you know what you be doin'. Even th' most callous an' evil creatures have souls what to hurt, you know. Pretty dangerous to be messin' about wi' anyone in your state.~
 + ~Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Do I hear a little jealousy?~ + a418
 + ~Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Do I hear a little jealousy?~ + a417
 ++ ~[PC] Do not worry about it, Aran. Even if it were your business, I know what I am doing.~ EXIT
 ++ ~[PC] You know me better than that. If someone is weak enough to fall under my control, it is natural that I shoulf take advantage of that power.~ EXIT
 ++ ~[PC] I know it is dangerous. But some things... some people are worth the risk.~ EXIT
 + ~!Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I suppose you are about to say you are the only one tough enough to handle the emotional baggage...~ + a420

IF ~~ a420
 SAY ~[ARAN] See, you catch on quick. I knew it were a long shot, but naught ventured, naught gained, eh?~
 = ~[ARAN] I know, I know... 'Aran, shut up and soldier'. You can't blame a lad for an occasional random attempt to get you in th' sack.~

IF ~~ a421
 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I can tell we work right fine together. But sometimes I don't rightly want to share you.~
 + ~Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Do I hear a little jealousy?~ + a418
 + ~Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Do I hear a little jealousy?~ + a417
 ++ ~[PC] Well, there is always a way you could make sure of that. It is a little round thing, usually jeweled, indicates something that begins with 'm'...~ + a424
 ++ ~[PC] You know me better than that. If someone is weak enough to fall under my control, it is natural that I should take advantage of that power. Yourself included.~ EXIT
 ++ ~[PC] I know it is dangerous. But some things... some people are worth the risk. You know I want you in my life. That should be enough for you.~ EXIT
 + ~!Global("c-aranromanceactive","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I suppose you are about to say you are the only one tough enough to handle the emotional baggage... you would have no problem sharing me with another.~ + a420

IF ~~ a422
 SAY ~[ARAN] Huh?~
 ++ ~[PC] Never mind. Sometimes you are so... stupid. That's it. Stupid.~ EXIT
 ++ ~[PC] Watch my mouth, Aran. Better yet, I will draw it on your chest with my finger... 'I'... 'L'... 'O'... 'V'...~ + a424
 ++ ~[PC] Look, if you cannot take a hint, then you will just have to be ordered. That's it, big boy. Trousers. Drop 'em. Now.~ + a424
 ++ ~[PC] Ask me again, later. I will explain it to you in great detail. I might even do a short session of 'show and tell'.~ EXIT

IF ~~ a423
 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. An' I keep hangin' around on account o' when I walk behind you, your cute bottom sways fit to... OUCH!~

IF ~~ a424
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, now, whoa back, there! We started in on a friendly talk askin' on souls, an' existential meanderin's to pass the time, an' suddenly we are talkin' deep romance. Go easy on a poor lad, eh? You might trigger my deep fear o' committment an' lack o' touch wi' my inner self, an' then where'd we be?~ 

IF ~~ a425
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that would be right silly, now, eh? It just goes to show, there be a person for every other person, no matter how strange they be.~
 = ~[ARAN] Hey, stop lookin' at me like that - I meant it well, I tell you! Grumbar's Claws, try to give a compliment, end up gettin' a good friend all ticked off an' bothered. I need to get me some o' them lessons in diplomacy or somethin'.~ 

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I've gotta say, I'm astounded to see the amount of work that goes into making just one fully RP-compatible friendship talk. Astounded, and glad that there are people like you willing to go the distance. Anyway, this reads great.


Oh, and just one quick note to your revision:

++ ~[PC] You know me better than that. If someone is weak enough to fall under my control, it is natural that I shoulf take advantage of that power.~ EXIT
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