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About cmorgan

  • Birthday 04/14/1967

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    Small Town Illinois, USA
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  1. OK, taking a look - (I forgot I had so many area and conditional talks; tough to untangle now. They made sense to me when I wrote them, but I think I made a mare's nest for troubleshooting. Thank goodness I wrote lots of comments in the code...). TL/DR - LT 15 is the first one to fire after Underdark if you are doing a long completionist play and have had 14 LTs and 8 LTs. By design, more intimacy = more content, so a Romance talk won't take the place of a friend talk, it will just add on . If you haven't headed for Spellhold yet, that would explain the hangup. /* Aran's FriendTalks Aim, c-aranfriendbg2, %ARAN_FTT% : delays some talks to be only available after chapter 5 is over */ /* This block takes the even variables set in dialog, and advances them to the odd */ IF GlobalGT("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) GlobalLT("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",39) // shuts down sequence when finished RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL") // Timer Expired GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",%bg2_chapter_5%) // Not in Underdark, and must fire post-losing-soul OR(6) Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",28) // set up SoA_FT_15 Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",30) // set up SoA_FT_16 Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",32) // set up SoA_FT_17 Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",34) // set up SoA_FT_18 Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",36) // set up SoA_FT_19 Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",38) // set up SoA_FT_20 THEN RESPONSE #100 IncrementGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",1) // move up from even to odd END I can't remember if 15 is the sparring match; I probably need to move that one to be available pre-Underdark, as it fits *my* playthrough style. I linger in the first few chapters and delay Spellhold/underdark, and the sparring talk is a nice "alpha-omega" point. It can reinforce a friendship or an adversarial relationship, turn a female PC's attentions towards or away from having a relationship, and the "morning after" three pathways of talks for female PCs makes a really strong finish to a storyline if PC is about to drop Aran W and pick up a torrid romance with another NPC. For the "by the numbers", I have lost track of the gazillion places where ther are interjections and mini reaction talks (thank goodness folks who don't want the whole thing can tell him to stick to only major conversations), but here goes the breakdowns on what I can see right now: ToB CONTENT: 7 Friend Talks including the initial recruiting talk. 7 Love talks including the 1st initial "have your feeling changed" talk that signals that the romance is seen as active and gives PC a chance to disengage unwanted flirts/lovetalks if she is romancing someone else (or not - he happily/grumpily multiromances). No major conditions attached to any of these other than the obvious. SoA CONTENT: Friend talks 1 - 14 fire without Chapter conditions other than not being in Underdark; so FT 1 - 14 could show up all game until they are done. You could recruit him after underdark and still get the main sequence. Underdark suspends the regular talks, and puts up to 5 Underdark-specific friend talks into play (depending on how long you hang around in that chapter and your timer choices). Friend talks 15 - 20 fire after Underdark so that no matter how long PC hangs around town before starting the "end-game" there is content. Romance talks fire independently of Friendtalks (though female PCs can influence Friedtalks into more girlfriendy versions by responses). There should currently be 8 of them in BG2, so it looks like you have hit the end of the specific lovetalks until I get off my tail and get writing again. SPECIFIC TO SPARRING: Just a regular lovetalk - but tthe follow-on for female PCs can be skipped over if something doesn't fire right away. Dude PCs don't have a followup as they don't have the opportunity to take the conversation in that direction, while Dudette PCs can get three potential "Morning After" talks: /* Sparring, females ; Morning After talk : heavy making out or bedding */ /* Sparring, females ; Morning After talk : kissing or making out */ /* Sparring, females : Morning After : disable if it doesn't fire in the morning - identify by global set to 15 */ Hope this helps!
  2. I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry that this is the first thread I see after having to drop everything for RL for a year.
  3. @AL|EN heh - that was silly of me - I should have thought through that more completely
  4. Does LABEL accept .tra references? BEGIN @1007 DESIGNATED 10 LABEL @5207 GROUP @1006 and ACTION_IF (MOD_IS_INSTALLED "BG1NPC" (ID_OF_LABEL "BG1NPC" @127)) BEGIN ? Docs on adding the additional label so that @120 = AranWCore @121 = AranWClassChange etc?
  5. Checked through my notes and the code comments, and this is intended behavior (or rather, it is a limitation of using PIDs this way). The Inn Rest ones are also intended, or rather a logic loophole on my part, as I never thought of them as “free”, but they actually fire without checking for coin or taking it - and neither do the bath house flirts, etc! I’m cool with a free stay The more difficult thing is doing the correct rest movie. If you find any mismatched (like an Inn rest when camping outdoors) I want to fix them. I have a cool “cover all the eventualities in one codeblock by AreaType”, but decided to tailor each one to its expected triggering matching everyone else’s mod code.
  6. Heh. Wow I went overboard on those. Only one of the 5 is an error - I filtered these through several CHAIN s to try to capture other NPCs commentary on him rejoining. The entire set of structures is enough to be its own mod. Dang. Ok, I may need to revisit this after release and simplify it some. Local copy has the one “friendly gesture” line fixed, as it is supposed to fire only if Aerie responds to him rejoining - still has initial state, two intervening fishing nets for other NPCs, and then the action state, which by the “Rule of Three” is one too many. For v2 after release, we can simplify this greatly and simultaneously find more of the BioWare crew to have different responses.
  7. I bet the fix I made to it bypasses the third one - I will recheck and re-enable it!
  8. Thank you for the research! Unfortunately, each one of these states leads from the dialogue state that removes the item. So the sequence is (one example - reply on line 29708 of c-arandialog.d TakePartyItem, go to a2538 - which is the first of the three GiveItemCreate() states.). I am tinkering a bit today, and will have the addition of the Destroy in tonight’s upload. I am hoping that fixes that.
  9. Hmmm. Traced all these down, rechecked - not sure why TakePartyItem(“c-awpkg1”) would fail. I’ll take a second pass tonight to see if there is any possible way of getting the receipt without the package being taken, but tightened this up by making sure each instance of TPI() has an immediate DestroyItem() - ++ @11229 DO ~TakePartyItem(“c-awpkg1”) DestroyItem(“c-awpkg1”)~ + a2548 (a2548 does the GiveItemCreate()) The behavior is correct, except that it was set up with the assumption that you would never have both items at the same time.
  10. The Rasaad/AranW mixup is verified and now fixed in my temporary working files - I’ll post it up tonight with the next update. Apparently WeiDU can’t read my mind when switching between CHAIN and APPEND still trying to figure out what would suspend his flirt initiation script in Underdark. An early version had him skip them, as a Drow male probably would not initiate, but I thought everything was re-enabled; he uses the same flirt timer for all chapters. A puzzle to solve! Cool!
  11. cmorgan


    Congratulations on the new mod!
  12. Hmmm - still trying to track this one down. If you use the PID menu to flirt, they successfully use the Underdark versions, right? The report is that he doesn't initiate flirts while in underdark?
  13. /* ToB FriendTalk 7 : Inspiration: War stories about summoning saving/ruining the day properly - eric */ /* Moonshe Axes */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",13)~ THEN BEGIN a5220 SAY @13833 /* [ARAN] Did you ever get on th’ wrong side of a summonin’? */ ++ @13834 /* [PC] A what? */ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",%ARAN_FTT%)~ + a5221 ++ @13835 /* [PC] I am not sure. Does picking up a chatterbox of a sellsword on the Promenade of Athlaka count? */ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",%ARAN_FTT%)~ + a5222 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3193 /* c-aranshutup60 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3194 /* c-aranshutup61 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3195 /* c-aranshutup62 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3196 /* c-aranshutup63 */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3197 /* c-aranshutup64 */ ++ @13837 /* [PC] I do not think that I have ever had that experience. */ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",%ARAN_FTT%)~ + a5225 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + @13838 /* [PC] I can tell you from both personal experience and study, it is not something most mages live through. */ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",%ARAN_FTT%)~ + a5225 + ~!Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + @13839 /* [PC] I have heard that a miscast summoning is not something most mages live through. */ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",%ARAN_FTT%)~ + a5225 ++ @13840 /* [PC] Yes, I have. */ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",%ARAN_FTT%)~ + a5225 ++ @13841 /* [PC] Why talk about ancient history? We are very powerful now. Why bring up the distant past? */ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",%ARAN_FTT%)~ + a5236 END /* ToB FriendTalk 7 : miscast summoning : goto followup7 */ /* ToB FriendTalk 7 : miscast summoning : followup7 */ IF ~~ a5221 SAY @13842 /* [ARAN] Summonin’. You know, bringin’ in an animal or some sort o’ magical bein’ or somethin’ what to attack your foe. */ ++ @13843 /* [PC] No, I have not been on the wrong side of a summoning. */ + a5225 ++ @13844 /* [PC] I know what it means. It just isn't something that pops up regularly in idle conversation. */ + a5223 ++ @13845 /* [PC] Summoning by wand, by ring, by scroll, or by spell? */ + a5224 ++ @13846 /* [PC] Summ-o-ning. S u m m o n i n g. G. The first syllable is emphasized, and the last 'g' is a hard plosive. */ + a5222 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + @13847 /* [PC] We should both pray together. It will take both of our divine contacts to clean up your speech. */ + a5222 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + @13848 /* [PC] I will pray for you, Aran. It will take all of my divine powers to clean up your speech. */ + a5222 + ~!Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + @13849 /* [PC] You should go pray, Aran. It will take all of your divine contact to clean up your speech. */ + a5222 + ~!Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + @13850 /* [PC] We need to go find a cleric, Aran. It will take someone with strong contact with the divine to clean up your speech. */ + a5222 ++ @13841 /* [PC] Why talk about ancient history? We are very powerful now. Why bring up the distant past? */ + a5236 END IF ~~ a5222 SAY @13851 /* [ARAN] That be right funny. This be me, laughin'. */ = @13852 /* [ARAN] That whole summonin' thing be a right tricky business, an' seein' it go wrong be an experience. */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5225 END IF ~~ a5223 SAY @13853 /* That be an interestin' idea, there. Ordinary conversation. Naught that we do be ordinary, in any sense o' th' word. */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5225 END IF ~~ a5224 SAY @13854 /* [ARAN] As far as I be knowin', any o' those can fail. But I were talkin' about th' spell. Most times, if it goes wrong, you don't rightly survive th' experience. */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5225 END IF ~~ a5225 SAY @13855 /* [ARAN] I did once. Serving’ up in Moonshea, we had ourselves a Wand what got ahead of himself an’ tried to help by summonin’ up some support. Intelligent sort o’ mage, but he were not that wise. */ ++ @13856 /* [PC] An intelligent self-aware wand? Or more tradespeak? */ + a5226 ++ @13857 /* [PC] Was that really necessary? */ + a5228 ++ @13858 /* [PC] So you fought off the summoned creatures, saved the day, and then promptly got drunk. */ + a5227 ++ @13859 /* [PC] Did the spell not work? */ + a5231 ++ @13860 /* [PC] Dear gods, you are determined to tell this story, aren't you. */ + a5227 ++ @13841 /* [PC] Why talk about ancient history? We are very powerful now. Why bring up the distant past? */ + a5236 END IF ~~ a5226 SAY @13861 /* [ARAN] Tradespeak. Th' Wand was castin' a spell, not usin' a wand or staff or naught o' th' sort. */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5227 END IF ~~ a5227 SAY @13862 /* [ARAN] Now, am I goin' to get to tell you th' story, or is this goin' to be one o' those times where you be interruptin' all th' time? */ ++ @13863 /* [PC] It is going to be one of those times. It is worth it to see your face turn all red and twisty when you are interrupted. */ + a5229 ++ @13864 /* [PC] Oh, by all means, tell your story. I will listen intently like a good little <PROGIRLBOY>. */ + a5229 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3193 /* c-aranshutup60 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3194 /* c-aranshutup61 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3195 /* c-aranshutup62 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3196 /* c-aranshutup63 */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3197 /* c-aranshutup64 */ ++ @13865 /* [PC] *I* am interrupting *you*? Who started this conversation, anyways? */ + a5241 ++ @13866 /* [PC] Did I ever tell you about the time I single-handedly fought off a few rats in a storeroom at Candlekeep? It sounds about as exciting as this story. */ + a5241 ++ @13867 /* [PC] Tell the story. I will try not to interrupt. */ + a5229 END IF ~~ a5229 SAY @13868 /* [ARAN] Fine, then. Glad to amuse you. On any account, th' mage were tryin' to summon up some help. */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5228 END IF ~~ a5228 SAY @13869 /* [ARAN] It seemed a right fine idea at th’ time. Unfortunately for us, apparently we were close to some wellmoon, or moonwell, or some sort o’ mystical waters. An’ apparently shadow magic an’ regular summoning’ spells are supposed to be kept separate. */ ++ @13870 /* [PC] Let me guess. He summoned a dragon, and its shadow showed up and ate it. */ + a5231 ++ @13871 /* [PC] I am not really interested in hearing more of this story. I call the shots, Aran. Let's move on. */ + a5241 ++ @13872 /* [PC] I have heard this story at least four times, Aran. Perhaps we could just continue on in silence? */ + a5241 ++ @13873 /* [PC] What do you know about the Moonwells in Moonshea? */ + a5230 ++ @13874 /* [PC] It sounds like you were about to get illuminated by a targeting spell. */ + a5231 END IF ~~ a5230 SAY @13875 /* [ARAN] Naught, or less than naught. An' apparently th' mage what were with us knew less than me, eh? We thought things were on th' path to ruin when th' blighted mage started glowin' a strange bluish color. We were sure he were about to explode. */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5231 END IF ~~ a5231 SAY @13876 /* [ARAN] Worse than that. Something’ went wrong right proper, it did. Instead o’ summonin’ help, he brought in a pack o’ dire wolves what decided that we were th’ best looking’ source o’ a snack around. */ ++ @13877 /* [PC] You are telling me this story, so obviously you found a way to deal with the situation. */ + a5232 ++ @13878 /* [PC] How did the mage react? Poorly, I suppose. */ + a5232 ++ @13879 /* [PC] Snacks. I could eat, you know. How about less talk and we have some of these berries. They are tasty... */ + a5241 ++ @13880 /* [PC] Easy fix - summon some rabbits or any food source, and then run away while the dire wolves feast. I should have been there to fix everything. */ + a5241 ++ @13881 /* [PC] That sounds.... dangerous. */ + a5232 END IF ~~ a5232 SAY @13882 /* [ARAN] Aye. Th’ poor lad panicked, an’ summoned again, an’ sure enough another pack showed up right in th’ midst. We scurried up th’ trees right quick, while th’ two packs fought over which one were going’ to eat us. */ ++ @13883 /* [PC] So now you are stuck up a tree, you have two packs competing to eat you, and you still have your original enemies. This sounds bad. */ + a5233 ++ @13884 /* [PC] They killed each other? */ + a5237 ++ @13872 /* [PC] I have heard this story at least four times, Aran. Perhaps we could just continue on in silence? */ + a5241 ++ @13885 /* [PC] What about your original enemies? I would think you would attract lots of unwanted attention. */ + a5233 ++ @13886 /* [PC] You do realize I have heard this before, right? */ + a5234 END IF ~~ a5233 SAY @13887 /* [ARAN] That be th' whole sum o' it, aye. It did all work out for th' best, though. Our enemies came lookin' to see what all th' noise were about. Two shakes o' a lamb's tail, an' we had front row seats to a grand scrimmage. An when it be over, we just mopped up th' few what were still alive. */ ++ @13888 /* [PC] Are all these stories you tell me truth, or just tall tales? */ + a5239 ++ @13889 /* [PC] Let me guess... then Elminster's Army showed up and you defeated them with your curry. */ + a5240 ++ @13890 /* [PC] I would rather not do any of this, Aran. */ + a5235 ++ @13891 /* [PC] I can see why you like telling stories. They are just hard to believe. */ + a5239 ++ @13892 /* [PC] I think we should visit Moonshea some day. It sounds like it was exciting. */ + a5241 END IF ~~ a5234 SAY @13893 /* [ARAN] What do you be thinkin' happened, then? */ ++ @13894 /* [PC] Well, if it was anything like the last time you told this, then the mage managed to summon two sets of creatures at once, they ate each other, and you all lived happily ever after. */ + a5237 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + @13895 /* [PC] Does it matter? You are telling tall tales anyways. Summoning spells do not interact with the wellsprings on Moonshea. */ + a5239 + ~!Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + @13896 /* [PC] Does it matter? You are telling tall tales anyways. You could say that Cyric Himself showed up and scared you all away. */ + a5239 ++ @13897 /* [PC] The mage polymorphed himself into the shape of a squirrel, and the dire wolves ate him. */ + a5243 ++ @13898 /* [PC] I think the real story is that you fell asleep while on guard duty and had a very vivid dream. */ + a5242 ++ @13899 /* [PC] I really don't care, because the subject of the story should be me, not you. */ + a5242 ++ @13890 /* [PC] I would rather not do any of this, Aran. */ + a5235 END IF ~~ a5235 SAY @13900 /* [ARAN] Do any o' what, exactly? */ ++ @13901 /* [PC] Any of this talking. You tell a story, I tell a story... it distracts us from accomplishing our goals. */ + a5241 ++ @13902 /* [PC] I don't want to tell you your story. I don't want to hear you tell it, either. */ + a5242 ++ @13903 /* [PC] Oh, fine... you had trouble with a mage summoning not one but two separate packs of dire wolves, who ate each other and the enemy. You went home victorious. */ + a5244 ++ @13904 /* [PC] All of the tasks, all of the fighting, all of the running all over, all of the making decisions. Just tell me what to do and I will do it. */ + a5245 ++ @13905 /* [PC] You know me... you tell me. */ + a5245 END IF ~~ a5236 SAY @13906 /* [ARAN] We may be right powerful, but there always be th' need to communicate an' share. Th' ties what bind, an' all. */ ++ @13907 /* [PC] A philosopher and a sellsword. You never fit into any one category, do you. */ + a5238 ++ @13908 /* [PC] I do not need any ties to bind me to my fellow travelers. Talking about the past is a waste of time. */ + a5241 ++ @13909 /* [PC] I see your point. Telling old stories is a way we can all connect to each other. */ + a5238 ++ @13910 /* [PC] The only "connection" I need is for you to do your job. */ + a5241 ++ @13911 /* [PC] I can see why you like telling stories. Are all of them true? */ + a5239 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3193 /* c-aranshutup60 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3194 /* c-aranshutup61 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3195 /* c-aranshutup62 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3196 /* c-aranshutup63 */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + @13836 /* [PC] Not interested. Let's move on, shall we? */ + a3197 /* c-aranshutup64 */ END IF ~~ a5237 SAY @13912 /* [ARAN] Mostly, aye. But it ended up even better, on account o’ our original opponents came over to see what all th’ fuss were about, an’ got eaten for their troubles. We ended up wi’ a nice little victory, an’ all we had to do were finish off th’ stragglers on all sides. */ ++ @13888 /* [PC] Are all these stories you tell me truth, or just tall tales? */ + a5239 ++ @13913 /* [PC] That sounds like the best possible outcome for a very bad situation. */ + a2260 ++ @13914 /* [PC] I wish that you would stop telling stories and just tell me what to do to. */ + a5245 ++ @13889 /* [PC] Let me guess... then Elminster's Army showed up and you defeated them with your curry. */ + a5240 ++ @13890 /* [PC] I would rather not do any of this, Aran. */ + a5235 END IF ~~ a5238 SAY @13915 /* [ARAN] Well now, I will shorten th' story up a bit. I were up in Moonshea, an' we had a mage what summoned a pack o' dire wolves what looked at us like we be dinner. Then he paniked, an' summoned a second set o' dire wolves. */ ++ @13888 /* [PC] Are all these stories you tell me truth, or just tall tales? */ + a5239 ++ @13916 /* [PC] Let me guess what happened next... */ + a5234 ++ @13889 /* [PC] Let me guess... then Elminster's Army showed up and you defeated them with your curry. */ + a5240 ++ @13899 /* [PC] I really don't care, because the subject of the story should be me, not you. */ + a5242 ++ @13890 /* [PC] I would rather not do any of this, Aran. */ + a5235 END IF ~~ a5239 SAY @13917 /* [ARAN] All th’ truth, an’ nothin’ but, on my second sister’s grave. */ ++ @13918 /* [PC] You only have one sister, Aran, and she is very much alive. */ + a5242 ++ @13919 /* [PC] You do realize it is very hard to take you seriously when you exaggerate, right? */ + a5241 ++ @13920 /* [PC] I will take your word for it. */ + a5242 ++ @13921 /* [PC] Some time I will have to tell you about my adventures cleaning the dust out of Candlekeep's Readers Room. Now *there* is a story worth telling. */ + a5242 ++ @13922 /* [PC] Riiiiiiight. */ + a5242 END IF ~~ a5240 SAY @13923 /* [ARAN] Bane's Blood, no... we saw naught o' Elminster. An' an army? Does Elminster have an army? Hey, if he does, where be th' nearest recruitment place? A lad's got to look out for th' future, you know. */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a5241 SAY @13924 /* [ARAN] You do have a point. */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a5242 SAY @13925 /* [ARAN] Well, fancy that. */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a5243 SAY @13926 /* [ARAN] Hold on a mite bit, an' let me get a pen out o' my gear so's to write that down. That sounds like a better story than th; truth, it do. */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a5244 SAY @13927 /* [ARAN] Bane's Black Heart, I needs must apologise. I must have done told that one to you a dozen times if you know it by heart. */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a5245 SAY @13928 /* [ARAN] On that point, I will say naught. Speak to you, aye, an' often. Speak in support o' you, aye, an' rarely needed. Speak about you, aye. Speak for you, now that be a whole other matter entirely. */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* EXISTING_AYE_STATE found in existing files a2260 for ToB */
  14. Content test installed and up on GitHub here (code box not callable on the first topic in this interface, so adding it in the next post).
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