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Games that will be able to run under GemRB?


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So obviously when this project is completed it will be able to run the BG Trilogy, but will it also be able to run the Icewind Dale's? I've got a Mac, and I've always regretted not been able to play those.


Anyway, so will GemRB eventually be able to run the Icewinds under OSX? That would pretty much be a dream come true.


I'd love to help somehow with the project... but, I don't really have any programming/computer skills at all... anything I can do to help?

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The aim is to support all games supported by the Bioware engine, which includes the Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale series plus Planescape Torment. Many addons should work too.


Most work up to now has gone into BG2/TOB.


I think there is no one to maintain OSX compatibility, but there was already some success stories of running it under that OS.

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We actually have someone who takes care of the endianness differences and 32 vs 64 bit problems too.

If there is an endian problem or such, we find it out in about a day :rolleyes:

I believe it is now easier to compile and install gemrb on OSX than on Windows.


The supported official games are planescape: torment, icewind series and baldur's gate series.

And any mods for those games.


Help is accepted. If you find a problem about compiling/installing gemrb, and you can solve it, tell us.

Also, code contributions (guiscript or core engine) are accepted.

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