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Custom scrollbar in mages' books in BG2


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In GemRB already implemented are new scrollbars in the windows like spell selection for mages during character generations and on level up of sorcerers. So if you have installed a lot of mods adding new spells you can choose among all of them during chargen:





But this is only during chargen so far. As a natural supplement to that feature would be an extra scrollbar in mages' books to scroll through all of the known spells. But the standard scrollbar wouldn't really artistically fit there. What do you think it should look like? My imagined mockup is this:




The right number would be the number of subpages on that level (each subpage would consist of max 24 20 spells) and the left number would be the actual subpage.

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That sounds like a good idea, and would be consistent with the chargen stuff. I don't know if it would be feasible with the current code base though.


By the way, is this really needed? I think there is a limit in the number of known spell a mage can have in his book.

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That sounds like a good idea, and would be consistent with the chargen stuff. I don't know if it would be feasible with the current code base though.


I don't know the limitations of the current code base, but as far as I tried to code a bit some extra buttons I imagine it's already doable. I borrowed (copy&paste in gimp) the 'buttons' from world map view, and I already know such buttons can be applied on the fly over chu, e.g. like 25th icon in sorcs level up or 11th in the kit list. Then associate a function redrawing icons to the button click. The text would be somehow drawn just like "GemRB 0.5.0" is now drawn in the welcome window of the game.


By the way, is this really needed? I think there is a limit in the number of known spell a mage can have in his book.


Yes there is a limit in vanilla bg2 - of 24 20 spells :) But I think the resources can take up to 99 of spells per level.

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Lol, I wonder if there exists a mod removing this cap (an other version of "let's remove any difficulty from the game and kill its coolness by letting you create a grosbill" ) like xp cap remover did (one of the first IE mod!)


BTW, "grosbill" is a french RPG idiomatic word. Let's have fun and try to translate it. I vote for BigGeorge.

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I tested vanilla bg2. The pc with 18 intelligence may learn only 18 spells per level. With 19+ intelligence you may learn all spells in game of that level. There are 24 slots in the book, but when you learn 25th and more and than you quit game, load game and delete older spells from spell book, still 24 slots are full, so the >24 spells are all properly stored somewhere, so I think it's all up to gui script to make them available all the time :) About grosbill we could make a max value of known spells more bounded between 19 and 25 of intelligence, but this would have to be a mod.

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This is my my alpha implementation of the sub-pages mechanism (patch against GUIScripts/bg2/GUIMG.py):




Here's the ToB save from bg2+tdd on which I tested it:


BG2+TDD ToB save to test sub pages


The mage has learned 24 of 3rd level spells, and the page is full:


but in inventory there are two additional 3rd level spells, and when you learn them the buttons and label of subpages appear:


And you can go to 2nd subpage to see the freshly learned spells and to be able to memorize them:




Going back to first subpage is broken now, though.

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This would be indeed a great feature, but as you said "CreateButton" in guiscripts are incompatible with *.chu mods (actually hardcoding sprites and coordinates). But I imagine it could be agreed for *.chu mod makers that from now on ID's 65, 66 and 67 in spellbook chu are reserved for this gemrb-only extra buttons/labels, and it is up to moders to design them, and in guiscript we could just check if in chu there are such buttons, and if are present only then to create them. This are just my thoughts, I don't really know much about chu-s, if it would be possible.


edit: I updated the patch, it's now working almost perfectly for me, but there are glitches with clicking the buttons, they don't always react on the event, I'm not sure if it's my fault.


edit: If someone want's to test it but does not know how to apply the patch here the replacement for GUIMG.py script from GemRB/GUIScripts/bg2 directory:



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