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Looking for proof-reader/editor for Neeshka's Romance


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Ugh. I hate to volunteer, as I'd hoped to play the mod without "spoilers" as it were, but since nobody else seems to be doing so...


I'm American and at least like to believe I have a decent sense of spelling and grammar. If you choose, send me a small chunk of material you need edited (i.e. the first love talk or two) and I'll see what I can do. Depending on how time intensive it is, and whether or not you're satisfied with my quality/alacrity, we can work out further details after that.


(arvel_crynyd at hotmail dot com)

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Thank you! Actually, the first 16 are already proof-read, I want to split the rest of the load, so one person doesn't have to read all the endless texts :)



Just saw this post; I don't come here often, haha. I'd also be happy to help you proof-read whatever you need, if you need an extra hand... I'm currently an English major in college going into teaching kids English and working on being a writer, so... :p


arrus.kadenar_at_gmail.com if you want to send me anything. Though it might already be too late for me to get a reply here :c

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Heya, nope, actually your offer of help is very timely! I am just struggling with the last few dialogues, and really hoping to get them all done by the end of this week (the housewarming party side-tracked me this weekend), then I can split them up and voila! Neeshka's on the way :)

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Heya, nope, actually your offer of help is very timely! I am just struggling with the last few dialogues, and really hoping to get them all done by the end of this week (the housewarming party side-tracked me this weekend), then I can split them up and voila! Neeshka's on the way :)


Most excellent! I've been excited about this mod since... well, since I first started playing NWN2 and realized all I could romance as a male was creepy and somewhat annoying Elanee. Neeshka's just so much more fun.


Well, like I said, if you'd like me to edit anything, just shoot me an e-mail. I check it daily-ish :p

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Hey, if you still need any help with anything, I would be glad to lend a hand. I have very little programming skills, so that's out, but any proof reading or anything I would be glad to help.

I'm a tardmonkey


Here is my email:



By the way, I'm an American college student, and kind of a stickler for punctuation and grammar, so I think I'm fairly qualified.

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I'm sorry to say that, since other people have stepped forward, I need to retract my offer to edit. One of the reasons I was reluctant to volunteer in the first place is that I'm having trouble finding full-time work at present. I have some prospects now, but all of them involve uprooting myself to different parts of the state or even country. As a result, with all the instability in my life at present, it's best that you use the other kind offers.


I wish you luck with the mod and thank the other volunteers for doing so. Hopefully, some time after you've released it, things will have settled down and I'll be able to actually play it.

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