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Gavin the garrulous


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I'm finally getting to play this mod ... after not having a working PC for too many moons to count :thumbsup: I'm enjoying it so far, but I do have one query. Gavin is chatting to me every ten minutes or so real time. Is this normal or is this too often. I am playing Tutu with the NPC project, and with BG2Tweaks (but I have the accelrated banter turned off). I'm a bit worried he'll run out of things to say pretty fast at this rate.

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What is your timer set at? If you're running with 15 minutes between LT's, he just may be talking that much. He does have friendship talks, lovetalks, flirts, and chapter talks, though, so he's a bit on the talkative side. And there are places where he will talk too much, because he's also got a few scenery dialogues, too. It might just be that you had an unfortunate coincidence of places where he talks.

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What is your timer set at? If you're running with 15 minutes between LT's, he just may be talking that much. He does have friendship talks, lovetalks, flirts, and chapter talks, though, so he's a bit on the talkative side. And there are places where he will talk too much, because he's also got a few scenery dialogues, too. It might just be that you had an unfortunate coincidence of places where he talks.


I've got the timer set at 90 minutes - the maximum allowed. I've been from Beregost to Nashkel with no side trips, and then as fast as I could out to the gnoll stronghold. Even while searching the stronghold and battling gnolls I'm still getting a comment or flirt every 10 to 15 minutes.


The full list of mods I've got (in order of installation) : Tutu; TutuFix; Tutu sounds; Lost Items (items only); BG UB for Tutu; NPC Project; Gavin; Tweaks; Quest Pack

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Guest Guest_kiwidoc_*
Could you send your weidu log and debug to my screen name at gmail dot com? Something is going on with your installation, but it's hard to see what without a debug.


I've sent you the Weidu, and what I think is the debug. Its a great character and I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far ... especially that gorgeous music :thumbsup:

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