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BG menus in widescreen

Guest Blegh

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I have seen many screenshots where the background in the widescreen BG2 menu is filled in with graphics, like in Ghost Dog's UI mod for PST, but mine is all black. So I have the regular, scaled down menu, with a black background. Not very aesthetically pleasing. Is there a mod to fix this?

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I see that's for BG1... Does it carry over into BG2?
The BGT(WeiDU v1.08) does, the BG1Tutu/EasyTutu doesn't, but in Tutus you can export->import the characters just like in vanilla BG1->BG2, well, expect the Kit choice is already made, so you can't change the fact anymore. And as they all are total conversion mods and are player in the BG2 engine, they do not need the BG1 install after the mod has been installed, so you can uninstall it, but they do require the original to be a clean custom install with everything selected and patched to the v(1.3.)5512...


Now, when it comes to choosing which of those 3 you use, if you have both games and both expansions and wish to play the whole thing, the BGT is your obvious answer...


The install size with BGT is a bit bigger at times, but all the items, spells etc. will do the exact same things throughout the game, and there is no need to install multiple same mods.

But if you intend to install the BGT, we recommend that you use the BWS tool to install all the mods... for compatibility reasons, as you have 300+ mods to choose from. :thumbsup:


If you intend to go with the Tutu, the EasyTutu is the recommended one if you use the English language in the game, as it's English only, but it's more advanced, it can be installed elsewhere than on top of your BG2 install... the recommended multimod install guide is the last post in here.

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Thanks for your replies, but I think there was a communications error somewhere there... :thumbsup:


This is how I want the menu to look --> http://i42.tinypic.com/x7zok.jpg


(excluding the intersecting lines)


Right now, with the widescreen mod, mine is scaled down, centered in the middle of the screen, and sorrounded by black space. My question now is: Since Tutu is for playing BG1 in the BG2 engine, how will using Tutu make my menus like the picture above?


I read the readme's for both mods. This doesn't seem to be addressed in either. I know it''s largely trivial.... But I want it to look nice.

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Thanks for your replies, but I think there was a communications error somewhere there... :thumbsup:

This is how I want the menu to look -->

1024x768 is the biggest BG2 supported resolution. Now, as the picture is taken from one of the BGT GUI's that are installed after the BGT is, it will make that screen if you just set the standard resolution to 1024x768 from the BGconfig.exe, the Widescreen mod will add the black space to the menues, inventory screen, movies, mini-map etc if they are not large enough, but it will extend the games movement screen, and the interface so you can see more of the world surrounding your characters.


Right now, with the widescreen mod, mine is scaled down, centered in the middle of the screen, and sorrounded by black space. My question now is: Since Tutu is for playing BG1 in the BG2 engine, how will using Tutu make my menus like the picture above?
It largely all depends on the GUI in use, and the set resolution... and you'll have to install the GUI before the Widescreen mod or you'll see world in a horror show.


(excluding the intersecting lines)
The lines come from a Graphic card(NVidia) behavior as you set the options to stress out the quality, instead of ~quantity(yes, that's not it's true name, but I forgot what it was called, so sue me), the NVidia cards have other problems as well, but they are covered here.
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